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Monday, September 23, 2013

Facebook Blocks Founders Of Patriot Trucker Group For Saying 'God Bless America'

The administrators of the group "Truckers To Shut Down America" were temporarily booted from posting in Facebook for saying "God Bless America." On Sunday afternoon, they were finally back up and posting on their Facebook page, which has gone viral.

Today, the Examiner spoke with the group's founder, Zeeda Andrews. A former trucker herself, Andrews has tapped a nerve by calling for a "General Strike" to protest "the corruption that is destroying America." Americans who believe that the Government is trampling on theConstitution are welcome to join, regardless of party.

Today, the patriot group "Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment" offered to be out in full force, calling the effort one of their "patriot waves" to support the truckers making the trek across the nation to Washington, D.C. on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013, as reported today by the Examiner.



  1. You don't say God now days! You say Ali

  2. Everyone involved or "on" facebook is ridiculously naive.

  3. Their freight charges are what's corrupt!

  4. The page has been shut down now. FB can't let anybody get together to protest the government now, can they?

  5. Anonymous said...
    Everyone involved or "on" facebook is ridiculously naive.

    September 23, 2013 at 12:01 PM

    I'm surprised you could even spell that nonsense.

    Anonymous said...
    Their freight charges are what's corrupt!

    September 23, 2013 at 12:13 PM

    Buy your own truck, pay for your own fuel, tolls, repairs, taxes, fees, insurance, etc., and HAUL YOUR OWN CRAP.

    Then tell us how much YOU paid to bring the freight to your door.

    It isn't magic that brings stuff from point A to point B.

  6. Ahh Facebook, the NSA's most favorite surveillance site. Of course it has got to be politically correct to satisfy the government ass kissing spineless sell-outs to them. Time to start using their own tactics against them: Disinformation. They are more than willing to believe the worst. Give them something to do besides harass good Americans trying to make a change for the better.

  7. 9:28 PM

    Well you got a headstart with disinformation and NO information.

    Did you have a point?


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