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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Congressman Harris Votes To Give Everyone Relief From Obamacare’s Bad Medicine

If a One Year Delay is Good Enough for Big Businesses, It’s Good Enough for Individuals and Families

– Congressman Andy Harris, MD voted for two bills that would give both individuals and businesses a one year delay from The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The first bill H.R. 2667 “The Authority for Mandate Delay Act” would delay for one year the requirement that employers who have more than 50 full time employees provide health insurance for their employees. It would also delay the reporting requirements associated with the mandate. The second bill H.R. 2668 “The Fairness for American Families Act” would delay for a year the mandate that individuals purchase health insurance.

The House of Representatives took up both bills in light of the Obama administration’s announcement to delay the business mandate for a year. Knowing that the President cannot enact legislation at whim, the House passed H.R. 2667 to delay the mandate for businesses. Also, understanding the basic unfairness of exempting some from the law and not all, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2668 to exempt individuals from the mandate.

“Individuals and families deserve the same relief under Obamacare as big businesses,” said Congressman Harris. “The President’s decision to give them a one year delay from the insurance mandate but not individuals and families is unfair. This law needs to be applied in a uniform way. It shouldn’t benefit one group at the expense of another.

“Despite promises that Obamacare would insure every American with quality, affordable healthcare, we’re seeing firsthand how it’s leading to higher premiums, denied care, and fewer jobs. In Maryland, young people could pay up to 150% more for their insurance under the Obamacare exchange. It’s clear that everyone deserves relief from Obamacare’s bad medicine – not just big businesses – so we can get our economy growing again and get more people back to work.”


  1. Everyone knows how bad this bill was, why not just repeal it. How many more billions are we going to let them spend trying to make something work that was ill conceived from the beginning? Thanks Obama, for nothing!

  2. well you all are the sheeple and listen to everything obama does and you love it...

    SO he knows that won't hurt the dems in the mid-terms... The big businesses which fun most of the dems would be hurt and would hurt the elections in the mid-terms...

    Der-no-der That is why they pushed it back 1 year...

    Obama knows no matter what, via fraud but most likely not, that you will still suck off his teet and enjoy the sour taste each and every time...

  3. Fact is , they already jacked premiums up. Health care is now even more unaffordable.
    I recently interview with a "family owned" business in OC.
    As stated, they no longer offer health care to employees, only to themselves. Is that a problem. You bet it is Ms Greedy.
    this is only the beginning of lower wages and no healthcare because now only the elite can afford it. We will all be on Medicaid sooner or later.

  4. My premiums went up (for 1 person, female, age 57 & basically good heath) $90.00 per month. My pay didn't go up, though. This sucks.

  5. Female almost 50-private plan through CareFirst for 30 years. I've used it once in 30 years. I don't believe in running to the doctors. Paid $126.00/month for over 20 years. Since the first mention of obamacare it has crept up to just under $400/month. I would inquire and reason always was "in preparation of the Affordable Care Act."
    What it is we are paying for those expected to abuse it just because they have insurance and for those who have acute and or chronic health problems. The goal of obamacare is to have everyone paying the same thing no matter age or health problems.
    It's the young people who are really going to be hurt.

  6. Been paying over $12,000 out of pocket every year for the last 8 years for a family policy. Supposedly because I work for a small employer. Welcome aboard my fun bus people. It is a matter of time before you all realize it is the health insurance companies screwing us not the government. It has been some of us for years. Any excuse to increase cost to the consumer, any excuse to decrease payout to providers. Who is making out? The government? The Libs? The Conservatives? Follow the MONEY.


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