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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Salisbury Fire Department Numbers

When you get down to the nuts and bolts of what Salisbury is all about you come to learn that it is the leadership that is flat out destroying Salisbury as a whole. 

Allow me to explain. We all know crime has been way up in Salisbury for many years now. Mind you, Chief Duncan and Mike Lewis have done a fantastic job and we should also thank the MSP for their role in reducing crime more recently.

However, look at the numbers. We took the time to look at the stats from the Sheriff's Department and quite frankly the majority of their calls are in Salisbury. Last year the SPD responded to almost 60,000 calls. I'll repeat, 60,000 calls! So just how many Police Officers do we have. It's somewhere around 70 Officers, many of which are not patrolling the streets. 

The Sheriff's Department has somewhere near the same number of Officers and if you've never looked at just how big Wicomico County is, it would amaze you the territory they have to cover.

The Salisbury Fire Department has around SEVENTY+ Paid Firefighters on staff. While many of you are under the impression these men and women work 36 hour shifts straight, your mistaken. Are you ready???? At Station 16 the paid Firefighters work 24 hours ON and 72 hours OFF. Station 1 & 2 have paid Firefighters that work from 7 am to 7 pm, Monday through Friday. 

And you wonder why I, (and many of you) have a problem with them taking equipment to go get lunch or dinner. 

So now you have a serious crime problem and the SFD has more coverage than the SPD. OK, now let's look even deeper. The image and stats we provided this morning cover all the calls coming into the SFD. MOST of those calls are EMS related. Only a very small percentage of those calls are fire related and that's how we came to an average of 3 fire related calls per day. Now, remove the FALSE ALARM calls and your probably down to ONE fire call a MONTH, not DAY. It's probably even far less than that, yet you have all this money going out to paid Firefighters it makes no sense. 

The Leadership in the SFD and the Mayor's Office, (going back to Barrie Tilghman) have done everything in their powers to take just about anything and everything away from the VOLUNTEERS. That INCLUDES the old Fire Station 16 recently sold for $85,000.00. It was paid for and OWNED by the Volunteers, as well as other Stations in Salisbury. The leadership simply took them away from the Volunteers.

You and I were told when they were building the new Fire Palace that they were creating DORMS, (very expensive) to encourage new recruits, (volunteers) and even college students. They spent a small fortune building a palace kitchen so the Firefighter could comfortably cook meals there and gave us the impression they were stuck there for days on end. It was the Mayor and Fire Chief that SOLD the taxpayers as to why they were spending so much money.

Instead, the SFD Leadership have actually pushed the Volunteers out of the Department because their long term goal is to SECURE high paying jobs as well as sell us on why they are so important. Now they're even charging insurance companies for their services and even the local businesses all this money for false alarm calls, all of which are covered in the taxes we pay. 

Yeah, the SFD is pissed at Joe Albero for EXPOSING this kind of information. They want to fly under the radar, so when we publish factual information they threaten to let my building burn down or my home. They threaten me by saying I better not even need a ride to the Hospital. Quite frankly it's a serious problem. What IF I do need their help. Am I to believe I'll be well cared for or protected, even after I arrive at PRMC? The clear answer to that question is, NO. Most tell me if I even get there I'll never leave alive. 

So these guys want to talk about how they risk their lives as Hero's, what am I then Ladies & Gentlemen of the SFD? You may not agree with me or like me but WHAT IF something does happen to me. Am I to live my life in fear, God Forbid something were to happen. I am simply doing my JOB. I am exposing what has clearly been proven in comments to be a very a hot topic. 

I firmly believe the taxpayers of Salisbury are wasting a ton of tax dollars by paying for this service. I firmly believe when you look at surrounding towns that DEPEND on their Fire Departments, the VOLUNTEERS do an incredible job. Buildings and homes are far better protected these days. We created better codes to assure massive fires like the one many years ago in Downtown Salisbury don't happen again. Could it happen, absolutely. But don't you think for a single second that those other towns surround the City wouldn't be there in a New York second to back up our Volunteers. 

The City created a Code & Compliance Department to make sure more of the run down homes and buildings were brought up to code, making for better and safer living and use. 

