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Sunday, July 07, 2013

Putin Signs Law Banning Gays From Overseas Adoptions

It’s official: Gay couples who live outside of Russia can no longer adopt children, due to a new restriction signed into law Wednesday by President Vladimir Putin.

“The measure is aimed at guaranteeing a harmonious and full upbringing for children in adoptive families,” the Kremlin said in a statement, Agence France-Presse reported.

Civil rights groups slammed the new law, which also bans adoptions by couples who are unmarried and living in nations that allow for legal same-sex marriages.



  1. Even the Russians get this right! Great Job Mr. P

  2. In a lot aspects, Vladimir Putin is a lot more of a man than our current US president. At least Putin 'walks the walk'. He is much of a macho man than Obama ever dreamed to be.

  3. 3:04...I don't agree with this law, nor do I like Obama....but that was the most idiotic statement I've heard in a long time. Putin is downright evil in almost every respect.

  4. I worry about how the whole world is looking at us now. We are no longer a nation that is admired or respected. I really believe this makes us more of a target.

  5. "Putin is downright evil in almost every respect."

    From Wiki-Putin has been widely credited for overseeing a return of political stability and economic progress to Russia, ending the crisis of the 1990s. During Putin's first premiership and presidency (1999–2008), real incomes increased by a factor of 2.5, real wages more than tripled; unemployment and poverty more than halved and the Russians' self-assessed life satisfaction rose significantly. Putin's first presidency was marked by high economic growth: the Russian economy grew for eight straight years, seeing GDP increase by 72% in PPP (sixfold in nominal).These achievements have been ascribed by analysts to good macroeconomic management, important fiscal reforms, increasing capital inflows, access to low-cost external financing and a five-fold increase in the price of oil and gas which constitute the majority of Russian exports.

    As Russia's president, Putin passed into law a flat income tax of 13%, a reduced profits tax, and new land and legal codes.[13][15] As Prime Minister, Putin oversaw large scale military and police reform. His energy policy has affirmed Russia's position as an energy superpower. Putin supported high-tech industries such as the nuclear and defense industries. A rise in foreign investment contributed to a boom in such sectors as the automotive industry

  6. lol, thanks for highlighting your absolute hypocrisy and ideological ignorance today folks. You are so hell bent on trashing Obama, that you now praise a staunch communist leader for doing the same type of actions that you accuse Obama of. ha ha

  7. To 3:23 - Speak for yourself.

    Putin kind of reminds me of former Clark Gable, or Ronald Reagan, or Arnold Schwarzeneggar. His cowboy mentality is more attuned to the heros of the Wild West.

    And as for comparison with Putin to Obama - I would prefer Putin over Obama as Obama says he is against same sex marrage - but when it comes time to walk the walk - he advocates it. Is this not hypocritical? At least Putin took a heroic stand. I even believe he has the majority of Americans endorsement. HORAY FOR PUTIN!

  8. I see that the Maryland Family alliance is in support of banning adoption of children by gay couples. It appears that old Vladimir is no alone in stigma on same sex couples.

    I say let him run against Obama and may the best man win. Putin is definately making inroads.

    As for 4:41 Posting - I do not see how you can accuse Putin for being a communist - is that the same party that Obama is affliated with? Russia currently has pro-growth policies that are based on individual liberties - while Obama is steady removing them.

  9. 4:41 - You need to go back to school. I guess that Communist China also deserves to be scolded for being a communist government. If communism is so bad - then how can that country's GDP almost be doubling every 5-6 years. In fact, they have already surpassed the US as being the world's NO. 1 producer according to some US educational establishments.

    Automobles - China is whooping us up and is No. 1 - http://www.motorauthority.com/news/1032735_china-to-be-worlds-largest-auto-producer-by-the-end-of-the-year

  10. Two words describe the economic progress in the mentioned countries...
    Free Market. Government relinquishing total control of business, industry and trade. They both have a long way to go to get where we, the U.S. used to be.
    That's right, capitalism is the reason for their progress and likewise with Obama, our demise.

  11. Is Putin a Communist?

    If you are talking about someone who follows the teachings of Marx-putting the state in total control of the economy-then NO he is not a communist.

    However he is a strong leader who to some, comes across as a ruthless dictator. In this way Putin makes Russia LOOK a lot like the USSR.

  12. I, for one, welcome Putin as our supreme over-lord. AK-47s and 74s for everyone!

  13. Reference 4:41 -

    It is a shame that you have allowed yourself to be so brainwashed to think that all communist countries are dominated by dictatorial rule.

    I to used to be brainwashed during my years at high school and early years of college. Then one day - it occurred to me that all of those teachers and professors who said that communism was so terrible and that in a communist country it would take 30 people to paint a typical bedroom. Much to their chagrin they have been hoodwinked by the current USA establishment.

    China, Russia, are currently blowing the doors off of the USA economy.

    I'll tell you what happened when they took the great wall down in Berlin - tyranical communism came to America - and capitalism went to Russia and China.

  14. Putin is a man.

  15. I should no longer be surprised at the amount of stupidity espoused here. On one hand, you say look to China and Russia for examples of how an economy works. I guess you forgot that the major drivers of their economies are largely STATE OWNED!! Much of the boom, especially in China, is based off of government spending. So tell me again please, are you for small government and free markets or not? I'm just confused. Although I think your answer is likely predicated on which side you think Obama is on.

  16. But Russia is not self sustaining in any way.There are no starving Russians because of the US.They produce app 1/4th of the goods they need for even basic survival.Putin knows exactly how far to push the US,because Russia does not even have an adequate trade equivalent.Love or hate the US,we feed a lot of countries who would otherwise starve.


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