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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Obama Signs Executive Order To Allow Shut Down Of All US Communication

RT has reported that in a secretly unannounced move, President Barack Obama signed an executive order giving the Department of Homeland Security the ability to shut down all of the United States’ communications systems upon his request. Barack Obama laid out a statement he titled “Assignment of National Security Emergency Preparedness Communications Function”. No doubt a very confusing title. The reasoning behind his issuing of this executive order, is that he feels the government may one day need to access all of our telephones, computers, cable communications, etc., in the name of national security.


  1. So nobody will be able to dial 911? Blocking radio frequencies also?

  2. Hitler at his best.

  3. It is time for him to be gone from office. He makes Hitler look like Sponge Bob

  4. Wake up America!!!!!!!!!!

  5. he loves to feed his ego with all this power stuff!

    Worse president in my lifetime!

  6. This Guy is trounsing on the. Constitution.

  7. Another notch in the bedpost of the Marxist takeover of America.

  8. If I EVER attempt to log onto SBY NEWS and cannot I'll,I'll,well I don't know what I'll do but I'll do something.

  9. Next the DHS chief will be fired.

  10. Ywhere is the outrage sheepie................

  11. It's time for the people to take back this country. If the military doesn't do it then we need to form our own militias. This corrupt administration needs to be gone and if it means bloodshed then so be it.

  12. They already "access all of our telephones, computers, cable communications, etc."

    Obama is just giving himself the authority to do it in retrospect because they were caught.

    As Kissinger said, "The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a bit longer."

    The most telling part is that the domestic media won't cover it. Don't you think something like this is important? Why don't they want you and your neighbors to know what's going on?

  13. And where are all the Republicans now that's right not a sound. They are just as bad not to fight for this country. We voted for you and you are weak we need new blood in Washington.

  14. He wants to stop all communications so he can dictate his muslin doctrines.

  15. Wow, Right on cue, Anything bad in America happens. the racist bigots here blames it on the black man in office! As usual I was right. Obama-haters ARE THE biggest racist and bigots in American History. There is NO doubt in my mind about that!

    First off, these assholes AREN’T real Christians. REAL Christians DON’T and NEVER use, constantly demean, and desecrate the name of God and Using God’s name To Promote Right Wing political Anti-Christ, Racist, Bigoted, Obama-hating rants like these scumbags love to do.

    Is Barack Obama anything like Adolf Hitler?

    Is Barack Obama anything like Joesph Stalin?

    Is Barack Obama a mass murderer?

    Is Barack Obama an evil man?

    Is Barack Obama a Muslim?

    Is Barack Obama a "Maoist"?

    No he is not.

    Obama admits to having Muslims in his family and Islam being part of his cultural heritage, but he does not mean "he is a Muslim", but I does mean you are a bigoted scumbag!
    The COLB was first published in June 2008 - before the election in November!

    Obama wasn't even President yet - as a matter of fact he wasn't even the chosen candidate yet since they didn't even have the convention until August.

    If the B/C was a fake, it was the legal responsibility of the HDOH to come forward then and state that it wasn't what they had in their possession. They didn't so it's the real deal. Get it?????

    If it was a fake, we would have been talking about President Clinton right now!

    God! Is having a black man as President THAT bad for you people?

    1. You are a fool, I will not waste more words

  16. 241 100% correct.

  17. if he pulls this crap and actually tries to use it, then its martial law baby! ill be walking around salisbury with my AR and 12gauge taking care of business! what else are you gonna do if you cant call for help?

  18. HAM radio operators will be our only long distance. Walkie talkies for local.

  19. 3:16 pm drink some more of that KOOL AIDE and smoke another joint and you will be ok when they come to detain you!

  20. 3:16 we hate him because he hates us. Not because he's black but because he sucks. I also don't like you because you are a fool. you might be a black fool you might be a white fool it don't matter we just know you are a fool...

  21. A few years from now when a then Republican elected President utilizes this executive order to save our backsides, you all better man-up and eat crow on this one. In this day in age of cyber crimes, computer viruses, and high tech espionage this make some sense. Even if it is not to access our telephones, computers, and telecommunication, it may be in fact necesary to stop others from accessing it.

  22. Sorry, but this begs the question;

    If all communication is shut down, how will he communicate to the troops?

    Maybe we, as Citizens, need a plan for that day so WE can communicate with the troops, as I expect they will be on our side!

    Think past the big wave, "look over here!" and use your heads.

  23. 2:37 is a boot licking buffoon. Just tell me -- WHAT "incident" in this huge country would necessitate a total shutdown of every form of communication? Not even SEVERAL nuclear weapon detonations would require that. It actually would make MORE sense to allow Americans to communicate with each other to coordinate rescue and relief. NOTHING in any terrorist's playbook can destroy or incapacitate this nation. Nothing. Nothing. NOTHING! There is a much more sinister reason for giving the government the ability to stop Americans from communicating and it IS NOT "terrorists". Every military commander knows the VERY first thing to do to win a battle is to cut communications. You don't think the government is preparing for battle? You've been either asleep or too busy cheering. BILLIONS of rounds of high powered ammo. Military practicing the quick and ruthless suppression of civil unrest in AMERICAN CITIES (!!) (with coordination with state and local police forces). The militarization of police forces. The nationwide government effort to supress, restrict, and eliminate guns. The purchase and storage of MILLIONS of body bags (whom do they plan on putting in them?). Stepped up use of Nazi "checkpoints" (just practice for the REAL implementation of roadblocks and travel restrictions). The claimed need (to stop "terrorists"?!) for 35,000 (read that again) drones to fly over our "free" country, which is more than is being used in every theatre of war ACROSS THE ENTIRE PLANET). What do they have to do to convince you? Kick your door down and take your family away? Machine gun you at a checkpoint? They are definitely getting ready for SOMETHING and it doesn't look good for "we, the people". Keep cheering, you idiots. Just like the Germans did....2:37 and your kind? Polish your swastika so they know you're on their side.


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