When we as a community see Fire Equipment going out to pick up food, do you really think every single person at the Fire Department ALL want one kind of food. The answer is NO. In most cases they are picking up BBQ at one place, subs at another, Chinese food and Penara Bread etc. Considering some are on a 12 hour shift, (we feel) you can bring your food in for the day just like most Americans do. The same goes for those who are being paid to sleep on a 24 hour shift. If that is not acceptable, we simply ask that you take one of the more than 14 chase vehicles, (Crown Vic's and Suburbans) to make your food runs. 

I know there are some decent rebuttals referencing training but you and I both know this running around has been abused to no end. I do not believe the idea of using chase vehicles is unreasonable. The reason we are publishing so many images of equipment all over the city is because so many citizens have had enough of it. WE are being forced to cut back while the Fire Department continues to grow, and for what reason. Homes and buildings are much safer. Structure fires, (in the City) are few and far between and quite frankly you should be downsizing. Instead, you belong to an organization, (accreditation) that demands you hire more people, buy new equipment on a regular basis and the irresponsible leadership sells off extremely expensive used equipment to surrounding Volunteer Departments for a penny on the dollar. 

Taxpayers of Salisbury are, (pardon the pun) tired of getting hosed. Bring back the Volunteers for crying out loud and perhaps divide the EMS from the Fire Department. The old Fire Station should have been used for just that, rather than also selling that for pennies on the dollar. Between salaries, overhead expenses, retirement packages, disability, health insurance, fuel and the list goes on and on, (as a businessman) I'd say it's time you shut that business down, (paid Firefighters) and let the honorable Volunteers protect this City. It simply makes good business sense, especially when you look at the stats from the MSP, SPD and WCSO. These other organizations deserve much better, respectfully. 


  1. This was why the "Election was rigged" against Mr. Albero. A man with this kind of ability to understand and investigate the waist in this city could not be allowed to go on.

  2. Yeah look at all the money we wasted on a fire boat that has not ever been used

  3. Spot on Joe. What a waste. The only hero's I see are the ones they bought for lunch. Now I will say a big thank you to all the voluntary fire & EMS for what you do.

  4. 100% facts. Not we wait for the obligatory hate posts by employees of the city. Such a shame they'd rather run the city into the ground, for their own profit. It should be changing soon, especially with the pictures... coming soon.

  5. Here is a thought. You forgot to mention the 3 brand new Ford Explores the city just bought for the Salisbury Fire Department. Rick Hoppes and John Tull each got a brand new Ford Explorer that cost the tax payers over $35,000 each. Get this, they are both unmarked white Ford Explorers with a very expensive light packages. They have no stripes or markings which allows them both to sneak around the city unnoticed. This is the reason you don't notice them out and about. Slick aren't they.

  6. We get the negative comments from the paid firemen and not one paid fireman lives in the city limits and pays Salisbury City taxes.

  7. Like the post JOE,

    But you're wasting your time and breath and everything else...

    these city residence don't give a shit about the abuse, they voted for these people so there stance is clear...

    NO one is tired of this crap, why? Because they are still here... They are still here typing away comments instead of directing their anger or action to the right people and places, instead they go to the wrong places and people to demand stuff, that NO ONE CARES about and if they do, they are far in between...

    If this is accurate then get the names of the people who said this crap, and let's take them out... I mean we can rally behind one another toget rid of those ass holes who don't want to do their job to help...

    Because what people fail to realize is this stuff affects EVERYONE not just a few and the other thing people only care about is when it directly affects them... Meaning they will need a ride to the hospital and when they get there they get no help then, and only then they will want change....

    While we're here now telling them this could be you next, who the hell wants to take that risk?

    If someone is truly saying they will not help anyone in this city whether it be because of hate or the news or anything else, then we need to call them out, and make sure they are fired or lose any licences they have PERIOD, when it comes to health and life, I will NOT TOLERATE THAT...

    If people knew how much pull they had if they would band together, we could fix anything, but everyone is either stupid, scared or doesn't care...

    That talk about we can change and fix anything is one person at a time is CRAP... complete crap... you need the masses to join together then we can take back the city...

    1. No one in tbe City of Salisbury Fire Dept, Paid or Volunteer, would EVER deny anyone care for any reason. That statement is untrue.

