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Sunday, July 14, 2013


On Monday, the Broward County Sheriff’s Office released a video calling on the public not to riot in the wake of the George Zimmerman verdict, expected this week or next in Florida. The Sheriff’s Office released a statement explaining that it was “working closely with the Sanford Police Department and other local law enforcement agencies” to coordinate “a response plan in anticipation of the verdict.”

The video, titled “Raise Your Voice, Not Your Hands,” focuses on attempting to channel reaction into non-violent response. It depicts two youngsters, one black teenage boy, one Hispanic teenage girl. “Raise your voice!” says the girl. “And not your hands!” says the boy. “We need to stand together as one, no cuffs, no guns,” says the girl. “Let’s give violence a rest, because we can easily end up arrested,” says the boy. “I know your patience will be tested,” says the girl, and then both conclude, “but law enforcement has your back!”



  1. I work for a livingJuly 9, 2013 at 8:57 PM

    BRING IT ON...it is about time we put the welfare class in check

  2. Good luck with that..they are just looking for an excuse to steal

  3. they are just looking for an excuse to steal

  4. Wouldn't surprise me if they riot and they should be shot on site by the police. When they act uncivilized then that's the way you deal with it. Then when they wonder why racism exists they should just look in the mirror.
    Whites didn't riot when OJ was found not guilty so if riots occur then that is proof that a certain segment hasn't evolved into civilized human beings. Proof also that they are not to be trusted and should be looked at with suspicion and profiled.

  5. This is a good opportunity to try out all those new homeland security toys.

  6. I hope Ireton has a plan to deal with riots in Salisbury when the verdict come out.

  7. doesn't matter what the verdict is. They will riot either way! They don't know any better.

  8. Looting and burning until they receive their checks and money in their EBT accounts at the first of the month.

  9. Welfare, EPT cards, "They" "Those People" "Looking for an excuse to steal".Racist Much???

    1. Exactly! After reading these hate filled comments, you clearly can see who has a racial problem and who clearly hasn't evolved into civilized human beings. Majority of these comments come out of fear. No one is taking you guys serious, so save it! 10:52 your going to shoot someone? Seriously?!? Your going to shoot someone? I 'highly' doubt that. Its like the pot calling the kettle black. Go back into your trailer, eat a mayonnaise sandwich made by your sister wife (literally) and listen to your John Mellencamp records.

  10. Old Dogs And Children And Watermelon Wine,by Tom T Hall thank you.I tossed all the Mellencamp records when he endorsed Obama,but unfortunately you are correct about the rest.And that's a tomato and mayo sandwich.

  11. "hate filled"-either get off your high horse or get out from under your rock and go and see what's going on in the real world.
    You are grossly uniformed. The threats of rioting are all over social media. If you think these are the actions of civilized human beings then you have a real problem yourself and I hope to heck you aren't raising children.

    Don't attempt to gloss over, spin or defame those who are speaking the truth on this matter because that too is something only an uncivilized person would do.
    40 some people shot in Chicago last week-11 fatalities-all blacks. Don't hide from that elephant in the room-get real. This is why people are suspious of blacks-threats of rioting and killing each other in record numbers. It's time you get honest with yourself. You will become a better person for it.


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