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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

OC Parking Meter Petition Successful: Counsil Votes To Repeal Paid Parking Ordinance

BREAKING NEWS: OC Parking Meter Petition Successful; Council Votes To Repeal Paid Parking Ordinance
As a result of the paid parking petition officially garnering enough signatures to be placed on the ballot as a referendum, the Ocean City Council voted this afternoon to repeal the recent ordinance that created new parking areas in certain parts of town, such as on 146th Street oceanside. The ordinance will officially be repealed next week at a legislative session, but city officials reported at the meeting that the Cale machines installed earlier this summer at the new areas will be bagged immediately. According to Staff Writer Joanne Shriner, who is covering the meeting, 1,226 signatures were needed for the petition to be successful and 1,648 signatures were ruled valid with 123 being deemed invalid. It's believed today's vote of the council to abandon the current areas was made instead of a referendum being held at a later date to garner resident opinions on the matter. Full story to come later.
Photo: The parking machine at the 65th Street parking lot in front of the police station and District Court building is pictured earlier today. As a result of today's vote, the machine and those like it recently approved in new areas will be bagged. Photo by Steve Green


  1. Too bad the the Mayor & council decided to install them in the first. A bunch of greedy fools is what they are. They pissed off a ton of vacationers who line their pockets and who may not return next summer due to their ignorance.

  2. It is unfortunate that OC does not have something like this blog to keep us more informed about OC. This is one example of local lawmakers enacting another tax-and-spend issue, but the folks acted quickly and the council wisely obliged. This is small potatoes compared to the real issue in OC, one that is not publicized but is on everyone's mind (everyone except the mayor and most of the council). This issue will ripple through the next election if virtually anyone would run against the current mayor/council on a platform to take back the boardwalk from the thugs who completely dominate the boards after 10 PM.

    All of the other factors which are hurting OC tourism (bad economy, gas prices, expensive lodging) have all put a dent in the tourist trade, but they won't totally ruin it. That is happening on the boards every night and it's going to get worse. All the families and decent visitors have seen what's going on and they aren't coming back. All those thousands of unsold condominiums that the mayor and other realtors worked so hard to get up in the air (think real estate commissions, folks) are not being bought to the thugs, and other people don't want to buy them either. They used to come to the beach to get away from people like that. Soon, it's going to be Detroit On The Dunes here.

    The mayor and council don't want to side with the one or two who want something done about it. Next election will be very telling for them. I think a couple of them read this blog. You may not be responsible for the undoing of OC but you are standing idly by, doing nothing about it.

  3. Thanks Joe Hall. By the way, who wrote these full sentences for you?

  4. Anonymous 6:15, sit tight, help is on the way. I have created a new Blog and will be spending 50% of my time in Ocean City and the other 50% in the Salisbury area.

  5. 6:15 here, not Joe Hall by the way, and did not vote for him any time he ran. This time around, I voted for the people who ended up winning anyway. They're good people but they are missing the boat big time on the demise of the boardwalk and the effect it will have on future tourism.

    Joe - thanks for the good news! Help is indeed on the way.

  6. Good news! Parking meters defeated and Joe is going to cover OC news.

  7. Oh please 6:49. You must be one of the Happy Larry's from The Dispatch who instead of having an intelligent defense to a comment plays guessing games as to who is who and/or challenges people to come and say it to your face or some other silly comment. Grow the hell up or if you want to continue play ridiculous guessing games stay on the Dispatch.
    What's telling about your comments though is the lack of a defense.
    So it must be true what people are saying-the majority is nothing but a bunch of low IQ peons without a pot to take a leak in themselves therefore not knowing how to do anything other than borrow and spend other people's money.
    Now this latest fiasco just proves how inept they are. Oh run out and purchase these machines before doing their homework which includes getting out and talking to property owners and not playing on Facebook like children.

  8. Reduce all city employee salaries by 20%, and 50% contributions to the health insurance, reduce seasonal jobs back to 2000 rates, and fix the unfunded gap in retirement, that will fix the budget. Go back to what was considered a family entertainment, get rid of the casinos, golf course, biker week, due tour, and hip hop concerts. Not possible?

  9. I am sorry Joe Hall (anon 9:07 AM,) I don't understand what you are trying to say.

    Ask somebody to help you, please.


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