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Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Land Of Pleasant Living

A great part of living here, being able to boat to Suicide Bridge restaurant and view this on the way home.


  1. just beautiful. thanks

  2. Now THAT is a great "local" restaurant although it is a little out of the way. But the food makes it worth the trip.

  3. What a great sunset! Thank you for sharing.

  4. you want beautiful?....try Naples Florida.....sunset on the Historic pier, nearly 1000ft long,FREE from one end to the other to fish or walk and you can watch the wild dolphin play.....oh and its only $1.50 an hour to park,world class dining,REAL JOBS,nearly Zero crime,affordable housing....Twenty years ago delmarva was a decent place to live not anymore....I will happily live in Naples for the rest of my life even the people are nice! Having left delmarva and knowing so many like me are leaving or have left i can clearly see why....

  5. i'm sure naples is beautiful and the people very nice, but Delmarva is still The Land of Pleasant Living. We have so much to offer here in the way of history, beauty, waterways, artisans, great agriculture, farming communities, the poultry industry, unique eateries and much more. Most of the people are warm, friendly, helpful and loving.
    yes; I realize much of our leadership is dysfunctional at best, but we continue to strive to make it work despite their clueless leadership. unfortunately we do have to abide by the socialists across the bay and the ones here, but again; we try to change it or make it work until we can change it. we are not giving up on this.
    Delmarva Diva

  6. Their new Chief of police will tell them about Ocean City raping visitors and the dummies keep coming back.

  7. delmarva diva really? pleasent living? unique eateries?...warm people who hate tourists?..nothing is working on delmarve look past your rose colored glasses. Stop blaming the across the bridge crap. The area has done nothing to create well paying jobs that people need to afford good homes ect...more companies leave here then will ever come here. Beauty? empty or run down houses,unkept properties..there is nothing unique about the food on delmarva its all mostly bland crap sold to tourists who dont know or care. My time with delmarva covers over twenty years including nearly ten living here. The area is slowly dying a painful death and its sad. Count how kids leave here for college and come back not many. Delmarva was a great place to visit...now not so much. Try to make a good living here, nearly half of worcester county living below the poverty level and the job losses in wicomico county you cant tell me thats good. Oh and while you are all melting up there its 85 here and when its twenty up there my family will be on the beach enjoying 80 degree water. You couldnt pay me to ever come back to delmarva.

  8. maybe you were part of the problem 6:19. I wish you well in your new digs, but the attitude is a bit bad...and you carried that with you.

  9. No i didnt carry any attitude to florida the people here welcome any come heres and tourists alike. The problem with delmarva go back long before i ever came there on vacation all those years ago. The problem with delmarva is lack of any progress. The beaches all along it are nothing more than tourist traps for what?...100 or so days a year. Yes there are parts that are very beautiful no question about it. But as a person who enjoyed vacations here the shinne goes away fast once you live here every day. The poverty numbers and jobless numbers dont lie. The level of crime is very high considering the number of people who live here. I was a come here who liked most of what i saw twenty years ago brought my family here to make a life...as i watched over the years the area has been losing its charm.....and people are leaving and tourism is falling away....and you locals with the rose colored glasses try to explain it all away yet its not working and the real numbers are very telling.....its hard to have a bad attitude when its always nice and sunny,good paying jobs are plentiful,and people are truly nice to each other,and crime is very low....even the parking is cheap. The food is great without the in and off season rip off pricing,and heck our high today is 86 and you are all melting.....lol ill take this all year when yo are all freezing my kids can swim in the gulf and play with wild dolphins......


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