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Monday, July 22, 2013

Doctor Diagnoses Female Patient With A Painful Case Of 'Ghetto Booty': Complaint

JACKSON, Tenn. – A woman in Tennessee filed a complaint with the Tennessee Department of Health after she said a doctor told her that her back pain was caused by her ‘ghetto booty.’

“I think I blacked out after he said ‘ghetto booty.’ I think my mind was just stuck on the phrase because I couldn’t believe he said that,” Terry Ragland, 55, said.



  1. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that what he described as the doctor as to what lead up to dilemma was a direct result in the diagnosis that this whole received. Am I close?

  2. Big Pharma gotta drug for that!

  3. All the hoopla over this? The least she could have done was show a shot of the her, um disorder.

  4. 9:10PM... what?!?


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