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Sunday, October 27, 2013


The cause of the recent damage to Wicomico Middle School may have been attributed to a back-up in the storm sewer that caused water to flow into the electrical room - thus causing an electrical fire. There is a muzzle issued on that incident to from City Hall. The Wi Middle facility sustained thousands in damages and also there was extensive work going on just across the street at the municipal pumping station. 
While Ireton and Fredericksen are trying to keep this under wraps, now you know what the scoop/BS is.


  1. I have a child who was too close for comfort during that fire. Small town simpletons put my child at risk.

  2. Interesting. Who ends up paying for the damage that their insurance won't cover? We, the taxpayers?

  3. Surely you are not implying that Fredericksen and his employee Ireton would ever conspire to abuse the power of their respective offices. You can't think they would manipulate the truth or lie outright to keep public information from the public. It seems you also believe they mistreat some employees, especially females, while showing blatant favoritism to others. Where do you get such notions?

  4. I don't know who gave you this information. I just know it's correct. Everyone who worked has been told to keep quiet. The employees who had to work there were put in situations beyond what they were hired for. Fredericksen has been warned several times that the electrical situation at Wi-Middle is a danger. Let's see how long it takes before something real is done about it.

  5. This is a fact jack. I have heard it from both BOE and City of Salisbury employees. Notice that big hole of a patch on both lanes in front of Wi Middle School.

    P.S. it wasn't really a fire. It was nothing more that an electrical short and that is what happens when water comes in contact with electricity. Sure there was an "explosion" but that happens sometimes as well.

  6. I think its bigger than that... anyone with insight into the facility needs of the school system is aware that they are over-capacity on middle school space in the future, AND that the current demographic alignment in the county means they MUST have redistricting...

    What better way to "cook it" then to take the one facility off the table the school system wants to retire more than any other?


  7. That whole area has sewer problems. The city hasn't maintained that area properly for a long time. Just a few months ago, a business had to shut down for a few days because they never did root abatement. There are problems in the residential housing area of Glen Ave, too. I've been on several similar calls in the area, and the city has been to blame each time. But they want the property owner to pay people like me to prove it, instead of assuming responsibility. I guess being a hindrance is cheaper than following proper maintenance plans.

  8. Anonymous said...
    I have a child who was too close for comfort during that fire. Small town simpletons put my child at risk.

    October 24, 2013 at 6:39 AM

    You are a simpleton because it wasn't a fire.

  9. Rick Hoppes arrived on scene and took Command. He is such a fireman's fireman. We all love him so much.


  10. Wi Middle has received several recent upgrades/repairs so that argues against trying to ditch it.

    Masonry was repointed and new windows installed in most of the building.

    Plus it has lucrative speed cameras on Rt 50 and Main Street.

  11. For pete's sake. How can water start a fire?
    believe that & I have a bridge to sell you.

  12. Get out the far boat for the inadequate drainage problems.

  13. Thank god we hve you telling is the real truth.

  14. Most all of the electricians who have worked there during this crisis know full well that was related to an overflow storm drain. When water makes contact with high voltage electricity - it will cause a short and is a life/safety hazard. Why the BOE is covering this incident up is beyond me.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Most all of the electricians who have worked there during this crisis know full well that was related to an overflow storm drain. When water makes contact with high voltage electricity - it will cause a short and is a life/safety hazard. Why the BOE is covering this incident up is beyond me.

    October 27, 2013 at 9:14 AM

    Why did Dr. Freddy give Jim Ireton a cushy job so that he can have time to imitate a mare.

  16. The water shorted the electric out the day before and many students went home. They obviously did not make sure the school was safe for occupancy when they restored service that day. The following day our children were put at risk and returned to school only to have to evacuate due to the FIRE. There was smoke they had to travel through. They were instructed by several staff members not to tell. They put our children and the employees of that school in danger by not properly inspecting after the first power outage. The person who said the school was safe should be fired.

  17. If the community only knew half of the things that take place in almost every school in Wicomico County..why don't you look into the mold and rodent infestation at Beaver Run? But mum the word is on that too, it is sickening!!

  18. Run the far boat hose down the drain and blow it out!

  19. Anonymous said...
    If the community only knew half of the things that take place in almost every school in Wicomico County..why don't you look into the mold and rodent infestation at Beaver Run? But mum the word is on that too, it is sickening!!

    October 27, 2013 at 7:12 PM

    If that is the truth then Dr. Freddy is negligent for not addressing this problem. Would you let your home get run down and infested with mold and rodents? This is a ploy for government worker to get something replaced with new.

  20. I cant tell you this is factual as I have visited the site first hand. This school is in need of serious upgrades and everday that goes by this building is a ticking time bomb. I hope no one is injured when the big crash finally happens!!


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