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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Wharton Puts First-Year MBA Courses Online For Free

Getting a Wharton MBA involves taking off from work for two years, moving to Philadelphia, and spending about $200,000 on tuition and expenses. Now, with the addition of three new courses on the online learning platform Coursera, you can get much of the course content for free.

While you won’t get the full Wharton on-campus experience—or an internship, career services, or alumni network, for that matter—the new courses in financial accounting, marketing, and corporate finance duplicate much of what you would learn during your first year at the elite business school, says Don Huesman, managing director of the innovation group at Wharton.



  1. Maybe some of the arm chair, monday morning quarterbacks making all the comments about PRMC will take the time to get educated for free....Doubt it!

  2. 709-Of course, knowing the executives at PRMC aren't knowledgeable either, oh, except how to line their pockets and screw the community...


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