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Sunday, July 14, 2013


For years now Salisbury News has been delivering FACTUAL and DOCUMENTED Employment information and the so called Main Stream Media has been IGNORING it. 

Yesterday we delivered: 

May Jobs Numbers Just In - Wicomico County Labor Force Continues Downward Spiral - Another 926 Jobs Lost in May - April Job Numbers Revised Downward - Unemployment Rate Spikes from 8.1% to 8.4%

What's it going to take to get the citizens of the Eastern Shore to DEMAND these local media sources deliver you TRUTHFUL information about just how BAD our situation is here on the Shore. 

The Daily Times is so desperate right now they're offering their Wednesday and Sunday paper along with internet access for only $10.00 a month. You can believe Gannett follows Salisbury News traffic on a regular basis and they know we're killing them. In fact, in the past two weeks Salisbury News has almost doubled in size each and every day.

WBOC is covering more Kardashian fluff and Delaware news and ignoring ALL of the key important local information. WMDT, well, their simply hiring a rainbow crew where everyone has a lisp and no one watches them any more anyway. It's the Mayor's #1 play channel. Long gone are the Kenny Beck and Stacy Sakai's. 

The commercials are forever long now and quite frankly, (if your anything like me) I can't stand the car commercials any more. We mute every commercial now and don't even listen to them. 

The point is, THERE ARE NO JOBS! Who can afford the cars anyway. Yes, your local main stream media doesn't want to INFORM you that property values flat out SUCK any more. They don't want you to know your job search will SUCK and your better off looking for work at WalMart part time.

Heck, my own Mother in Law sold her home recently on Camden Ave and South Blvd and walked away with $130,000.00 and she had NO mortgage. Only a few years ago this home was worth easily $250,000.00, if not a LOT more. 

I'll bet your not hearing THAT on WBOC, WMDT or the Daily Times. Yeah, Salisbury News and Joe Albero are simply hateful and horrible because we tell the TRUTH. I have been warning you people for years. They will take until there's nothing left. Then they'll get you to borrow until you can't afford to pay back the loan. Then they'll foreclose on you knowing you lost absolutely everything and become depended on your government. 



  1. You reported on that mailing guy in Berlin a few years back, haven't seen him advertise with you again since that report.

    WBOC,WMDT and Daily Times need advertising to stay afloat, they do not want to loose that income, plain and simple.

    It is all about the $$$.

    Not everyone can be a non-profit like you Joe, which is really the way the news should be so it does not sell out to the highest bidder.

  2. Yes but they make more money then you ever will.

  3. Now now we are going to fade to black........

  4. Don't be so sure that they are making much money 12:32.
    This is what's so funny about people around here. They fall for thinking people have money when they really don't have any and are borrowed out the butt in order to perpetuate the wealthy look. All you have to do is look on mdlandrec to see what's going on.
    The people with the real money most have never even heard of and that's by design for security purposes. They don't have Facebooks and a lot of times make donations anon through an attorney.

  5. And this is why journalists have no credibility anymore.

  6. I get all my news from the Net. All of the MSM is a joke any more.

  7. I am one of those unemployed statistics. Ask Jim Ireton!

  8. I live outside of the city limits - in the county. But I don't work near where I live.

    When Perdue started their layoff process a couple of years ago (and they're still losing good folks), a lot of experience and talent they had previously imported to the shore was left high and dry and had to leave in order to keep earning a living.

    I have seen a number of them in other states and on the other side of the bay.

    I consider myself fortunate to be able to maintain my home here on the eastern shore.

    We lost more than the City election...we lost the State and Federal one as well...they're all bleeding us dry....

  9. Thank you for addressing hot button issues and telling it like it is. I think some people don't want to read about things they don't agree with. You are not a YES man...your blog IS the biggest news source for our community.

  10. That house was a steal at $130,000. Add ~$200 to the payment for city and county taxes, and understand that when the WWTP is finally fixed that bill is going to hit $100/mo for a family. Long-term, you've got to wonder if the march of the ghetto down Smith Street is going to take that neighborhood even further down the tubes. The cost of living in the city is really high right now, and the long-term investment potential seems risky.

  11. WMDT has to many weather reports also in the A.M.. map

  12. We lost in Fruitland Too! Tax and spend Democrats that tell you about Tourism Dollars in the Millions! I too know a lot of people who have left the shore. Check out the ones who have stayed and see if they are Wicomico residents! They all moved out of that Democrat County!

  13. I have to hand it to you Joe - you have gone beyond the call of duty and I am honored - I'll say it again - I am honored to be a SBYnews hound.

    No where else can one obtain the accuracy and timeliness in reporting as SBYnews. You really are a tremendous asset for our area.

  14. Just like all the issues at PRMC. No media coverage, but u put it out there. Thanks so much...and by the way, things are no better!


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