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Sunday, October 06, 2013


ANNAPOLIS (October 1, 2013) – Governor Martin O’Malley released the following statement on the federal government shutdown and its impact on Maryland:

"The federal government shutdown that Congressional Republicans forced upon us will needlessly hurt hardworking Maryland moms and dads who are federal employees; harm small and large businesses across Maryland -- including health, aerospace, and defense companies; and threaten our State's budget in a time of economic recovery."
"In this year's Maryland budget, we worked with the General Assembly to set aside funds to lessen the impact of sequestration -- another needless blow struck by Congress. We have flexibility on how to use these funds, and we're actively assessing all of our options so that we can minimize the harmful effects of prolonged Congressional recklessness on Maryland families and businesses."


  1. Marty forgot all the furloughs he dished out. Besides it was the SENATE who is dominated by the DEMOCRATS who are refusing to negotiate.

  2. Its like two kids playing in the sandbox. One wants to build a castle, the other a fortress.

    But instead of agreeing to continue building both, they end up arguing about weather or not the sand that was placed in the box three years ago is legally allowed there.

    And now they closed the rest of the playground for all of the other normal kids. Way to go.

  3. 10-01-13
    Tell him to call his brother O up & beef to him. I`m sure there was
    Whitehouse input in this write-up because if the big O got a pair of pink gum-boots today tomorrow the little O would have to have a pair.

  4. Mr. O'Malley. It is Obama who has shut down the government not the Republicans. Obamacare will fail just like you have failed Maryland by taxing the Hell out of us.

  5. Just more BS. I could have predicted this response word-for-word. Now we need to hear from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharp.. Waste of my time.!

  6. 11:48
    Close, but its more like this:

    The rent is due. You have enough money, but your landlord only accepts credit cards. Both you and your spouse agree on paying the rent. But your immature child stole your card and won't give it back because of some random healthcare law passed three years ago (by the house, senate and upheld by the courts).

    In this example, the parents represent democrats and republicans while the child represents the Tea Party folks.

  7. God help us if he is elected president!

  8. It may have been passed, but it was unread at the time. Big mistake.

  9. What a load of crap. BOTH SIDES are idiots.

  10. 11:57 Last year someone stole my credit card but I have not reported it to the police because they are spending less than my wife did.

  11. omalley and every other democratic politicians can go to hell.
    How conveniently he fails to mention all the people whose have lost jobs or hours cut because of obamacare.

  12. Does Owe'Malley issue a PR statement every time a dog craps on a sidewalk in Charm City? Pretty much seems like it.

    Go arm wrestle Biden for votes in Iowa and leave us out of it.

  13. why does omally just shut up and go away the term is up and his political career is over couldnt get a job selling toothpaste


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