  8. The only real Fireman is a volunteer Fireman. He does it for the job.
    Paid firemen only do it for the money.

    1. Seriously?! What money?! If firemen were doing the job for money, they wouldn't be firemen.

  9. Agree 100% Joe. Everyone keep taking those pictures.

  10. Since Mr. Albero was robbed of the Mayors position, How many dollars have been wasted in Salisbury? Every day money goes up in smoke.

  11. Ford Explorers ?
    That's a surprise. I expected to hear it was a LINCOLN Navigator. One with GPS to find restaurants.

  12. The problem is Joe you are more negative then positive. If you have a viewing audiance as large as you say then make a positive change. This stuff is just nasty and not needed. This will never make a difference. NEVER!

  13. You were robbed of the election, Joe. I heard Chuck Cook paid off one of his computer nerds to rig the election.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Ford Explorers ?
    That's a surprise. I expected to hear it was a LINCOLN Navigator. One with GPS to find restaurants.

    July 12, 2013 at 1:42 PM

    You can bet that fat a$$ Hoppes already knows where all the restaurants are. I recently saw him at a local all you can eat buffet with his family sitting as close to the buffet as he could. Lazy slob.

  15. i am a paid fireman and just to let you know the ones with the cameras we are taking the fire boat down to seacrets sat to make sure the boat is running properly stop in and we will buy you a cold one

  16. Anonymous said...
    You were robbed of the election, Joe. I heard Chuck Cook paid off one of his computer nerds to rig the election.

    July 12, 2013 at 2:06 PM

    There has been talk that the money came from O'Malley's campaign fund that had to be spent and ironically Cookie works for O'Malley.

  17. Totally agree with this report. As a taxpayer, I agree I am sick of paying for all this waste. If ff don't protect us why do we need so many? Why can't the chief do his managerial job and stop this waste? From a business standpoint, the chief is not doing his job and should be removed.

  18. I think they used democratic voting machines. A vote for the opposition goes to you. Way to go Chicago, I mean Salisbury.

  19. When you talked about waste, you forgot to mention the rumor that the "training area" where they used a crane and spent lots of money to disassemble an ambulance and fire truck and lift them to the 2nd floor for "training" have now been removed and scrapped. Is that true? There was a whole room set aside for them and two vehicles that could have been sold would have been totally wasted if this is true.

  20. Joe you live in Delmar District so would call Delmar DE for help, not Salisbury. So don't loose any sleep worrying if Salisbury would come to your rescue. If you called them to your Main St place it wouldn't matter as insurance would pay for damage.

  21. Amen about the Wicomico County Sheriffs Dept.. Look at the distance from sector to sector...

  22. They have a $1,000,000,00 KITCHEN.

  23. Most fire companies in the area support theirselves by fund raising events. Would Salisbury do that?? NO, No, No, they are to good for that.

  24. For the Voting people of Salisbury:
    "Volunteer Firemen Good"
    "Paid Firemen Bad"

  25. Anonymous said...
    Totally agree with this report. As a taxpayer, I agree I am sick of paying for all this waste. If ff don't protect us why do we need so many? Why can't the chief do his managerial job and stop this waste? From a business standpoint, the chief is not doing his job and should be removed.
    July 12, 2013 at 2:30 PM

    As a tax payer I feel compelled to agree with you as well. The Salisbury Fire Department is a multimillion dollar business that is ran by someone who isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand. The business is losing money and the management needs to be replaced.

    If this was a large corporate business the corporate office would fire the executive staff or shut the doors.

  26. Anonymous said...
    When you talked about waste, you forgot to mention the rumor that the "training area" where they used a crane and spent lots of money to disassemble an ambulance and fire truck and lift them to the 2nd floor for "training" have now been removed and scrapped. Is that true? There was a whole room set aside for them and two vehicles that could have been sold would have been totally wasted if this is true.

