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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Will Cracker Barrel Come To Salisbury?


Not sure if this is true... Cracker Barrel is supposed to be coming to the “old Zias” location and the hold up is the city is not approving their signage. The city code says it’s too high and cracker barrel always uses a tall sign to be visible from the by-pass; hence the hold up.


  1. If the code is a height restriction - they should not waive it...apply it to all equally. If they waive it for these guys - they should repeal it for all!

    Let's not provide one business with an unfair advantage...Denny's would want a taller sign on the other side of town too! Although that may be under county jurisdiction.

  2. Better spray for roaches before they move anything in there!

  3. @9:31 i'm pretty sure they'd tear the building down and start from scratch.

  4. Spray? I think they will demolish and build a new building.Most big chains do that.

  5. This is not a Salisbury University fueled business so you can forget about the city bending over backwards....

  6. Just what we need another feeding trough. Yuck

  7. When Cracker barrel comes this will put a big hurting on our LOCAL Restaurants. We travel up to Delmar several times a week. Every time a new chain opens up the everyone FLOCKS there. We ate at cracker Barrel last month. It is the same food at Golden Corral. The only difference they bring it to the table. Go to their web site and check out their menu.
    Same goes for flaming grill..the same food is served at China Town. WHY do people have to go to he NEW places when they can already have what they offer. Same thing with the hot wings place. Everyone has "wings" on their menu. Why do they stand in line for ever and when finished complain about the wait and the food was nothing special.
    WHY do we have all these out of town restaurants setting up shop here. There are so many people and so much money to be spent. It is mind bogeling. If YOU people like our local restaurants please support them. If not we will look like a lot of towns..same chain same food as in every other town.
    The local owner is your neighbor, friend someone trying to make a house payment, send their children to school.

  8. its coming at some point. zia's is being torn down and will be a CVS. cracker barrel will be build in the parking lot to the NORTH of the old ZIAs. i have seen the site plans

  9. 9:52..... I agree, lets support our local businesses.

  10. I think Delmar turned them away for the same stupid reason. I believe they were trying to put it in front of the Holiday Inn Express.

    1. Wrong. Same reasons, yes but the location was in Delmar DE where the dollar general is now.

  11. From what I hear Cracker Barrels building is much larger than Zias
    How do they get away with having a larger building? Our government does a different zone so all of the customers can share the same parking lot. So if you go to this restaurant you might have to park at gander mountain. OK maybe when the sun shines, but wont like wading thru the rain or snow.

    ALSO the height of the sign..IF IT DONT FIT OUR REGULATIIONS our government should NOT give them a variance. Our local businesses would have to go by the code.
    First place we don't need them here and we don't need a sign that can be seen on the by pass. If you agree call our government at planning and zoning.

  12. I hope they DONT come to Salisbury!

  13. Maybe if they get gillis involved, it will happen quickly!

  14. Companies like this hurt the local economy more then they help. Eat local, skip the chains.

  15. @9:52 perhaps some of us PREFER the chain restaurants over the local restaurants. NOT EVERYONE enjoys the locally owned placed. and Cracker Barrel is so far from Golden Corral its crazy. I can't stand GC - it smells like piss in there ever time i've ever been in there. Reminds me of the way Roy Rogers used to smell back in the day. GROSS!

  16. Bet the cardio surgeons are rubbing their hands in glee over this one.

  17. 10:01 I will, as soon as they stop buying holt and sysco pre arranged food, and local source their food. I'm tired of biting into "flounder" and realizing it's just talapia. Sobo's does ok, along with a couple of others... but the overall, buy cheap, sell high mentality is what's killing them, not the big restaurants.

  18. I think Cracker Barrel will do great in this demographic!! I also think that a little competition never hurt anyone. I support locally owned businesses all the time like Mojo's and Roadies but I can't eat there every day. I think that its great that Salisbury is giving the consumer more options.

  19. 10:44 It is all about the choices you make.

