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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Forget Apology: Eric Holder Owes The American People A Resignation

Bloomberg's Jon Weil, who has compiled the following stunning array of lies regarding the DOJ's enforcement activity disclosed by none other than its head, Eric Holder, is far too kind when he says that the "fast and furious" Holder owes the American people an apology. What we really owes is at least a resignation (and frankly much more, but it is too early on Monday to become too politically incorrect). And considering that the DOJ in its nowformer employee Lanny Brauer's words refused to prosecute those banks which were deemed "too big to prosecute", the lying here has now became a meta phenomenon, as the DOJ is effectively caught lying about lying. How many more meta levels of higher up fraud "inception" can Holder take this, before the American people finally demand his head, metaphorically-speaking of course? Sadly, judging by the response to unprecedented scandals coming out of this administration so far, the answer is... more.


1 comment:

  1. How many times must you be told that they don't care what you think about their legal violations. They LAUGH at our "objections" and "concerns". And continue to do whatever they want. We, the people, are no longer in charge. You cheered and they responded accordingly.....


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