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Sunday, July 07, 2013


Three former staff members at Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, have come forward with a shocking claim. They maintain that administrators at the university have been purposefully boosting and curving African Americans’ grades.

This stunning allegation comes from Shira Hedgepeth, former director of academic technology, and two former professors. The two educators spoke on condition of anonymity when they detailed the allegations to Campus Reform, a conservative group that explores various issues on university campuses.

“Some students had their final grades changed based on their race. That was a common complaint of many of the faculty that I worked with,” Hedgepeth, who was terminated in 2011, told the outlet. “None of the Caucasian or non-African American students… none of their grades were changed.”



  1. Welcome to America! UMES is the same way and all you have to do is talk to some of the professors.

  2. One reason is because federal/state and other grant money is dangling overhead for U's that up their percentages of minorities who receive degrees.
    You can take my advice or leave it if you choose but toilet paper is worth more than a degree from a public U or college anymore. Parents are better off encouraging a vocational school if public education is the only option.

  3. This is also happening in our local schools.

  4. 1150 mighty broad allegation smearing the work of a lot of hardworking individuals based simply on "some of the professors" that you supposedly talked to. You're a true example of why opinions are considered worth $0.02

  5. thought they wanted equality

  6. The condition of the black community is the real grade. fail.

  7. Then they wonder why they don't get picked over white applicants.

  8. Their ACT and SAT scores are also graded on a curve-same as Hispanics. Whites and Asians are graded more severely. All of the handouts and special treatment hasn't helped their culture one bit has it,

  9. 1249 so you are applying what happened at this university, which isn't dissimilar from allegations in the past at predominantly white universities, to an entire race?

  10. smearing UMES is an allegation. Its the truth, they hire people to translate Essays there that can speak Ebonics. I hate to say this Ebonics is NOT an language, we said it was at one point. All it ever was is street slang. From lazy people to willing to speak correctly.

    Cant lead a horse to water, read any of the work that comes out of UMES.... Sad, Sad, JOKE!

  11. Anonymous said...
    1150 mighty broad allegation smearing the work of a lot of hardworking individuals based simply on "some of the professors" that you supposedly talked to. You're a true example of why opinions are considered worth $0.02

    July 2, 2013 at 12:04 PM

    Not allegations, just the facts. UMES hands out diplomas that are actually worthless and won't land them a job unless it's a state job.

  12. End Affirmative Action now.
    Everyone should be based and judged on merit alone.
    (but it's now considered racist to expect blacks to make the grade.)

  13. How's that thing working out for the egg thrower professor?

  14. Anon 3:48, you are so right. The double standard is disgusting. It's reverse discrimination.

  15. 1:48 Your comment is barely readable and certainly not grammatically correct. IMO you shouldn't be throwing stones.

  16. 12:04 PM

    and your opinion is also worth two cents. even less to me. blacks couldn't pass a ff test so the state made everyone take it again, and FORCED them to accept some under qualified black applicants.

    that's a matter of public record and searchable. when you take a break from being proud but stupid, look it up.

  17. 3:53 Wow, you think anyone gets on here to look at Grammar? You have to be a liberal, someone cant write it correctly, they must be dumb. I have more common sense in my finger than you'll ever have.

    When it comes to surviving, I have done it... Can you? or will you be screaming like a little girl cause you cant find food or take care of your family.

    I hate liberals jerks.

  18. Fire the administrators now! Qualified graduates should not have to experience stigma because such a practice exists.

  19. Sorry 1:48 I expected a person that is so opinionated about a University and its perceived lack of standards to be able to construct a short paragraph that made some sort of grammatical sense. I commend you on your ability to survive but I will not apologize for expecting someone to be able to write a coherent sentence. Signed, an unapologetic, family-focused liberal that raises a wonderful family and never has a shortage of food on the table.

  20. The interview process is so important in qualifying job applicants.

    I can tell by the writing style their true education level and ability to be educated. Don't even have to look at the name...

    The face to face interview then becomes a giveaway - if I'm forced to interview someone that doesn't pass the literary test. Oral communications skills (or lack thereof) immediately show themselves.

    I agree with the earlier posting - end all affirmative action - some of these people shouldn't get in to college - let alone graduate. Now they have a degree they didn't earn (and people can tell), student loans that they can't pay off because their unearned degree won't get them a job, and they end up getting a government gimme job - to pad some other statistic.

    That's part of how we got where we are as a society!


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