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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Food-Stamps Folly

Donna Brazile says Republicans’ proposed cuts are “cruel,” but who’s really heartless? 

Democratic strategist Donna Brazile recently penned a column for CNN about food stamps and it went positively viral, generating lots of buzz and more than 5,000 comments to date. For voting to slow the growth of food stamps over ten years and increase oversight to prevent fraud, Brazile called House Republicans “pure and simple heartless” and equated their vote with lacing up “some combat boots with rough, crushing soles to kick and kick again the 48 million Americans who count on food stamps.”

In typical liberal fashion, Brazile turns notions of compassion and dignity on their head, casting big government and its devotees as the righteous defenders of the poor and calling anyone who challenges the efficacy of government anti-poverty programs, or who even dares to suggest we reinstate commonsense work requirements that Obama gutted, heartless monsters who kick poor people while they are down.



  1. Tell that to the soldiers families that are getting cut.

  2. 90% of the recepients are not "poor people" ... they are lazy, "I don't want to work"; "you-owe-me" people.

  3. It's 35 dollars, you probably throw that much away. Get over it.

  4. Our government is soliciting illegals with Spanish commercials telling them to sign up for food stamps.
    I respect our military, but I suggest if you are so concerned about the $35 benefit cut, you start getting involved in politics and change the system so that they are not giving your money away to the undeserving.
    Stop the fraud, stop the illegals, get a job, become active.
    Otherwise all you are doing is whining and how's that working for ya?

  5. 5:46
    I'm sure you pulled 90% from some official report.... out of your rear.

    Get real folks. People abuse the system but some people seriously need this assistance. Cuts are not the answer, reforms ARE!

  6. 5:41 wake the hell up you don't know what the hell your talking about libtard.

  7. "Tell that to the soldiers families that are getting cut." Agreed, 5:41. Any service members who are getting food stamps should have their benefits doubled. This should be offset by any healthy, work-capable young men and women having their benefits eliminated. Put up or shut-up, 5:41.

  8. If children get free breakfast and lunch plus dinner in an after school program plus weekend snacks and summer meals, cut that amount from their parents food stamps. Why pay twice to feed school age kids. Some families have five or six kids being fed at school, but their parents are getting enough in food stamps like they're feeding them at home.

  9. 9:13
    You are correct, absolutely.

  10. Another liberal wanting to keep the masses as 'entitlement slaves' to the libotard party.


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