  20. I'm not an expert at anything,but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express once.I say bring back the Howard Johnson's that was there many years ago.Most of you can recall that,or at least those of you who are at least 50 years old.

  21. 11:15 You ever seen the people walking/waddling into a Cracker Barrel?

  22. I believe the Route 50 signage for Brew River is not according to law either.

  23. I am not 50 but remember howards johnsons...

    there have been a few spots CB wanted to be, and each time the city if SBY told them no because of the sign height... Proposed all the locations you want, but if you're in wicomico county or the city of SBY you can forget it...

    Like the others said, I rather have a chain here so I know in the long run it might stay a while, as the local restaurants are leaving or closing down all the time... All the local restaurants do buy from syco and holt and thats no different than eating at a chain...

    NO one can afford to pay 10 bucks for a burger that is mediocre... People are being taxed to death and you expect them to support local restaurants... must be nice to have money to eat out everyday and night... how about you give some to me or some other folks who need it... since most of you didn't work for that money anyhow and since most of that money came from me and taxpayers...

  24. If and when you order fish no matter how it is breaded you would know what you ordered. I order blackened cat fish and I can see what it is.
    Our local restaurants use US Foods, Sysco. The chains bring their food in a tractor trailer frozen what's the difference.?
    We have locals who make their soups fresh every day. We have a local restaurant who makes your order while you wait and made FRESH
    That place is Viet Taste. They are LOCAL.
    More of your money stays local than any of the chains/franchises.

    Not to many restaurants can go outback and catch your fish and cook it or go to the hen house and get fresh eggs or kill that chicken for your dinner.
    Get Real.

  25. Crackle Barrel would be awesome!

    1. I agree with Ilene Dream. A Cracker Barrel would be awesome. It will also bring much needed jobs to the area.

  26. There are 532 restaurants/etc in Wicomico County. Do you really think we need more?
    Look at the walking/waddling people at Golden Corral.
    Same food. Compare menus. Maybe corral smells like urine but the food is the same as corral.
    The corral is probably saturated with grease and smells.

    We eat local It keeps our neighbors in business. They support our tax base.

  27. 11:36 You really believe that crap? Walk into SOBO and tell me how many people eating in there are getting assistance.

  28. Is 11:08 Laura Mitchell weighing in?

  29. Let's look at this logically. Salisbury & Wicomico County are both experiencing job loss, lost tax revenue as a result of business closures and a basic look of blight because of the number of vacant business buildings. And now, they want to argue over a sign height restriction that can be waived. Yes, regulations are necessary to some degree but common sense and a pro-business attitude would go a long way to help our city and county.

  30. Cracker Barrel food is such crap. If you close your eyes while you eat it you cant tell if its chicken fried steak or dumplings. People go bat-s%!t crazy for the stuff!! Hilarious!

  31. @10:44 AM

    Do you also prefer heart disease, Walmart, and sitting on your recliner for 10 hours out of the day?

    If you prefer chain restaurants you either have no taste buds or are too scared to venture to something that's not mass produced.

  32. CB food is disgusting. their retail stuff is touristy and overpriced. STAY AWAY CB!

  33. don't you think your local places use the disturbers try again they use them as well as the big chains that is how they save money don't try and say they do all home made

  34. Its funny.... Cracker Barrel built in Kent Island area and the sign is almost at ground level. It did not stop them from moving there.

    I do agree that the sign code was already broke by the city for Brew River being allowed what in any other instance would be considered an off premise sign which is not allowed by code. But if your name is Hanna you can pretty much do what you want.

  35. Ok. What about the Salisbury University sign on the new water tower? And don't try to tell me its non profit!

  36. Laura Weighing in? Eating cracker or corral.

    11:36 food stamps/welfare can be cashed in at an atm and these people can eat where they wish. Sobo's is LOCAL Or they can go next
    door at 1 fish and purchase crabs on the card.
    Don't tell me people on assistance can't eat at Sobo's or anywhere else. They can.

