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Sunday, July 14, 2013

SFD Stats

Using these numbers SFD averages about 3 calls per day per station.  Just how many paid firefighters does Salisbury need?


  1. To those of you commenting about our math, just wait until our post later today explaining how our numbers, (3 a day) are not accurate, it's LESS. Am I confusing you? Well I'll give you a HINT. The numbers you see in the "image" are all the calls that come in, including ems. take away all the ems calls and your down to 3 fire related call per day, per station. The post we put up later will prove there isn't even ONE call per day that is legit. More to come...

  2. Um, I come up with 7.7 per day, or am I doing it wrong? 2815/365=7.71? Not that it matters, over 24 hours that's one every 3 hours, and I'm sure most of them are minor calls. I am assuming here that the "Fire Calls" excludes the ambulance chasing calls?

    Either way, that is what a half million dollar truck is for, not for catering lunch.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

  3. I can't until one of those calls are for you. How are your horses doing?

  4. Nevermind, I just read your last comment Joe. I'll wait for the next one. Funny how you get 100 comments every tome there's a far truck photo!

  5. I truly believe that we don't need paid firemen , but we need EMS.
    If you have stats on what fire calls are real and need firemen , I would like to know.
    Most fire calls are just a charade that has become habit.
    A good example that I witnessed was at Pine Bluff village a few weeks ago.
    A false alarm , fire trucks , firemen and other vehicles showed up.
    This occurs frequently through the city and county.
    I really think that most firemen cause more damage that the fire.
    Of course we know what will be said again and again , it's for the children , if we can save one life.
    It's all become a bunch of BS since 911.

  6. Recent Alarms:
    Seizure, Difficulty Breathing and a Sick Subject? WTH!!

    Why is a fire truck responding on those calls. Every time I feel sick I take some medicine and go to bed I don't expect a fire truck to show up.

    This is real damaging to the Salisbury Fire Department. It proves they are chasing ambulance calls to shoot up the numbers to justify their existence.

    They also justify this, in their own minds, because other fire departments are doing this. This is wrong no matter how you look at it.

    Not only is it wrong for them to self dispatch to the ambulance calls they are billing for "extra manpower." I think their extra manpower charge is billed to your insurance company at $100. Ladies and gentlemen not only is this wrong this is INSURANCE FRAUD!!

    This is where everyone should be calling their insurance companies and complaining. This is where everyone should be calling their Congressman and Senators to complain about this insurance fraud. It is wrong no matter how you look at it and Rick Hoppes is encouraging this to happen.

  7. Joe have you are any of your readers considered joining a (the) fire company. Until we walk in another's shoes can we really know how to do another's job or what the duties entail? I hate it when I come on here and find the fire companies and its personnel trashed once again. If all the complaints on here are a true concern then these folks need to speak to the Council, as someone suggested. Find out what can be done to correct a situation we believe is wasteful. We can vent on a blog but we need to speak to authorities in order to right a wrong.

    I am reading comments on here that you and I know to be untrue. Example one person says Jeanette told him the DT Editor paid for a meal, so that saved the taxpayers money. Tax payers pay for the fuel, not the food. That statement is misleading to the public,

    Does it matter if there are 0, or 3, or 7 or 100 calls per day. We depend on the firemen to be there when we need them - and their track record proves they are. God Bless the firemen.

  8. How many paid firefighters does Salisbury need? Three at the most , the rest should be volunteer.

  9. I am deeply saddened and disappointed with your recent post. Numerous members have tried over the years to educate you on the unique nature of this business and apparently failed. Perhaps it would be good to reflect on one of your post from May 16, 2008 regarding local firefighters. An excellent post in your own words. The nature of this business is unpredictable at best. There are days of 50 plus calls filled with excitement and days with 10 or less with no serious calls. Regardless of your opinion you can count on our members to answer your call for help and do the best job humanly possible. I hope you will take a second and reflect back on your May 16, 2008 post and the post that led up to that day.

  10. Why go to the council? It's the mayor that runs the joint.

  11. Everyone who is criticizing the firemen should try it out! Be a volunteer. Then let us know what you think. (This includes you Joe).

  12. Anonymous said...
    Joe have you are any of your readers considered joining a (the) fire company. Until we walk in another's shoes can we really know how to do another's job or what the duties entail? I hate it when I come on here and find the fire companies and its personnel trashed once again. If all the complaints on here are a true concern then these folks need to speak to the Council, as someone suggested. Find out what can be done to correct a situation we believe is wasteful. We can vent on a blog but we need to speak to authorities in order to right a wrong.

    I am reading comments on here that you and I know to be untrue. Example one person says Jeanette told him the DT Editor paid for a meal, so that saved the taxpayers money. Tax payers pay for the fuel, not the food. That statement is misleading to the public,

    Does it matter if there are 0, or 3, or 7 or 100 calls per day. We depend on the firemen to be there when we need them - and their track record proves they are. God Bless the firemen.

    July 12, 2013 at 10:12 AM

    Did it ever occur to you that many of the readers are members of the fire department who can't stand the corrupt leadership of Rick Hoppes and John Tull?

  13. 10:30 AM I can support having only 3 paid firefighters at the stations during the day. They can be the paid housemen who happen to be available to drive for the volunteers or make up that extra person if need be.

    Encourage the volunteers to hang out at the station more and do shifts. Require them to do sleep overs like most successful volunteer fire companies.

    But most of all put a stop to all these mandatory unnecessary calls like automatic fire alarms, car accidents and medical assists.

  14. Id rather have to many than not enough. Just like bullets for my gun

  15. 11:45 AM No that did no occur to me because it is not true. Funny there were no complaints while Hoppes was acting for a year, but now suddenly everybody and his brother thinks Hoppes is the worse chief ever. These luncheon trips have been going on for years but a few act as if they just started since the word acting has been dropped.

  16. Why would anyone want to become a volunteer? The way you guys act would chase away anyone with good sense.

    The backbiting, cliques, superiority complexes, etc., who would want to tolerate the abuse?

    So, instead of defusing the situation you continue to do the things that rile everyone up and criticise you? Real smart strategy there.

    Yeah sure, I'd like some of that. May I have another, sir? Where do I sign up?


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