    July 12, 2013 at 2:36 PM

    You are correct and Joe posted pictures and a story of the fire engine and ambulance that was cut in half to use for training. I am related to a career firefighter who says that they were never ever used for training. He said that more money was spent on the props when David See hosted a chiefs meeting at the station to show off. It was several months ago that the firefighters dismantled what was left of the fire truck and the ambulance and city dump trucks from public works hauled the scrap away.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Joe you live in Delmar District so would call Delmar DE for help, not Salisbury. So don't loose any sleep worrying if Salisbury would come to your rescue. If you called them to your Main St place it wouldn't matter as insurance would pay for damage.

    July 12, 2013 at 3:13 PM

    If Joe wanted to he could call for Delmar anywhere he was in the County and they would respond. You are allowed to request any ambulance you so choose and they will be dispatched.

  28. The comments coming from the FD and PD are concerning. What they are saying is are refusing to do their jobs. What happens if they arrive on the scene of an accident and it happens to be an Ex or maybe a bully from high school or even someone they just don't like. What they are saying is they think they should be able to play God and decide who they want to help. They should be careful of what they say. Now if something happens we have to wonder did they really do their best or did they ignore their job because they didn't like a person.

    1. No one, Paid or Volunteer, would EVER play God. They are all very professional and would come to the aid of anyone, friend, ex, enemy, bully, they treat everyone with the same professionalism. They get the job done.

  29. Heroin is a scourge at this time, people will do anything to get it. Ever wonder why we've had troops in Afghanistan for 12 years, where 80% of the world's opium grows, but our troops have had their hands in their pockets? Have our troops been told to leave the opium warlords alone?

  30. I' am a cook and they can hire me and I will cook for them at the palace, seriously.

  31. I recently saw one of Salisbury's marked Ford Explorers in a development on the weekend at a party. A party in Hebron MD. Why should Salisbury tax payers pay for gas for this fireman to go out of town when he is off.He should drive his personal vehicle.

  32. I am a supporter of our fire personnel. However, I do not like the use of the vehicles to run errands and think that it diminishes the department in the eye of the public and is an abuse of taxpayer resources. We would all be better off if the department would stop this. If you want interaction with the community, schedule a day or two a month for tours of the department by school classes, homeschoolers and parents with small children who aspire to be firefighters. Everyone wins.

  33. Nothing installs fear in the heart of a "paid" firemen like a volunteer Fireman

  34. Volunteer firepersons are not on ego trips.

  35. Let me put it simple as I can... Stick your site up your A$$

  36. Anonymous said...
    The problem is Joe you are more negative then positive. If you have a viewing audiance as large as you say then make a positive change. This stuff is just nasty and not needed. This will never make a difference. NEVER!

    July 12, 2013 at 1:50 PM

    Oh no an expert on blogs. I bet this fireman voted for Obama.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Most fire companies in the area support theirselves by fund raising events. Would Salisbury do that?? NO, No, No, they are to good for that.

    July 12, 2013 at 3:20 PM

    The Salisbury Fire Department has never ever done any fundraising except for the mailings which are sent out by an out of town company. All the fire department has to do is go to the mail box to collect the checks. Anyone that donates to them is foolish.

  38. Anonymous said...
    I recently saw one of Salisbury's marked Ford Explorers in a development on the weekend at a party. A party in Hebron MD. Why should Salisbury tax payers pay for gas for this fireman to go out of town when he is off.He should drive his personal vehicle.

    July 12, 2013 at 4:44 PM

    That brand new marked Ford Explore was bought as a take home chiefs car labeled as "Assistant Chief 2."

    Salisbury Fire Department take home cars:

    Chief 1 - Hoppes - new Ford Explorer - Parsonsburg
    Deputy Chief 1 - Tull - new Ford Explorer - County
    Deputy Chief 2 - Smith - Crown Vic - County
    Admin Assistant Chief - Scott - Crown Vic - Delmar, Delaware
    Assistant Chief 2 - Varies - County, Fruitland, Powellville, etc.
    Training Lt. - Webster - Crown Vic - County
    Assistant Chief 1 - duty chiefs - assigned to St. 16, but several take it home during their shifts.

    So now if there is a "Reported" structure fire alerted there will be 6 chiefs cars responding from all over the county with lights and sirens blaring and running people off the road. These take home vehicles account for a lot of fuel wasted as well. They justify the take home vehicle being used as their family vehicles because they "are on call."