  37. 12:02 PM:

    Yes, at about 200 pounds.

  38. Go up to Kent Island their Cracker Barrel sign is not very tall so what is the difference here. Only the city is anti business.

  39. For those you you who hate Cracker Barrel and chain restaurants I have great news.....you don't have to go.

  40. @2:23 While it may create jobs now, it will ultimately take away more jobs from the community then it creates by closing down local business who cant compete with the large financial backing that these chains have. On average chain stores pay lower wages then locally owned business as well, further hurting the local economy.

    @4:20 and who says I have to sit here and watch another mediocre chain restaurant pop up? I'm tired of driving across this country and finding that every town looks the same thanks to these crappy chain brands.

  41. for the Many commenters regarding the sign issue; the post stated they thought the regs on the books may be holding back cracker barrel from progressing. apparently the regs say the sign can only be so high and cracker barrel wants the sign to be seen from the by-pass.

    the cracker barrel near the bay bridge is already on the "main drag"; Rt. 50; hence no need for a taller sign.

    the post even stated this problem has not been confirmed, but they heard this.

    if, in fact the process is being held up because of regulations, shame on our local government once again. as usual, they are NOT business friendly.

    as far as the food offered at cracker barrel, someone likes it because they do a heck of a business. not everyone can afford higher priced eateries and not everyone wants sushi or buffalo burgers. we all have different tastes and pockets; so I welcome cracker barrel and I will continue to support the locals all over Delmarva.

  42. Speaking of that New York fried chicken down town is it chain or local ?

  43. They don't need a tall sign that can be seen from the by-pass because there are signs at every exit telling you what restaurants are nearby. Put Cracker Barrel on that exit sign & people will know how to get there.

  44. 9:52 am the reason I go to some restaurants are because of the taste like you said about china town and the flaming grill there taste and the cooking style are different and that makes the major difference for me since I can't eat at china town or any type of fake Chinese buffets, yes fake none serve true Chinese food. The reason is I get sick from the greasiness or some of there ingredients. There is a lot of restaurants I can't eat from with out getting something like food poisoning

  45. How dumb can you locals be? CB isn't coming here for your patronage they want the through traffic! So naive.

  46. Hey 11:39 it's state property the city has no say or regulates what goes on state owned property...You all are so ignorant and uniformed....

  47. Too funny. Cracker Barrel, I would not be caught dead in one. However, I almost died last time I ate at Zia's therefore it will probably be a slight improvement. BWW's is awful and the food is better than the service. Flaming Grill... no thanks. Bob Evans - a dump. Golden Corral... never. Any bets on when Famous Dave's will close up? I give it one more year. I get a kick out of going to Ruby Tuesdays and watching the local dress in their Sunday best as if they just arrived at a five star restaurant. Salisbury folk have no clue what constitutes decent food. When I arrived in this god-forsaken town McDonald's was runner up for best burger and Subway won best Hoagie. Truth is CB will come and the locals will line up in droves. In fact, I bet they will even bring there own plastic trays to eat on and tupperware for the left overs.

  48. Exactly 9:31. When people travel they want what's familiar and consistent. Some people get the sh*ts when they eat at mom and pop joints. Not to mention accountability. When something is wrong at a chain restaurant and a complaint is lodged you usually get results. Furthermore, most chain restaurants are clean and don't smell of backed up sewage and the carpets aren't sticky!

  49. Oh god, here we go again....If the local places didn't serve crappy food on sticky plates in smelly buildings, more people would go to them.

    All of the people who piss and moan about the chains coming into SBY are idiots. Every single one of you want to see SBY grow. There aren't enough local people to have only local businesses to go to. WIthout these chains coming in here, this place will remain as stagnate as it has been for the last 5 years. Personally I welcome Buffalo Wild Wings and Cracker Barrel. Give a little taste of civilization to a otherwise depressing place. If places like this want to come here, it means that they see potential for growth here.

    This isn't the 1950 folks. The days of the Mom and Pop store being the only game in town are loooooooong gone.

