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Monday, July 22, 2013

Zimmerman Speech Obama Should Have Give

My fellow Americans:

I am your humble servant. You have entrusted me with the tremendous honor and responsibility to serve you as president. I am not president of black America, Hispanic America or white America. I am not president of liberal America or conservative America. I am president of the United States of America.

Regrettably, as a nation, we have become divided. I confess that I have contributed to this division. For this failure in leadership, I ask your forgiveness.

We were each created equal by a God of forgiveness. It is now time that we do as He commands; that we forgive one another as we are forgiven and that we come together, once and for all, as one America.



  1. That would have been the intelligent thing to do in order to unite people. But, number 1, he is not intelligent nor does he want to have peace amongst the races. He truly wants to cause unrest to take away from his other problems.

  2. Yeah, but that would be an honorable American thing to do. Obama is not about that. Neither are his "Peeps".

  3. Heard that the CEO of PRMC will be a lecturer at SU teaching management and marketing? Did I hear this correctly?

  4. Obama is far from honorable and he would never ever give a speech like this.

  5. Oh how I wish Obama could break the chains of his handlers like George Soros, and Zbignew Bryzynski. Stop being pimped by Goldman Sachs, and the military industrial complex, and say something like this.

  6. one good joint and the man might just do it...

  7. You could have all watched and seen Jesus himself come down to stand by Obama's side while he gave a speech and you would have still talked trash.

  8. "Anonymous said...
    Oh how I wish Obama could break the chains of his handlers like George Soros, and Zbignew Bryzynski. Stop being pimped by Goldman Sachs, and the military industrial complex, and say something like this.

    July 22, 2013 at 10:15 PM"

    obama's happy as hell because now he thinks he's one of the "big dogs." Quite the opposite is true. The real true big dogs of the corporate world laugh at the way he jumps when they say jump. He's the quintessential house slave.

  9. Well written and appropriate...and correct...too bad he doesn't have thee decency to man-up....


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