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Sunday, November 10, 2013


A campaign strategist for Republican Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli said that the national GOP abandoned the campaign in its final days.

At the end of the race, Cuccinelli was closing in on Democrat Terry McAuliffe, who eked out a two-point victory on Tuesday despite exit polls that showed McAuliffe was up by seven points.

According to the Washington Post, Chris La Civita said that financial support from national Republican sources dried up on October 1.

“There are a lot of questions people are going to be asking and that is, was leaving Cuccinelli alone in the first week of October, a smart move?” La Civita said after Cuccinelli's concession speech, according to the Post. “We were on our own. Just look at the volume [of ads].”



  1. plus the dems funded a libertarian candidate to be a spoiler for the GOP candidate... can you say VOTER FRAUD

  2. Cuccinelli was taking the lead on legal challenges to Obamacare as VA's AG.

    This is particularly scary because of all of McAuliffe's political scandals. And Virginia used to be counted on as the leading conservative mid-Atlantic state since our country's independence.

    Remember this as yet another data point that shows Republicans and Democrats are heading in the same direction. They divide us on issues but execute the same policy.

  3. This only hurts the republican party. I will not donate another penny to them. It's time for people to support a new party. The tea party is a good choice.

    Electing a republican now days is almost like electing a democrat, they are to liberal for the most part.

  4. Playing the victim. What happened to, maybe it was me?

  5. You idiots that voted for a Libertarian have no room to complain. A vote for a Libertarian is a vote for a Democrat just like McCulife and Obama.

    If you chose to become a Libertarian and claim to be a conservative you are part of the problem and not part of the solution. Stay with the Republican party and try your best to make it better.

    A separate "tea party" isn't a solution either.

    The National GOP that used Virginia's Gubernatorial election to prove a point has some serious issues and someone needs to clean house. This was ridiculous.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Playing the victim. What happened to, maybe it was me?

    November 7, 2013 at 11:53 AM

    I don't know Cookie... What happened? Voter Fraud?

  7. 11:54, so you're saying that even though the GOP threw the election and held up a false candidate who claimed he was TEA Party, then was exposed as GOP, that we should all stand behind the GOP and work to make it better?

    How, by recruiting at the prisons for more thieves and extortionists?

    Keep in mind, there was never a REAL TEA Party candidate who ran in that race.

    Boy, are you ever stupid!

  8. Anonymous said...
    11:54, so you're saying that even though the GOP threw the election and held up a false candidate who claimed he was TEA Party, then was exposed as GOP, that we should all stand behind the GOP and work to make it better?

    How, by recruiting at the prisons for more thieves and extortionists?

    Keep in mind, there was never a REAL TEA Party candidate who ran in that race.

    Boy, are you ever stupid!

    November 7, 2013 at 2:11 PM

    No moron you are stupid for believing it's better to vote for the worse of the two evils. You are to stupid to vote.

  9. Boo hoo I was a victim. Grow up and realize you are the problem.


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