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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sandy-Damaged Cars Could Flood Region

WASHINGTON - It's been nine months since Superstorm Sandy raised havoc along the East Coast, and now a new threat has been born -- cars damaged by the storm are showing up for sale without proper warning.

The National Insurance Crime Bureau says an estimated 250,000 cars were damaged by the storm. In many cases, they may have been damaged in dealership parking lots, have low mileage and look good.

There some things you can do to protect yourself from getting ripped off by buying one of these cars.



  1. This happened to me. I purchased a 2003 pickup that was unknowingly in the hurricane Katrina. There was nothing on the car fax that showed the info. I had to do a bunch of research to find out that it was on a car lot in New Orleans. In fairness to the local dealer he had no clue either.

  2. Bailout money should be reserved to recycle flood cars.We pretty much know ahead of time that a hurricane will strike somewhere along the east or west coast,and we know that millions of cars will be damaged.Not rocket science.It happens routinely and can be anticipated.

  3. 3:45 where did you finally see this info? please advise...thanks


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