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Sunday, October 20, 2013

RINO McCain Spewing Crap To The American People


  1. Please send him to a retirement home. I also suggest he join the Democratic party.

  2. To bad McCain even came back from Vietnam, too many find Soldiers died and this POS had to come back and help destroy America I guess hes still pissed off.

  3. Senator McCain is no RINo, he's a distingushed Senator, patriot and an American hero. I just love how know nothing political flamethrowers bash decent people simply because the ydisagree with them. That's exactly what is wrong with America today, charlitans wind up the wingnuts for profit without conscience. Truly disgusting.

    1. I'm governor martin O'Malley and I endorse this message.

  4. He is a Traitor to the Republican party.

  5. This was your big hero 5 years ago.

  6. Former POW; nearly gave his life for his country. I think he may have a right to his opinion.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Senator McCain is no RINo, he's a distingushed Senator, patriot and an American hero. I just love how know nothing political flamethrowers bash decent people simply because the ydisagree with them. That's exactly what is wrong with America today, charlitans wind up the wingnuts for profit without conscience. Truly disgusting.

    October 17, 2013 at 4:56 PM

    I hope this post is a joke.

    Not only is McCain a traitor to the Republican Party he is a traitor to the American people. In Viet Nam he squealed like a pig when he was a POW and 'tortured.'

  8. Anonymous said...
    This was your big hero 5 years ago.

    October 17, 2013 at 6:02 PM

    He wasn't the big hero, he was a better choice than your Obammie and still is. At least the senile McCain is an American.

  9. Hes not spewing crap to the American people, just the Republican party. Only idiots watch Fox News anyway!!

  10. Yes, he fought fearlessly for the very liberty's he is betraying on a daily basis.
    He suffered and endured the POW camps that represent the very ideology he seems to be promoting today.
    He was a hero and yes I voted for him 5 years ago simply because he was the lesser of two evils which Barak Hussein Obama proves with every lie he utters.

  11. Funny how some people still liken Fox news and their viewers to idiots. I have found them to be more honest THAN ALL of the other MSM outlets.

    You do have to actively listen and think for yourself, maybe that's the problem for these folks. They have to think.

    If you like your propaganda spoon fed to you, then I can see why you prefer what you watch and don't like Fox. It's okay, you still are allowed to make that choice. For how long though?

    Obammy said yesterday in his speech we should ignore bloggers, talking heads on radio, etc.

    He doesn't want you to get your information from anywhere else than what he says is ok.

    So go ahead little sheeple, run and turn on CNN. You might miss your next set of indoctrination instructions.

  12. 8:25:
    All those who wouldn't please step forward.

  13. How many wars would we be in right now if he was President? He doesn't see a conflict that he doesn't think the US should solve.

  14. the really sad part is better kids them him never made it back from over there. but this POS did and all he can do is f up our country. Remember he was the one who gave the election to obummer! he can burn in hell for all I care!

  15. All those who wouldn't please step forward.

    October 18, 2013 at 6:50 AM

    A lot of people would squeal to STOP torture. He sang before they even ATTEMPTED to torture him.

    He broke his own arm not ejecting from his plane correctly. He is a self-serving POS. Like many others in D.C., but he is at the top of that heap.

  16. 8:11-Which is exactly why I didn't vote for him.Because he was the Republican choice I did not vote that year period.However,few would agree with me,but I think the Electoral College would have reversed the ruling even if McCain had won the popular vote.Just a guess,but it seems like the powers that be were determined to get Obama into office.

  17. this old fool is jealous of all the attention Cruz, Paul and some of the others are getting. There is infighting like in a high school gym. The old guard needs to stand down and fade into the sunset. You can't tell a demoncrat from a repub nowadays.


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