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Sunday, July 07, 2013


First Lady Michelle Obama has raised eyebrows by likening life in the White House to life in a "really nice prison." Ms. Obama was speaking at the African First Ladies Summit in Tanzania, where she is traveling with President Barack Obama and their daughters. Former First Lady Laura Bush was also in attendance.

It was not the first time that Ms. Obama has complained about life in the White House--which has afforded her the opportunity to travel with her husband on a $60-$100 million trip to Africa, as well as to vacation in Spain and other exotic locales with a large entourage, all the while enjoying Secret Service protection.

President Obama himself has expressed similar sentiments. A mere two weeks after taking office in 2009, he and Ms. Obama escaped to a school in Washington, D.C., explaining: "We were just tired of being in the White House." The president also plays golf with great frequency, and takes many vacations--alone and with family.



  1. she is a low class, self centered unappreciative jackass.

  2. oh we're soooo surprised, yet another chopped quote, with no consideration of the woman's full sentiments, used to throw mud on her image just because you don't like her husband's politics. Doesn't this get boring to you too?

  3. Like her P.O.S. Useless Husband that is slowly destroying what is left of this country.

  4. Poor Moochell,I'll cry myself to sleep tonight.

  5. Coulda fooled me.They were both trying so desperately to get re elected.Not like someone who hates the office.

  6. The Obama family is just crazy they live in the white house which is basically a mansion and goes on pointless trips with taxpayer's money, stay and eat at fancy hotels/restaurants on their trip, and do interviews once in a while and get money from that. Does Obama's rule feel like the french revolution to anyone? I saying this because First Lady Michelle Obama spends tax money on jewels, hair, and clothes like Marie-Antoinette, also Obama's ability to do nothing correct similar to Louis XVI.

  7. low life, ungrateful

  8. Well I say to her, if you don't like our White House, stay where you are, that's where you belong anyway.

  9. Anonymous said...
    oh we're soooo surprised, yet another chopped quote, with no consideration of the woman's full sentiments, used to throw mud on her image just because you don't like her husband's politics. Doesn't this get boring to you too?

    July 2, 2013 at 7:33 PM

    No, but YOU get boring to us. While you are so far up their butts, why don't you check for prostate cancer while you're up there?

    We already know they are a cancer to this country, hopefully it spread to include them as well.

    Was that expanded enough to your liking?

  10. I say let her out and wonder the streets...ha ha ha ha ha...nothing will happen!!!

  11. Obummer and Moochelle have set the new standard of low for the office. They have successfully gone lower than the Clintons.

  12. 105 quite depressing that asking for truth and full reporting is considered being up someone's butt. Notice I made no mention of agreeing with her or her husband. I simply called for folks to discontinue getting riled up over selected soundbites. This offends you? lol

  13. This woman needs to just stay there or go back to Chicago until the end of the term (sooner with Impeachment or Prosecution for Treason, I hope), or buy their home in Hawaii and move now. She needs to shut her mouth. Both are a total embarrassment to the entire USA "citizen" population that are NOT Obammi zombies who only care about getting their free stuff and racially supporting their 50% white, 44% Arabic and ONLY 6% black president.

  14. The Obama's think they are royalty, and would prefer being called King & Queen. Their legacy will be the dismantling of the constitution and their disrespect to veterans and the attempted distruction of our government. The Obama's are more interested in golf, vacations, T.V. appearances. The have accomplished absolutely nothing, and are not respected. Good news America, 3 1/2 years and he is out of office.

  15. All she's gotta do is leave prison.

  16. That is where here and the guy she pretends to be married to belong. In PRISON!!

  17. Anonymous said...
    oh we're soooo surprised, yet another chopped quote, with no consideration of the woman's full sentiments, used to throw mud on her image just because you don't like her husband's politics. Doesn't this get boring to you too?

    July 2, 2013 at 7:33 PM

    Heeeerrrrreee's Your Kool Aid!

  18. No one is begging them to stay. In fact, it would be great for the nation if the entire family would get out of the White House and out of this country forever.
    They are nothing but complete and utter failures and liars.
    This is what the American people get when know nothings are elected as president.



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