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Sunday, October 06, 2013

Which Religion Cares The Most About The Homeless?


  1. if he's able to beg he ought to be able to work!

  2. Liberalism . They are going out of their way to convert everyone to homelessness .

  3. please
    who provides shelter and food for the homeless all winter long, giving money to these guys only supports their habits, giving them a cot and warm meals helps them at least try and get on their feet

  4. And here comes the complaining Christians.

  5. 12:04
    You seem to confuse facts with complaining. Maybe you would be willing to tell us who runs the homeless shelters in this area?
    11:39 is correct when you give money to this begger you don't know where he will be spending it.

  6. They need to spend their time trying to better themselves and get off of drugs/alcohol. The one with the dog is NOT homeless, the one by Applebys is a drug/alcohol addict and on and on. Just don't give to them and maybe they will seek out organizations that will help them to get the life on track!

  7. to think he, the beggar who looks healthy enough to get a job, is trying to intimidate the masses...really? get a life sir. get off your rosy red and work. there's no excuse for this.

    and for you who fall for this. one word, CLUELESS.

  8. Jesus said it rains on the unjust as well as the just.

  9. So sick of seeing these dirty smelly addicts hanging around north salisbury shopping center. Why can't they be arrested?

  10. Religion is not about feeding people to lazy to work.

  11. Bring back the WPA.

  12. Religions care about what is in the collection plate, pure and simple, everything else is smoke and mirrors.
    After they build palaces fill their bank accounts they throw some spare change at those disadvantaged for the show.

  13. 4:49 It has nothing to do with helping a fellow man? woman? Why are religious hacks always so judgemental? Using "their" perception over actually taking a second to talk to someone? Religious beliefs have a place, but the people within the religions aren't doing them any justice. Christians are the worst.

    1. how would you know who talks to them .how would you know who's a hack .sounds to me you just don't have God in your life and I'm sorry for that .so this hack will say a prayer for you .

  14. what happened to the "give a man a fish, feed him for a day. teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime."? ill tell you what happened...government.

    you can no longer support yourself let alone a family. government regulations have killed the american dream. fishing for food for your family? sorry, but youll have to get a license. we will also tell you what size fish you can and cannot eat. your boat, if you choose to buy one, must be licensed and up to compliance as well. well, that rules out fishing for my dinner.

    how about a garden? well, you better not give anything to anyone outside your family and your garden better not be too big. oh, and dont think of putting fertilizer on it unless uncle sam approves it. donate it extra? nope. youre now liable and must have a business license and inspections.

    raise cattle, sheep, goats, or other farm animals for food or milk? sorry, that milk must be pastuerized properly and stored at optimal temperatures. all farm animals must be vaccinated and inspected. you cannot slaughter an animal for food (or any other reason) without a license.

    build your own housing? more of the same. inspectors and licenses.

    we have regulated ourselves past the point of taking care of ourselves. thanks for looking out for me big brother!

  15. The same law that allows picketing allows them to carry the signs,or sit on a curb with them or whatever.Local churches at least try to help by volunteering an amount of time weekly or monthly,but they see the hopelessness.


  17. This event is a game of chance.Not a very good indicator of those who will contribute.

    And them some of us know there is a strong chance the money is spent on booze and will not enable a homeless persons addiction.

  18. If you want to support the homeless contribute to a shelter directly. To donate directly to an individual you only ensure that they will be successful in affording their addiction for one more day, and thus will be back again tomorrow. Their only chance to face their problem, is if you stop enabling them to do it.

  19. I saw a guy outside of Camden Yards with a bucket and a sign that said "Not going to lie will be buying beer".

    Now that's an honest bum.


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