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Sunday, July 07, 2013

Dog Surprises Officer After Being Freed From A Fence


  1. When it was hanging there I thought it was a pit until he cut it loose,then it looked more like a lab.Great video.We need to see more of the Albero puppies and the progress they are making.

  2. OMG, is that not the sweetest thing.map

  3. I just saw on the internet where each state now has an official dog.Marylands is the Chesapeake Bay Retriever of course,as it has always been.

  4. Good dog. I think I would have taken him home.

  5. They know good when they see it!

    Good Video.

  6. 11:58 there is (or was ) a beautiful chessie at the humane society!

  7. I have to tell you all after watching this I started watching the rest that came up. I have been crying with happy and sad tears. It breaks my heart how some "people" can do what they do to something that only wants love and be loved. How do you feel hurting something smaller then you? "People" can hurt and abuse them and yet the first sign of love they forget all that and are happy to get just a little kindness. Good people know the happiness they get for loving and helping and BAD "people" never will know the kind of love an animal can give. I know in my life there are times when I feel so alone and no one cares and yet my two dogs can feel my pain and they will every time bring me out of it and shows me that I am loved. I have a 14 year old dog "Essie" that is coming to the end of her time with me. She has helped me in so many ways it will be hard to be without her. I have to yell for her to hear me and it is getting harder for her to see. But she still gives me kisses when asked. I also have a 7 year old dog "Ruckus" that I think he feels he is more human then dog. I'm not sure how he will feel when we lose Essie. They are so close. I have been so blessed to have them share their life with me. I know I am going on and on. It just breaks my heart that some people just don't get how much an animal can bring to your life if you treat them like you would want to be treated. P.S. they are both Pits. Never have either of them tried to bite or hurt anyone. Thank goodness I got them as puppies and able to show them nothing but love. Thank you for reading this rant.map

  8. That is awesome!

  9. Now that was cool. How could he not adopt him after that. (the cop not the dog) lol

  10. Yes, 1229, the dog has already adopted the cop! They will be friends for life!


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