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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Breaking News: Senate Passes LGBT Anti-Discrimination Bill

For the first time, the U.S. Senate approved legislation that would protect gay, lesbian and transgender employees from discrimination in the workplace.

The Employment Nondiscrimination Act, or ENDA, passed the Democratic-led chamber on Thursday, 64 to 32.

"The workplace is simply no place for discrimination," said Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine just before the vote.


  1. Well isn't that special.are they protecting straight rights too.?

  2. Whatever.
    Now the only unprotected class is Whitey.

  3. Time for white peiple to Uprise.

  4. 3:04

    Name a job where you can be fired just for being straight. You already HAVE your rights.

  5. Parents in the town of St. Leonard, MD were aghast after learning what the staff at Heritage Middle School required children to do for a passing grade. The outrage stems from an event held this past Monday, a day which the school had dubbed “LGBTQ Appreciation Day” instructing children to experience the homosexual lifestyle for a single school day or receive a failing grade.
    Students were assigned the different roles throughout LGBTQ culture. Boys were given the task of being masculine homosexuals, feminine homosexuals, cross dressers and a wide variety of other gay archetypes. The young ladies were selected to be lip stick lesbians, or butch lesbians.
    The students were partnered with members of the same sex and they were then made to role-played a day in the life of a gay couple. Holding hands, hugging and other innocent displays of affection were both encouraged and rewarded as extra credit by school officials.
    This controversial event was the brainchild of school principle Caren Shandel.

  6. Litigation nightmare for employers.

  7. Anonymous said...

    Name a job where you can be fired just for being straight. You already HAVE your rights.

    November 7, 2013 at 4:30 PM

    This must be a Homo.

  8. Anonymous said...

    Name a job where you can be fired just for being straight. You already HAVE your rights.

    November 7, 2013 at 4:30 PM

    Name a job where someone actually go fired because they were "gay" or "lesbian?" BTW aren't they one in the same?

  9. November 7, 2013 at 4:42 PM

    Why do I get the feeling this isn't a true story?

  10. Everyone is going to have special rights except NORMAL people.

  11. 5:47
    "Why do I get the feeling this isn't a true story?"

    Google it, it's true, disgusting and outrageous. Pedophile and pervert day is a more appropriate title.

    “I won’t rest until there’s an out-of-the-closet homosexual in every family!” Caren Shandel- school principle

    The school district has made no comment on the matter but they may be soon forced to do so in front of a judge. Several parents have been in contact with lawyers and are currently taking steps in organizing a class action law suit against the school.


  12. In Maryland, you can lose your job just because your employer decides to get rid if you. No reason needed.

    So, 4:30 pm, All jobs in Maryland no matter your religion, color, or sexual preference. Heck, you don't even have to suck at what you do!

  13. Seems to me Caren Shandel will be hard pressed to explain this to GOD at the judgement seat.
    And YES, GOD sent His Son to die for the sins of this world. First you must acknowledge you are a sinner, then accept Christ as your Savior, and give up things that are not pleasing to HIM. One of the things not pleasing to HIM is the homosexual lifestle.

  14. Is it any wonder that Putin won't have any part of this?


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