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Saturday, September 21, 2013

O'Malley: State Has Recovered All Jobs Lost In Recession

After a week where Governor Martin O'Malley's jobs policy got some high profile criticism, O'Malley said today that Maryland has recovered all of the jobs the state lost during the recession of 2008.

O'Malley's comments came on a day when the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released the August jobs report for Maryland.

The report found the state added 9,700 jobs in August, more than half, 4,900, were in the private sector. The biggest job growth in the private sector came in the business and professional services category which added 3,600 jobs.



  1. Sorry, Marty, making everyone get two 30 hour jobs means half of us are still unemployed, dumbarse! Keep pounding that drum, though, all the welfare folk still belebe yo.

  2. Are we counting all those that gave up and quit looking for jobs?

    What a stupid libtard O'Malley is!

  3. I don't know where these people get their figures but I can tell you that all the positions I have heard about in Salisbury are part time. Someone should tell the gov. that working for 4 hours does not replace a full time job.

  4. lol...the unemployment rate is double from the month that he was sworn in. Can I get a hit of whatever Marty is smoking?

  5. Damn.....must of missed them while I was out looking for a job.
    Or he sent them to other countries.
    Or of course the truth ......bull crap!

  6. A lying political whore to the core. If you say it enough I guess you'll start believing it. I guess he's using the new dumbocrat math to sell his false agenda. He's Maryland's version of Obama and is a legend in his own mind.

  7. But what do you want to bet that in the next election another dumocrap will still be elected govnor?

    Marylanders are much of the problem.

  8. This guy has more sh*t than a John Deer manure spreader.....


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