    Again, I would welcome Cracker Barrel and encourage more CHAINS to come here.

  50. What "local" eateries are around this area that actually have good food? I can't think of any off the top of my head. There are a few places where the food is passable but not necessarily good. I think Ruth Chris' is a fine restaurant but it's out of the way and pricey. Red Roost is good if you want crabs and seafood. Old Mill is a dive for tourists.

    Chef Fred's was good but it's gone now.

    I haven't been to a restaurant around here yet that could hold a candle to my wifes' cooking, with the exception of Ruth Chris'.

    So tell me, where are the local eateries with fine food, excellent service and reasonable prices?

  51. Everyone squabling about chains yet most on here shop at food Lion, Super Giant, or WalMart. I guess their not chains.

  52. @10:18

    Couldn't have said it better myself. CB will be the new "Sunday best" restaurant. If you're going to dress up for one of these nasty places could you at least dress up for walmart too?

  53. The city and county government does not support local business.
    It's a fact, they buy office supplies, most all their printing needs from out of other counties or order from catalogues from other states.
    other needs as computer setups, etc. are done by out of state companies, not the local business providers.
    why am i going to support local business? not going to help locals when the local govenment doesn't.
    they don't buy from us, expect our taxes. screw local business.
    i'm doing like local government, going to the lowest cost and get usually better food.

  54. I don't think CB would hurt other businesses, because not just locals would eat there. People from all around would come there to eat and it won't hurt locals, look how many fast foods there are around here...I'm all for them coming here.

  55. When traveling, I enjoying eating at Cracker Barrel. That is the only chain restaurant I would consider eating at. Here on the shore, I try to always boycott corporations and eat at locally owned restaurants where the money stays in the community and they always appreciate your business! My favorites are Pecan square deli, Station 57, Fratelli's, Mister Paul's legacy and Delmar Pizza. I cannot say enough good things about them! Always treated like family when I go there!!!!

  56. I heard Cracker Barrel was locating near Autumn Terrace - near K-Mart. I know they were looking at a corner there.

  57. If I am not mistaken - former Zia's building is being sighted for the all new government independence card with automated monthly renewal subscriptions. That way - people can replentish their bright orange cards and use them at the local eateries.

  58. It will take 2 years for permit approvals.

  59. 11:38 That is BS. We have the ocean to our east, and the bay to our west. Their are fisherman struggling to make ends meet, and the "locals" choose to buy cheap from sysco and the like. Suchi de kanpei (sp?) is probably the only place I've seen with fresh tuna and other fish. The tuna you buy at every other restaurant is frozen junk. the rockfish you get? frozen junk. Crabs? from Louisiana and junk. I don't go to eith local or chain, as I prefer to get my own food from the land and water, myself.

    But don't sugar coat it and make it seem like the locals are doing anything good for here. They're not.

  60. The Cracker Barrel can have a sign up to 100 feet off the ground, so it can be seen, all they have to do is point out that the Hardies sign is also that tall. If they don't get a variance just sue for discrimination, call Eric Holder or Obama and cry foul, like the Zimmerman trial, don't like the rules, scream racial biase!

  61. Your house 11:17.

  62. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Your house 11:17.

    July 14, 2013 at 4:41 PM

    That is true, but my wife likes for someone else to do the cooking now and then. My cooking is edible but she deserves better than that. ;)

  63. Cracker Barrel didn't speak up until Ci Ci's Pizza expressed an interest in the property.Not quite sure why there is contention between those 2 chains,but whenever one makes a move the other seems to follow suit.

  64. Cracker Barrel has considered a move to the Salisbury area for several years. A previous site considered was in front of the shopping center where K-Mart is but the sign height was an issue because of being close to the airport. They really don't need a super high sign because people will look for them on their free road maps and the locals will support them. Their new grilled chicken pineapple salad is awesome, by the way!

  65. Hardee's sign across the street is pretty high. I could not see why it would need to be higher than that.


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