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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Montana Passes Sweeping Anti-Government Spying Bill

What is so interesting about Montana’s House Bill 603, which passed overwhelmingly the state Senate by a 96-4 margin, is that it was passed in April, or several months before Edward Snowden’s NSA revelations. Talk about some foresight. Hopefully, we will see many more such bills sweep across the nation, as “change” will have to be done at the local level. The central government in D.C. is hopelessly corrupt and I don’t see that changing. We must just decentralize away from the District of Criminals on our own. From the Atlantic Wire:

Privacy advocates, behold the Montana legislature and House Bill 603, a measure that requires the government to obtain a probable cause warrant before spying on you through your cell phone or laptop. HB 603 was signed into law this past spring, effectively making Montana the first state to have an anti-spy law long before anyone heard of Edward Snowden. To be clear, HB 603 passed the state Senate overwhelmingly by a vote of 96-4 in April and was signed into law on May 6.



  1. Good, but it won't happen in Maryland because all the liberal Democrats have their head up their liberal butts. There would be no support from O;Malley, Cane, Mathias, or Conway. They are all in Obama's corner. But they are good. Heck, even dead Democrats vote for them.

  2. unfortunately this won't happen in the socialist republic of Maryland. after all our socialist governor is setting himself up to be our next prez. May God help us.

  3. Who were the four dummies who voted AGAINST it?

  4. just another reason to leave the socialist state of MD cause its already on the road to Marxism

  5. Might be a great place to move to. It's on my list, but it's a little northerly for my old bones! Then again, Freedom isn't free.

  6. Maybe George Zimmerman may want to move there, maybe I will when I retire.....I use to love this state.....


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