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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Election Of A Black President Has Meant Nothing

The greatest hope most Americans — including Republicans — had when Barack Obama was elected president was that the election of a black person as the country’s president would reduce, if not come close to eliminating, the racial tensions that have plagued America for generations.

This has not happened. The election, and even the re-election, of a black man as president, in a country that is 87 percent non-black — a first in human history — has had no impact on what are called “racial tensions.”

In case there was any doubt about this, the reactions to the George Zimmerman trial have made it clear. The talk about “open season” on blacks, about blacks like Trayvon Martin being victims of nothing more than racial profiling and about a racist criminal justice system, has permeated black life and the left-wing mainstream media.

I put quotation marks around the term “racial tensions” because the term is a falsehood. This term is stated as if whites and blacks are equally responsible for these tensions, as if the mistrust is morally and factually equivalent.But this is not at all the case.



  1. If Zimmermann is White Hispanic isn't the President white African???

  2. A black president is fine. The problem is the one they happened to pick. It's almost as if it were some kind of joke or better yet maybe a bet among top media officials. Why couldn't they promote a decent black candidate rather than the ghettofied race stirring, deep seated anger, self serving, radical Muslim in disguise. If you ask me this may have been done for two reasons. To prove that a black man can be president and to assure that no black man will ever be elected again.

  3. If the people of this country has actually elected an American born person of color with morals this country would be in a much better place. The people of this country, however, got caught up in the color, not the person and lack of citizenship and experience. If you don't pay attention you get snookered, just like this country was.
    Can I just add that every time I see an Obama/Biden sticker I want to stop that vehicle and ask them when they were released from the insane asylum>

  4. Number one he is not Black!
    He plays that card when needed.
    He will be careful not to offend the hispanic population cause the Dumbocrats will need them in 2014 and 2016. He is not as stupid as he looks. He is a refined criminal.

  5. Yes it has. I realize how racist he is.

  6. Obama is black communist racist and a liar.

  7. I now have "racial tension" something I've never had in my life. I was always the one who when a black mug shot was posted on here would comment from time to time that I felt a degree of sympathy for those who choose to commit crimes. Not any more. I'm fed up. When they refuse to admit Trayvon Martin was in the wrong when the evidence was glaringly obvious then I'm done. When people are that dishonest there is no hope for them.


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