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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Salisbury News Featured On "The Blaze

This traffic camera, supposedly in Wicomico County, Maryland, was spray-painted over the lens and tagged with the year 1776, the year the U.S. declared its independence. (Photo via SBY News)


Citizens across the country have grumbled about speed cameras, but someone in Wicomico County, Maryland appears to be making a physical — and political — point.
A photo posted on the blog SBY News shows a traffic camera that’s been spray-painted over the lens and tagged with the year 1776, the year the U.S. declared independence.

“Good for them!” blog publisher Joe Albero wrote.



  1. The Blaze and its leader, Glenn Beck is too far right for me. I am ultra conservative in my thinking but IMO they are so far over the edge I would be unhappy to have my name associated with them. Even O'Reilly and FOX sent Beck packing.

    1. I bet you're just one of those guys that love the speed cameras.

  2. I can deal with Rush better than Glenn Beck.

  3. This story is hilarious!

    The local law enforcement agencies issue fines without physically doing their job. Their real job is to establish and maintain a presence in the public.

    The process of Speed Camera Tickets is totally automated with the exception of verifying the license plate number of course.
    After the cameras are spray painted to prevent the automation, and since Salisbury Police are not visible, they have no idea whom may have committed this awful crime of vandalism.

    The only alternative for them is to reach out to the public, and of all things, ask WBOC to run a story asking the public for help in solving this crime.

    Think about this…

    They want the public to solve the crime for them. Unbelievable at best.

    The headlines on WBOC should have read the following;

    “Salisbury Police Department would like the citizens to solve this crime for us so we can resume sending the citizens of Salisbury and the County automated traffic fines while we continue to remain out of sight from the public eye”.

  4. The point is that the story gets out there.

  5. 1:58 how do you figure they sent him packing? His contract with faux was up and he started his own network. Since you don't support an American business is aljezera more conservative for you?

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The Blaze and its leader, Glenn Beck is too far right for me. I am ultra conservative in my thinking but IMO they are so far over the edge I would be unhappy to have my name associated with them. Even O'Reilly and FOX sent Beck packing.

    September 9, 2013 at 1:58 PM

    You are not Ultra Conservative with this statement. You are obviously a left wingnut who supports Obama and the Democrat establishment.

  7. WBOC would have never had a story to start with if Salisbury News hadn't published the photo. They are in last place, like toilet paper, wiping up the rear.

  8. The one on Foskey still needs a touch up

  9. Get some more spray paint...I see they fixed it again...

  10. I saw over 2 thousand people like this on facebook

  11. I agree with 4:17...who in Delmar voted for these things?????

  12. Who voted for the cameras locally and when did they do it?

  13. April 24, 2011: Salisbury Council Unanimously approves speed cameras (Cohen, Mitchell, Campbell, Spies, Shields)

    June 7, 2011: Wicomico County Unanimously approves speed cameras (Gail Barkovitch, Stevie Prettyman, Bob Culver, Joe Holloway, Matt Holloway, Robert Caldwell, Sheree Sample-Hughes)

    November 10, 2009: Fruitland Council Unanimously approves speed cameras (Greg Olinde, Richard Tull, Raymond Carey, Gloria Ortiz)

    Delmar Maryland...could not find record on who and when...website is antiquated and minutes do not show before 2012. Likely approved in 2011.

  14. IMHO these contraptions should have never been implemented in Wicomico.

    These devices are extracting to much wealth from our citizenry, especially, when they are active even after school closings. Any politician worth their salt would have at least trimmed the local law enforcement budget to help offset the extraction of 'local wealth'. And I might further add - if I were a member of the Local Teamster's UAW UPS union - I would demand a full refund of my union dues for failing to represent me when these devices were being proposed.

  15. Nice going, Joe! Fox getting its news from you just like the rest of us! They all need paint jobs, and 1774 & 6 are great numbers! Have you seen the intersection at 13 and Rt 20 Stein Highway in Seaford" There must be 8 cams there sucking up more info than speeding and red lights! Looks more like NSA data collection!

    1. You are a whack job....NSA data collection?

    2. Yes that's right. they readyour license plate .

  16. If you're Not disobeying the speed limit----you definately have nothing to worry about.

    I really don't understand what the problem is here---The Law states a certain speed---if you don't abide---pay the fine. Reports of
    people flying up & down near school zones are signifigant---as well as other places posted by these speed cameras.
    Police cannot be everywhere --- I'd much rather have them working
    on the highly illegal "things" going on in this County!

    Just slow down---that's all it takes.

    1. how would you feel if the government wanted to stick a camera in your house if you're not breaking the law you have nothing to worry about .

  17. To 6:20 - DITTO! I could not agree with you more.

  18. Ireton's news agency wouldn't touch the story. I guess WBOC is feeling dumb now. Joe Albero, reporting what should be reported, I bet all the idiots who voted against you are thinking twice now!!

  19. Great job! Lets not stop with just one! I say spray paint them all and the surveillance cameras as well!!!!
    Drive by with a paintball gun should do the trick!!!

  20. While we are at it....let's set something on fire!!! Then we can ram our cars through all the police stations!!! WOW....WE ALL ARE NUTS!!!

  21. I don't suppose that one of you could explain exactly how vandalism of a speed enforcement tool is such a wonderful and patriotic action? I'm just not getting this...

    1. That's because your a liberal . So we don't expect you to.

  22. To 6:20 Posting that says,
    'If you're Not disobeying the speed limit----you definately have nothing to worry about.'

    Response: Some people just don't get it. It's your Freedom that's at stake. Next - they will be setting up toll booths at every major artery and a person traversing from Salisbury to Powellville will have to start paying a toll.

    And some may say I'm exaggerating - but then again - we now have a 'rain tax' and who would have ever thought in a million years we would not be assessed that.

  23. 7:51 you're the naive whack job my friend.
    This is exactly what the government is doing. You don't think they are monitoring all of the cams on the roads and highways? These speed cams may also have tag readers. All the information recorded by the "private" company that just so happens to have a very cozy relationship with law enforcement and Government. How do you think they issue tickets? Then, complex algorithms crunch the info. It is sold to insurance companies, the auto industry and anyone else that is buying.
    The Government can tell you where you've been and when you were there better than you can remember.

  24. Crisfield has installed a speed camera recently for the same reason "money". The school has been in the same location for a hundred years without a traffic incident and now they say the camera is needed for safety reasons. Just how stupid do elected officials think we are. I do have to admit we must be stupid to keep electing the same idiots to office.

  25. they are not about safety, they are about MONEY shame on all the politcos that voted for them. thanks sjd

  26. This sounds like guys in their 30's.Really young people don't have a grasp of freedom and liberty like the older people.One can stand at each site and easily see their exit route.Now that SBY has gone national,undercover cops and cameras will be utilized to find out just who is doing this.Copycats just might chime in to share the limelight,or take the blame/credit altogether.Move over Snowden,now we have our own local heros.

  27. @9:21, they are probably younger then you think, besides, isn't it all those older people that have been running this country to the ground anyway?

  28. 10:12 -I agree.That's why I wedged in the 30's crowd.They are in between the really young ones and younger than most who are running this country.Maybe SBY is not a typical US town,but it seems that the youth here have little or no respect for anything or anyone.Definately not an interest in our history or specific dates.


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