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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hillary Clinton's Image Control: Security Swipes Man's Phone, Erases Pic Of Her At Speech

Hillary Clinton quietly slipped into Miami on Thursday to address a travel agents convention in a speech where the former secretary of state said little about troubles abroad or the future ambitions of the likely presidential-race frontrunner.

Clinton slipped a question about what it would take for the United States to elect its first female leader, Clinton was quick with a joke.

“Well, it’ll take a crazy person,” she said, drawing laughs from the crowd at the American Society of Travel Agents’ global convention.

Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2013/09/hillary-clintons-image-control-security-swipes-mans-phone-erases-pic-of-her-at-speech.html#storylink=cpy


  1. Hillary has an army of "brownshirts" protecting her it seems... Hillary lied to the country while using the caskets of the dead Benghazi Americans--and STILL this country will vote her as POTUS.

  2. That's one phone that will never work right again.

  3. God help us if she becomes prez...but people are so stupid, they will vote for her despite all the scandals and law breaking she has been involved with.

  4. Have you noticed how many of the Clinton's supporters and campaign aides have been arrested and put in jail?
    Why haven't the heads of corruption the Clinton's themselves every been arrested for their corruption?

  5. They have Caroline Kennedy in the wings just in case Hillary cannot pass the test. I would NEVER vote for either.

  6. That broom rider needs too go to jail!

  7. Hillary has an "Image Control" department???? What are they going to do, cover up Bengazi????


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