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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Report: New Details On Saylor Death

FREDERICK, Md. — Police tried to forcibly remove a man with Down syndrome from a Maryland theater with tragic results, despite warnings from his caretaker that her client would "freak out" if they touched or spoke to him, according to her statement contained in an investigative file released Monday.

Robert Ethan Saylor, 26, died of asphyxia minutes later, after three Frederick County Sheriff's deputies handcuffed the flailing, 294-pound man as he screamed, cursed and cried for his mother, witnesses say. Saylor's offense, according to the file documents: He had not purchased a ticket for a repeat viewing of the movie "Zero Dark Thirty."

The 98-page incident report and handwritten statements from 22 witnesses add new details to a case that remains in the spotlight six months after Saylor's death on Jan. 12. Critics continue to call for an independent investigation of the deputies' actions after a grand jury's decision in March not to indict them for what the state medical examiner's office has ruled a homicide.



  1. That movie was hard to sit through once,let alone twice,but once again the cops are blamed.Now do you all get what Zia's had to contend with?The bottom line should be that anyone who cannot comprehend theater policy should not be granted admission.If they display an inability of how to conduct themselves they should be banned from that point forward.No exceptions.

  2. Police could look at the boy & know he was mentally challanged, let alone hear what the care taker was telling them so Why did they continue on?

  3. It will go away he is white and disabled.

  4. Rules are Rules! Buy another ticket or leave.

  5. no sympathy. break the rules and pay.

  6. Break the rules and pay, sure, but with your life???

  7. If anyone recalls,police fought with a 300+ pound man several years back until he dropped dead.Prior to that he had been deemed healthy (other than needing to lose weight).I seem to recall that drugs were involved.The video was surreal.He was maced,tased,clubbed,and apparently thought he was King Kong until his heart gave out.

  8. Here is a very real example of "Police State".
    There is no non-violent solution to this state of affairs.

  9. I understand that the kid is special needs and all. But how would the police remove him from the theater without being force-able. It's not the deputies fault the guy died.
    We can't let people break rules or steal movies because they are special needs.


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