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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pittsville Meeting

Town meeting Monday, October 21st. Hope you can attend. My wife is one of 2 new people running against the 3 incumbents. Still cant believe Denver is running again after what his daughter has done. Her name is Heather Riekert and has pretty much been a life long resident of Pittsville. She has an accounting degree and has worked bookkeeping for over 15 years. All her family lives in Pittsville and take great pride in this town and want the good old boys gone. And accountability... Denver along with his daughter needs to answer questions. We will attempt to ask them at the town meeting Monday but we expect to be shut down. Just want you and other Pittsville residents know there are at least two people who want change. And On election day, you don't have to vote for three. Heather will be available for questions at the meeting if any Pittsville Town residents have questions.


  1. Poster needs to clarify this group of words. Quote: Denver is running again after what his daughter has done. Her name is Heather Riekert. Yes I understand that he went from Denver's daughter to his wife, but others may not. Rephrase it to reflect that: My wife's name is Heather Riekert.

  2. Is the meeting at 7pm?

  3. what is the name of the person running against Denver? what time is the meeting??? where is the meeting???

  4. 5:03
    The way it works is the residents elect 5 people to the town commission. Those 5 people elect who will be the President of the commission. The meetings are always held at the town hall. On the county website for municipalities it state the meeting time is 7:30. However they still have Carla Mason aka Carla Moore as the acting clerk.

  5. The person running is heather riekert .


  7. Pittsville needs to start spending some money on road work. What are her plans for that? Other towns do it, what about us?

  8. salisbury doesn't do it either.

  9. Time and place of meeting ??

  10. Pittsville Town Hall 7:00 be there


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