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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

NSA Paid Millions To Google, Yahoo, Microsoft For Surveillance

Top-secret documents obtained by The Guardianreveal the National Security Agency (NSA) paid millions of dollars to Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft to cover costs associated with the agency's PRISM surveillance program.

The revelation is the the first evidence of a financial relationship between the government and Silicon Valley, the newspaper claims.

The government is required to cover compliance costs. Critics say Silicon Valley and the federal government's increasing coziness creates opportunities for collusion and costly cronyism at the expense of taxpayers.



  1. Now the citizenry is looking for an alternative that didn't participate in the Kool-Aid.......

  2. oh well...

    Should've listened to US CONSPIRACY THEORISTS huh?

    It can't be a conspiracy if it is actuality... If you can prove it, you can see it, you live it, then my friend that is nowhere near a conspiracy that is actuality...

  3. Hysterical. The tax paying citizens are paying to be spied upon and the spies go out of their way to avoid taxes at every turn.


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