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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Trayvon Martin: Rev. Sharpton To Lead 'Justice for Trayvon' Rallies

The Rev. Al Sharpton, founder of the National Action Network, says he will lead a national "Justice for Trayvon" day in 100 cities this weekend to press for federal civil rights charges against George Zimmerman.

With a nationwide vigil Saturday, Rev. Sharpton and his National Action Network are also demanding the repeal of Florida’s "stand your ground" self-defense law.

“People all over the country will gather to show that we are not having a two or three-day anger fit,” says Rev. Sharpton. “This is a social movement for justice.”

Even as these ministers vow to fight on they are urging demonstrations after episodes of violence and vandalism in Los Angeles and Oakland.


  1. It's time for Obama and Holder to step forward and stop this now. But, we have a problem. This is what Obama has been hoping for,an excuse to declare Martial Law. This was all a plan. My suggestion is to just let the black people destroy their own neighborhoods. They did it before and they will do it again. But, for your own safety, lock and load.

  2. Buzzards always feed on the dead!


  4. What I haven't heard from these 'Justice for Trayvon' types is, exactly what would they have done differently if they had been in Zimmerman's place. How should he have responded to being attacked and beaten? What is the appropriate way to deal with someone who is slamming your head into the pavement? Under what circumstances should someone just allow another person to beat them to death?

  5. George received his justice and Trayvon got his..RIP T

  6. Is this what is going on at the Jackson park on the west side, sat?

  7. HEY AL,How about a march in GEORGIA where 2 blk teenagers shot a white baby in the face killing it and then shot the mother in the leg. future treyons on the way.

  8. Anonymous said...
    George received his justice and Trayvon got his..RIP T

    July 17, 2013 at 5:49 PM


  9. This nonsense is being fueled - not by MSM - but by ALL media. What else is in the news? That idiotic "royal baby" story? (HLN gave THAT story over 6 minutes of airtime, most of which covered the possible name of the king or queen to be. Unreal.)
    Trust me: The media NEEDS some news on this thing. They would LOVE a riot. A Black crowd beating up some hapless white guy would be orgasmic to the news agencies.
    And while I'm at it: Comparing Martin - this thug-wannabe - to some of the true heroes of the civil rights movement borders on complete insanity.
    He's Ghandi in a hoodie. He's Mother Teresa with Skittles. He's Martin Luther King without a speech.
    Total insanity.
    Let it rest.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    George received his justice and Trayvon got his..RIP T

    July 17, 2013 at 5:49 PM


    July 17, 2013 at 9:04 PM

    Are you really that dense? Or is this tray's girlfriend?

  11. Al Sharpton should be arrested for inciting a riot. I'm surprised Jesse Jackson isn't standing next to him. Oh wait, Jackson has to clean up after his angel of a son. I'm sorry, but it seems to me that blacks want it as long as it suits them. It not, then they riot, burn things & beat up whomever they please. Even babies aren't exempt from their brutality.

  12. These idiots are going to start a war that they will loose


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