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Monday, September 23, 2013

The 51st State, Western Maryland: How To Succeed Without Seceding

The mountain natives are restless in Maryland. They want to have it their way, though they represent just 10 percent of the state’s population.

Here are a few things that annoy them:

  • A stream of tax increases (including one on rain!) from Annapolis.
  • State restrictions that devalue their land.
  • Tougher gun-control laws.
  • A bleeding-heart law that does away with the death penalty.
  • A state law legalizing gay marriages.
  • Political map-makers who deprive them of their conservative congressman.


  1. Sounds like about all I don't like!

  2. Well... Lets make Delmarva the
    52nd state, because most of us are annoyed by the same things.

  3. maryland should be broken up into 3 separate states: WESTERN MARYLAND, EASTERN MARYLAND, and CRAPTOWN.

  4. I like my state; just put 4 counties in DC and let us have our state back!


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