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Saturday, September 21, 2013

OC Beach Replenishment Project Pushed To Early ‘14

OCEAN CITY — It now appears an emergency beach replenishment project for the Ocean City beaches originally believed to be set for this fall will now take place in early 2014 with a completion date in April.

During Hurricane Sandy last October, the Ocean City beaches took a hit with severe erosion and the destruction of much of the face of the extensive protective dune system. Much of the erosion has been corrected by natural processes over the course of last spring and throughout the summer, but evidence of the storm still exists in many places, particularly in the traditional narrow portions of the barrier island.


1 comment:

  1. "Much of the erosion has been corrected by natural processes over the course of last spring and throughout the summer"
    That's interesting. Wait a while longer it will repair itself completely and save taxpayers billions.


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