    Station 16 also has 2 utility pick ups.
    Station 1 has a utility pick up.
    Station 2 has an SUV.

    Can you see more fuel wasted on a daily bases!

    We don't have enough police patrol cars and these clowns have take home family vehicles.

  39. 5:09 PM are you an upset fireman?

  40. Ut Oh! Engine 16 is responding hot to a minor MVC in the parking lot of Red Door Sub Shop. The accident has been going on for almost an hour before PD calls for an ambulance. That patient must be nearly dying for Engine 16 to be driving that fast through city limits.

  41. Complaining about this o-called waste of taxpayers money does no good. You must go to a city council meeting to get anything done. Jesus you kook-aide drinkers are so stupid. This blog has "0" influence. And I bet this doesn't get posted.

  42. 4:38-Seriously speaking,when did you or anyone else see a help wanted ad requesting an anonymous person to cook?

  43. 5:02, are you smoking left handed cigarettes? I grew up where if anything caught fire, it was finished before anyboy could get there to help. Then I lived where there were only paid, and that worked real well. Then I moved here.......... I can tell you about some egos. The younger bunch just want the license plates so the cops will leave them alone, and the adults are carrying the load. Thank God we have them!

  44. Anonymous said...
    Ut Oh! Engine 16 is responding hot to a minor MVC in the parking lot of Red Door Sub Shop. The accident has been going on for almost an hour before PD calls for an ambulance. That patient must be nearly dying for Engine 16 to be driving that fast through city limits.

    July 12, 2013 at 6:19 PM

    That engine is being supervised by Jay Jester, the most hated guy at Ocean City EMS. He hates the paid paramedics in Ocean City where he is a volunteer and hates the volunteers in Salisbury where he is a paid guy. Mr. Jester was behind the hostile take over of the EMS Division in Ocean City. Hoppes is an idiot for just promoting him to Captain in the Salisbury Fire Department.

  45. Have we heard anything more about Lore Chambers?

  46. 6:19 PM
    The way I heard it: Engine 16 was called to red door, But called back they were already there getting subs.

  47. I'm ashamed to admit that I work here at The Daily Times. The genius bosses here are following you again Joe Albero. From what I hear in the building, they have a big story coming Sunday about what the people at the hospital-medical center make as their pay. We at delmarvanow are following you yet again which is why we are gonna go out of business soon. Will Salisbury News hire me to sell ads?

  48. Anonymous said...
    Let me put it simple as I can... Stick your site up your A$$

    July 12, 2013 at 5:09 PM

    If that is so simple, why are you here? You can't understand your own statement?

    Seriously, do you think your comment even matters? You think it will stop even one person from coming here? YOU cannot even stop coming here. lol.

    Joe must be doing something right since he gets so much hate. That would indicate that you are doing something wrong.

    Keep it up Joe. You and your blog is just like turning on the kitchen light. That's when you see all the little bugs scurrying around on the floor.

  49. If I told you "I Love You" would you believe me?

  50. David said...
    Complaining about this o-called waste of taxpayers money does no good. You must go to a city council meeting to get anything done. Jesus you kook-aide drinkers are so stupid. This blog has "0" influence. And I bet this doesn't get posted.

    July 12, 2013 at 6:34 PM

    David you are nuts if you think this blog has zero influence. I notice you didn't know how to spell it.

  51. July 12, 2013 at 8:37 PM

    LMAO. Great analogy. Those paid firemen are nothing but little bugs, cockroaches as a matter of fact.

  52. Anonymous said...
    4:38-Seriously speaking,when did you or anyone else see a help wanted ad requesting an anonymous person to cook?

    July 12, 2013 at 7:07 PM

    Oh boy a cockroach that writes. Poor grammar, but the poor little wannabe farmin tries to reed an rite.

  53. July 12, 2013 at 7:52 PM

    LOL. I think you heard right.

  54. Jay Jester is nothing but a wannabe hero. He thrives on LODD's(Line of Duty Deaths). These types are dangerous because there goal in life is to get their 15 minutes of fame if they die on a call. Losers with a mental illness.

  55. I'm still curious about the fate of Doctor Chambers!

  56. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...

