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Sunday, October 13, 2013

National Park Rangers Ordered To Keep Visitors Out Of Privately Run Businesses

The National Park Service has closed privately run marinas, restaurants and inns throughout the country and in some cases even posted guards to keep people from using them during the government shutdown, arguing that it doesn’t have the money, manpower or authority to let them operate.

But the moves, which likely have thrown thousands of people out of work, are drawing scrutiny from Congress and don’t rest well with many voters who believe the administration is making the effects of the shutdown worse than necessary.

On Friday, the Pisgah Inn on the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina decided it would buck the Park Service’s order and remain open — only to find park rangers come and block the driveway to the inn to prevent anyone from entering. The parkway itself remained open, but the administration said all concessions in national parks must shut.



  1. I hope everyone understands this is an OBAMA move. Anything to make life painful for private citizens.

    He needs to go.

  2. So, bottom line, the "Administration" is spending MORE to shut down facilities that it spends ($0) to let them stay open and do business. This is an act against the shutdown, and just plain thuggery and terrorism by the WH.

  3. Here is what 'SickOfTheStupid' wrote in the comments section of the mother article. And, I totally agree with it.
    "Why are our elected Sheriffs standing by and doing nothing ? The federal government has abdicated its authority the Sheriffs should be reclaiming the property for the states......A Sheriffs authority supersedes any federal authority........time to form posses and reclaim what is ours until we can reform and elect a new federal government!"

  4. Obama is a sick man who needs to be removed from office! Reid and Pelosi should go with him.

  5. I really really hope that you libtards out there learn a lesson.
    When you abdicate your well being to others, (let the government take care of your personal business) they can turn on you in a heartbeat.

  6. It's also odd that an 'immigration reform' rally has been approved to take place on the closed National Mall. If America cannot see this administration as lying hypocrite traitors after this I feel sorry for us.

  7. 5:59 You took the words right out of my mouth. I was thinking the same thing two days ago.

  8. The vindictive Marxist Resident and his idiot progressive supporters have begun the takeover, and America is willingly watching, some in horror some with indifference.
    America has become Amerika.
    The totalitarian Statism has begun.

  9. I have an idea! How about they send all the white house staff home too. Let the Owe-Bama's cook and clean for themselves. They should send all the secret service and White House police home too.

  10. Lets open Assateague on Saturday!
    We need 100 volunteers for the frontal assault and several thousand vacationers to bring up the rear!
    Bring your suntan lotion and metal detectors!
    I can see the headline now.

  11. It has nothing -- NOTHING -- to do with budgets or government shutdown. It has EVERYTHING to do with inflicting as much pain and inconvenience on the American citizens. These are the people you elected to SERVE you. Keep cheering.


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