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Sunday, October 06, 2013

See If You Can Pick Out The Difference Between These Two Images


  1. President Bush spoke from the heart. Obama has no heart.

  2. A president and a fraud? No teleprompter? Small classroom vs auditorium? No secret service visible in the PRESIDENT's photo, along with a LARGE U.S. flag. No podium, or suit and tie. One has a birth certificate.

  3. No teleprompter for Bush, no Armani suit, no Hollywood lighting. Just a good ole boy talking tto some interested kids. Now for Obama- could not even round up a few kids. Guess they either played hookey or were in the "hood" looking for someone to rob.

  4. Obama is a teleprompter robot that won't speak with children around.
    Only security.
    Think he's afraid for his life much?

  5. LOL, NO visible audience!

  6. Carpet and linoleum is the only difference I see.

  7. LOL-the dope can't even speak to children without a teleprompter.
    He shouldn't even really be speaking to children because they may pick up all the "ah" "ah", "ah's" he peppers ever sentence out of his mouth with.

  8. Obama is a looser as well as the people who voted for him. The man has no class.

  9. The two worst Presidents to ever have been re-elected.

  10. it's hard to believe so many people voted for this moron. The people who produce nothing

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The two worst Presidents to ever have been re-elected.

    September 30, 2013 at 10:11 AM

    You are very young

  12. 1119-Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, Cleveland, McKinley, Wilson, FDR, Eisenhower, Nixon, Clinton, GW Bush, and Obama.

    Theodore Roosevelt,Coolidge, Truman, and LBJ became President when the President died and then were elected to another term, so in a way they were re-elected.

    I'm firm in my opinion that Obama and GW Bush occupy the lowest rungs in Presidential history. Their records speak for themselves. The only folks who defend GW are staunch Republicans who will defend anyone with an R behind their name. Obama's supporters are staunch Democrats who will defend anyone with a D behind their name. Everyone else sees those two for what they are, failures.

  13. President Bush is a real president and leader, they other is a fraud and fake.

  14. One's an AH and the other is the real deal. Guess which is which!

  15. Bush had his faults but he was in control and not controlled like Obama is. Bush also warned and urged congressional inquiry into the housing market (Fannie and Freddie) which had the democratic controlled congress at the time heeded the warning the bad economy may not exist today.

  16. Everyone else sees those two for what they are, failures.

    September 30, 2013 at 11:44 AM

    Is that a scientific poll or just your firm opinion?

  17. The first picture portrays a POS trying to pass as a human being and an American. The second picture portrays a man of courage and honor who is a true American hero.


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