    If Joe wanted to he could call for Delmar anywhere he was in the County and they would respond. You are allowed to request any ambulance you so choose and they will be dispatched.

    July 12, 2013 at 3:50 PM

    Another misinformed person commenting about something they know nothing about. When you call 911 and request an ambulance to respond to an address, Wicomico central will alert the ambulance that is closest to the emergency to respond and treat the patient. you can't just call 911 and ask for an ambulance to respond where they are not "due"

  57. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...

    If Joe wanted to he could call for Delmar anywhere he was in the County and they would respond. You are allowed to request any ambulance you so choose and they will be dispatched.

    July 12, 2013 at 3:50 PM

    Another misinformed person commenting about something they know nothing about. When you call 911 and request an ambulance to respond to an address, Wicomico central will alert the ambulance that is closest to the emergency to respond and treat the patient. you can't just call 911 and ask for an ambulance to respond where they are not "due"

    July 12, 2013 at 10:45 PM

    You are the one that is clueless my friend. They will dispatch first due as well as the ambulance requested. Get a real job and educate yourself before you run your mouth.

  58. Joe you never mentioned money in this most important article. The Salisbury Fire Department sports a more than $8 Million operating budget and most of that is salaries for the paid firemen.

  59. I have noticed, any time you have a topic about firefighters, there is a higher number of comments that contain insults, name calling, put downs, rude behavior, spelling nazis, grammar nazis, persona attacks, threats of violence, inquires about a persons age, body weight, sexual orientation and preferences, education levels, and all other sorts of nonsense that has nothing at all to the topic at hand.

    I just find it interesting that ONE topic can elicit such varied and negative responses. Both from the public, and even more troubling, the firefighters themselves.

    These actions clearly demonstrate there is a total lack of professionalism of the part of firefighters, and probably EMT's as well, and also a total lack of civility and respect from the general public.

    This would indicate, at least to me, that firefighters, again, possibly EMT's, are not well liked nor respected. Or at least the so called 'paid' firefighters.

    I can't help but wonder why? It has to be noticeable to others as well. Especially ranking officers in the dept. as well as city management.

    And yet, it seems no effort is being made on improving firefighters image, their relations with the public and themselves, nor city management. This is no way to run an organization, especially one that others depend upon for their personal safety and their protection of real property.

    It would be almost comical if not for the fact that it has become a real problem and a danger to the safety and well being of the public at large.

    I would venture to say there is an almost total lack of leadership in that organization as well as the city that oversee's and funds it.

    I certainly would want more for my dollar than what I have read here and seen in the city of Salisbury.

    It seems that there are a lot of boys playing fireman. We need MEN to fill that role. People's lives are in the balance.

    They need a leader to pull them together and have common goals. Weed out the immature ones and those that are not professional and there to do the proper jobs.

    How can they, or anyone for that matter, expect to have pride and respect given to them, if they refuse to do so themselves?

    When I was a child, I spoke, behaved and understood as a child. When I became a man, I put away childish things.

    I think there are some that need to put away their childish things and man up.

  60. I'm sorry to say that nothing will be done about this situation .
    Most government agencies have become married to Obama thoughts and desires.
    We all know that he has bought their trust with $$ and as a capitalist nation , know turning back to moral standards.
    You and I will pay for this crap until the fall of America , which I think is very soon.
    They just don't know what is going on in the country!!

  61. What ever happened with the Lewrenzo Cropper lawsuit that Shanie confided to you about? (TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2013)

  62. Common sense dictates that all the firemen know what is exceptable conduct but their entitlement attitude justifies their actions in their minds. They think we "owe" them because of what they do. You just can't fix stupid!

  63. 736, what does "exceptable" mean in your sentence. Not sure what you're trying to say. Do you mean "acceptable" or "exceptional"?

  64. 9:14 AM

    I'm not him but common sense would dictate that he was trying to spell the word 'acceptable'.

    It surely could not be exceptional when describing the SFD.

  65. 6:34 PM...Dave..
    You lost that bet! where can we pick up our winnings?

