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Sunday, November 10, 2013


Despite the complete failure of both local and federal law enforcement to find any evidence whatsoever of George Zimmerman’s supposed racism ending in the death of black teenager Trayvon Martin in February 2012 in Florida, the Obama administration continues to threaten prosecution against Zimmerman. On Monday, Attorney General Eric Holder said that despite Zimmerman’s acquittal in his second-degree murder trial, the Department of Justice was still considering whether to bring civil rights charges against Zimmerman. “I'm not sure exactly how much longer that will take, but we will get to a point where we are able to make a determination,” he said.

The Obama administration has taken an incredibly active role in the Zimmerman case, with President Obama originally intervening before Zimmerman’s arrest to state that if he had a son, he would have looked like Trayvon Martin; after Zimmerman’s acquittal, Obama gave a speech on race relations in America implying that Zimmerman had racially profiled Martin. 



  1. How about we charge holder with treason for not upholding the right to bear arms

  2. Patriots will soon need to remove B/O and his entire cabinet.
    Hunt the Wolf, Protect the Flock

  3. To 5:36 - I believe you might have something.

    I have been thinking about possibly suing Holder personally, for not upholding the Constitution.

    There are adequate grounds for going after him.

  4. You do that and there will be hell to pay. Are you insane to do this?????

  5. How about we charge all of these black on white crimes that they don't seem to even want to publish in the newspaper. I don't see any of them jumping up hollering about charging any of them with "race or hate crimes" and I haven't seen any mention of civil crimes against any of them. Reverse discrimination much. Typical. It is only "racist" when it happens to a black. If a black is the aggressor then they are just "misguided kids."

  6. The black man in the white house didnt get his way.........

  7. As a Patriot, I agree with above...PROTECT THE FLOCK and hunt the wolf....

  8. I am so sick of the blacks and their racism They need to clean up their act which will never happen.

  9. 7:57 yeah... lots of rhetoric I know, but no action.
    Time to organize.
    The first shot was fired in L.A.
    Obama Marxism is spreading like V.D. in a brothel yet no one will do anything.

  10. We have had at least 3 large protests in D.C. recently. Bikers, truckers and now miners. All peaceful, on the part of the protesters. Can't say the same for government agents or the police.

    All of you are blind to what is going on right in front your noses.

    Arming and equipping the police like the military. Police brutality, illegal actions committed by the police, AND CLEARED of any wrongdoing. Which includes violating rights and MURDERING people, kids and pets.

    And yet there are those among you who applaud these police actions. Even a 13 year old kid got what he had coming according to some of you.

    Those people might as well go join the police side. They are not on our side, nor do we want them with their current way of thinking and allowing abuses and CRIMINAL ACTS to go unchecked, much less punished.

    The government is prodding us every single day, in every way they can think of to provoke us to do something. Yet we sit on our collective asses, doing nothing other than bitching and moaning and saying 'someone' ought to do something.

    There are people out here who would LOVE to do something. But the signals we see from some of you is that you really DON'T WANT anyone to do anything. If you did, you would not say crap like the kid deserved to be murdered. Even shot while on the ground facing away from the cops.

    You people really don't care. You're fat, lazy and happy in your own little bubbles. You think a peaceful protest here and there will change the minds of those in power, and they will say, oh, I'm sorry. You are right, I have done terrible things. I will resign and give my power back to you.

    That scenario will NEVER happen.

    People are getting fed up and protesting. That's a good thing. It shows others they are not alone in their disgust of this admin and the police.

    The founders of this country took enormous risks becoming free. Many lost their houses, fortunes, and just about anything they could lose.

    Some of you won't risk missing an episode of your favorite tv show.

    Until you are prepared to risk losing something, your money, your house, your LIFE, nothing will change. It will only get worse.

    You have to be prepared to die, and KILL, if you want your country and your freedoms back.

    How many of you are willing to do that?

    You can't expect others to do it for you if you are not willing to do the same.

    Stop looking for that 'someone else' and start looking at YOURSELVES.

  11. Holder wouldn't be pursuing this issue is Trayvon was white and Zimmerman was black. Racism is at a high height in Holder, Jackson, Obama, and all the rest who want to be "somebody". But guess what YOu are NOBODIES still!


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