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Sunday, October 06, 2013

Salisbury Residents Shouldn't Complain About Comcast

As most of you know I have been spending quite a bit of time in Ocean City. Because I'm here so much I decided to go ahead and hook up cable TV at the house. The experience of doing such deserves to be posted.

When I was living in Downtown Salisbury I also used Comcast for my cable and Internet access. Not being a big TV viewer I simply ordered the basic package and was charged $19.95 a month. When I asked how many channels basic cable was they told me I'd get nine, I got over 100 when I got home and hooked it up. INTERESTING. They asked how many remotes I'd need and I said, two. They said they'd be $5.00 a month each. I said, excuse me! She replied, oh, that's right. Your only getting basic cable so it will be $ .50 cents a month instead. Now, does that make any sense to any of you?

Nevertheless, I called on Friday to order basic cable for Ocean City and I experienced going through three departments just to get Comcast. The first department asked me for my wants and needs. Then there was the credit department, (even though I had just cancelled my Salisbury cable) and then there was to order department. OK, so basic cable in Ocean City is $39.95 a month, not $19.95 a month. 

Then there's a $50.00 fee to have someone come out and install the line and the one that brought me over the top was when they said I'd be charged $14.95 to PROCESS the order. After I told them where they could shove the entire order they chose to immediately drop that particular fee. 

Over the years I have heard my fair share of complaints about Comcast in Salisbury but I think once you hear what Ocean City residents are being charged Salisbury residents might chill out a little bit. My total bill for Internet and Cable in Ocean City is $79.95 a month.


  1. Thats what my bill is in Salisbury for internet and limited cable...

  2. Basic cable in Salisbury is $19.95 a month. They have other packages they can UP sell you.

  3. Check into Bloosurf, the last I talked to them they were trying to get a tower to serve the Ocean City market. Support a local business and buy an OTA antenna for free TV channels.

  4. Its a monopoly no other competition. I would switch to Direct Tv but they don't offer high speed Internet.

  5. It's a sin City in Salisbury residents really would like to have a nice Low priced cable company we need to push to allow media com to come into town. $60 a month for all the packages Plus high speed internet and a phone. When I moved last year into a Comcast. Jump 2 $110. Living almost in to Vienna regular cable for me is $110 And they state that because they don't have regular cable out here they have changed every structure everything is now Digitalized in my area. they stated the other parts of the county prices are cheaper because they haven't changed their infrastructure yet

  6. Comcast charges it's Salisbury customers for the franchise fee that allows them the exclusive privilege of gouging it's Salisbury customers.

  7. I got turned off to Comcast when I went in the office to get a box for an additional TV and had to show a picture ID. Don't need a picture ID to vote, but you need one to get another box. And we have been Comcast subscribers for many, many years, and the bills have always been paid on time!

  8. It really doesn't matter where you live. They choose to charge you whatever they want at the time. My mother and I only live a few miles apart, have the exact same service plan and our bills are $30 different. We have to call them at least once a years to argue our price back down. Last time I had to sign up for the triple play even though I don't want a home phone just to get a cheaper price.

  9. Comcast is the ultimate example of a giant monopoly taking complete advantage of a captive audience. There are simply no other consistent choices in our area... no FIOS, bad satellite signals, etc. The major problem with Comcast is that your rate/services depend entirely on WHO you talk to at the company, or which way the wind was blowing that day. There is no rhyme or reason for it. Call on Monday, it's one price... Call on Wednesday, it's another... sign up online, yet another. New customer? they all but give it away for free. Long time customer? You're gonna pay at least 4 times what a new customer would for the "privilege" of being loyal. The same day your outrageous monthly bill comes in the mail, you will also get an advertisement from Comcast offering a ridiculously low rate that you don't qualify for. Then, if a sales rep comes to your door, it's yet an entirely different ball game ("don't talk to corporate, ONLY I can give you a better deal"). It's so completely ridiculous that I'm convinced Comcast is run by the government... in fact, it's probably just a little preview of what Obamacare will look like to us average working folks.

  10. I have basic cable and economy internet and live in Ocean City and its $120 a month...tell me that's not ridiculous. But my condo association doesn't allow for satellites so I don't have a choice.

  11. And they did'nt even have to use a gun

  12. Just got off the phone with Comcast. First time I haven't gotten the run around. Lowered my bill from 132$ to 69$ a month(not a promotional rate). Still more than I'd like to pay, but I'm not complaining as quickly(for a little while anyway!).

  13. Yeah well I'd take Comcast any day over Charter Communications which is the only game in town if you happen to live in Crisfield.

  14. More often than not you should get dinner before you are screwed...

  15. If you can afford to live in Ocean City, you can afford to pay more!

  16. Comcast is the pits!!!! I have had the same trouble for the past two years. I have called repeatedly to report. When the technicians come out, their attitude says it all; most of them don't care whether they fix the problem or not. They do the bare minimum then leave. The problem still exists no one actually fixes the problem. I have tried calling the supervisor-that's a real joke. I have left messages and he never calls me back. I get charged approximately $79.00 per month for two outlets, basic service that is out more than in service. The signal freezes and the screen has pixel images. Comcast refuses to fix the problem. I pay more for basic service for comcast than I do for telephone service and that is wrong. On a fixed income I can't keep throwing my money away on a company that won't honor its' commitments to the customer.

    Comcast is a terrible company with terrible credibility, and lazy, careless employees.

  17. If you don't like it or can't afford it, don't buy it....really simple.

  18. 12:25 neighbors had the same problem, and it was a circuit in the box on the pole, affected several homes, took 2 years to resolve because the technicians were clueless and didn't give a rats behind. you are 100% correct.

  19. 11:02 Your condo association cannot forbid satellites. It was a Supreme Court case a couple years ago. Go for it!

  20. Charter in Crisfield is just as bad.Internet goes down every day,has been for months and they keep cancelling meetings with the County commissioners.

  21. You ought to try Mediacom who has a monopoly in Ocean Pines. It costs like $143.00 a monthe for some kind of a box and internet service which has constant problems. This is for pretty much basic service plus the DVR service for recording programs.

  22. It sounds like everyone is going to be upset about anything they have to pay money for you all should just be glad that Comcast is in this area and not some run of the mill service.

  23. I pay almost double that in Salisbury, AND I pay close to the same amount in Ocean City (although the rates in OC ARE higher). Comcast is the worst, and their customer service is horrendous.

  24. It's all FREE online! Just saying. You want the football ticket? There's a site for that. You want porn? There's a site for that. You want to watch the new blockbuster that comes out on friday, but it's monday? There's a site for that.


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