  66. To the grammar police (aka 9:14) acceptable.

  67. Anonymous said...
    Seriously?! What money?! If firemen were doing the job for money, they wouldn't be firemen.

    July 12, 2013 at 11:35 PM

    The firemen are some of the highest paid employees of the city. The unqualified assistant chiefs can max out at $100,000 per year. I just looked at the city budget and the tax payers can look at it themselves. This paid fireman wants you to think they are underpaid and they are not. If they are not happy at their jobs I encourage them to leave. They are to stupid to realize they are fortunate to get a job in Salisbury because no one else wants them. The city scraped the bottom of the barrel to get them.

  68. Anonymous said...
    I have noticed, any time you have a topic about firefighters, there is a higher number of comments that contain insults, name calling, put downs, rude behavior, spelling nazis, grammar nazis, persona attacks, threats of violence, inquires about a persons age, body weight, sexual orientation and preferences, education levels, and all other sorts of nonsense that has nothing at all to the topic at hand.

    I just find it interesting that ONE topic can elicit such varied and negative responses. Both from the public, and even more troubling, the firefighters themselves.

    These actions clearly demonstrate there is a total lack of professionalism of the part of firefighters, and probably EMT's as well, and also a total lack of civility and respect from the general public.

    This would indicate, at least to me, that firefighters, again, possibly EMT's, are not well liked nor respected. Or at least the so called 'paid' firefighters.

    I can't help but wonder why? It has to be noticeable to others as well. Especially ranking officers in the dept. as well as city management.

    And yet, it seems no effort is being made on improving firefighters image, their relations with the public and themselves, nor city management. This is no way to run an organization, especially one that others depend upon for their personal safety and their protection of real property.

    It would be almost comical if not for the fact that it has become a real problem and a danger to the safety and well being of the public at large.

    I would venture to say there is an almost total lack of leadership in that organization as well as the city that oversee's and funds it.

    I certainly would want more for my dollar than what I have read here and seen in the city of Salisbury.

    It seems that there are a lot of boys playing fireman. We need MEN to fill that role. People's lives are in the balance.

    They need a leader to pull them together and have common goals. Weed out the immature ones and those that are not professional and there to do the proper jobs.

    How can they, or anyone for that matter, expect to have pride and respect given to them, if they refuse to do so themselves?

    When I was a child, I spoke, behaved and understood as a child. When I became a man, I put away childish things.

    I think there are some that need to put away their childish things and man up.

    July 13, 2013 at 4:55 AM

    Joe this is the best commentary I have seen so far. Maybe this should be a comment worthy of a post.

  69. Anonymous said...
    What ever happened with the Lewrenzo Cropper lawsuit that Shanie confided to you about? (TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2013)

    July 13, 2013 at 7:05 AM

    That is a good point.

  70. Most paid firemen volunteer where they live. So are they good or bad?
    I am a paid fireman, I once lived in the city. I moved away from the city after becoming tired of the circus we have for a mayor and council. I would like to see more volunteers. Become proactive, applications can be picked up at the Cypress St Fire Station. Lets see the community step up to the plate and help themselves.

  71. Budgets... How much did the fire department budget increase so the "volunteers" could get RETIREMENT???

  72. Hoppes it the root of these current problems in the Salisbury Fire Department and there should have been someone else appointed to weed out the rift raft.

  73. Anonymous said...
    Budgets... How much did the fire department budget increase so the "volunteers" could get RETIREMENT???

    July 13, 2013 at 1:48 PM

    None you dumb moronic paid man. The volunteers deserve some incentive anyway so what is the problem if they do get a "retirement." It isn't much by no means. I wish you entitlement morons sucking at the government teat would find another job. You people are hateful and can't be trusted.

  74. July 13, 2013 at 4:55 AM
    You mean like people playing with fire trucks like toys?

  75. "Anonymous said...
    The problem is Joe you are more negative then positive. If you have a viewing audiance as large as you say then make a positive change. This stuff is just nasty and not needed. This will never make a difference. NEVER!

    July 12, 2013 at 1:50 PM"

    Oh but I believe it will 1:50. For far too long people have taken the politically correct route and it's failed miserably...It's time to shame and publically humiliate those that abuse the system and engage in corruption.

  76. Joe this is the best commentary I have seen so far. Maybe this should be a comment worthy of a post.

    July 13, 2013 at 12:20 PM

    thank you

  77. Anonymous said...
    Most paid firemen volunteer where they live. So are they good or bad?
    I am a paid fireman, I once lived in the city. I moved away from the city after becoming tired of the circus we have for a mayor and council. I would like to see more volunteers. Become proactive, applications can be picked up at the Cypress St Fire Station. Lets see the community step up to the plate and help themselves.

    July 13, 2013 at 1:46 PM

    Are you asleep? Read post 7:54PM about Jay Jester. Self explanatory.

  78. I would like to share a few historical facts in regard to your statement of the City taking firehouses from the Volunteers. Lets start with the newest station which opened on April 12, 1986. Station 1 was a City funded project under Chief Francis Darling and Mayor Paul Martin. Station 2 was built with a joint effort of Volunteers and a construction foreman in 1930. My Grandfather was one of those Volunteer members. In 1936 the membership of what was known as the East Side Fire Company No. 2 approached the City to take over ownership. This was done because of the high expense of running a fire department. The City funded maintenance of the building and apparatus ever since. The Headquarters Company station was opened on February 3, 1928 and followed a similar path of the City owning the building and the maintenance of the same. This was completed under the leadership of Chief Fred Grier Jr. A Volunteer member and Civic leader. In each case the City took nothing. The City was approached by Volunteers with the one thing in mind. Providing a public service by the best means possible. Running a modern fire department is very expensive whether it is 1928 or 2013. I hope this will clear up any misunderstanding you may have had.

  79. Joe you may want to read up on what the insurance underwriters require of Salisbury and other similar municipalities of similar size. Without a compliment of paid firemen and volunteers your insurance rates would have you up in arms over something other than Taylors BBQ.

  80. Your quick to speak about your perceived notion of racism and Lorenzo Cropper. Where were you when the last chief ran Lorenzo out of his job in Salisbury ? I never saw a single post on the former dictator that lasted a big 14 months. Salisbury lost many good members, career and volunteer thanks to his antics and you never uttered a word.

  81. Anonymous said...
    Your quick to speak about your perceived notion of racism and Lorenzo Cropper. Where were you when the last chief ran Lorenzo out of his job in Salisbury ? I never saw a single post on the former dictator that lasted a big 14 months. Salisbury lost many good members, career and volunteer thanks to his antics and you never uttered a word.

    July 14, 2013 at 6:59 PM

    He was protecting this guy because Dictator Simpson was DC's friend and choice for Dictator in Chief.

  82. Did you know the national average salary for a firefighter is $42,450 per year yet the average salary at the SFD is $36,000 per year. That's 85% the national average. Also did you know that the cost of living in Salisbury is 115-120% of what the national average is. Doesn't an areas cost of living normally play a large factor in how much a person gets paid. I guess Salisbury must be the exception.

    You state that you want Salisbury to go to a volunteer fire company only. Your rational for this is that all the surrounding FDs manage their calls that way. Lets look a little deeper into that so called rational; take the next 3 closest stations, Fruitland, Hebron, & Parsonsburg. Each of these stations average between 200-400 fire responses per year. Added together that comes out to be between 800-1200 fire responses for these stations. Guess how many fire responses the 3 SFD stations run each year, between 3000-4000. How well do you think those volunteer companies would do if you increased their call volume by 3-4 times. I think they would end up needing to make some serious changes as they could never handle that kind of work load.

  83. 4:29
    Look at the population of those 3 towns vs the population of Salisbury. At best if you combined all 3 towns you come up with about 8,000 people. According to the 2010 census Salisbury has over 30k people in it. So while their call volume is 3-4 times that of surrounding departments they also have 3-4 times more people that can volunteer with the department.
    How many more would volunteer if the didn't have to deal with the arrogance of the paid firemen.

  84. I just came across this and am amazed by the sentiments here. I bet if you woke in the middle of the night to a smoke alarm sounding, choking on thick black smoke unable to see through swollen eyes- that you may have wished you spent your breath finding ways to support our professional firefighters both paid and volunteer. Be there for them to advocate for the best training, best equipment and best personnel. They will be there when you need them. They will be your only hope. They will come to save you. Because if it was easy, someone else would have already done it.


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