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Sunday, July 14, 2013

May Jobs Numbers Just In - Wicomico County Labor Force Continues Downward Spiral - Another 926 Jobs Lost in May - April Job Numbers Revised Downward - Unemployment Rate Spikes from 8.1% to 8.4%

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics released the local & countywide workforce numbers for our nation.  According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics - Wicomico County reported another staggering monthly job loss of 926 positions.  This makes jobs loses for 10 consecutive months in a row or 12 of the past 16 months.  Folks, we are not making this stuff up.  Just last week the Maryland State Comptroller, Peter Franchot, reported that our state was experiencing a jobless recovery before a group of business professionals in Fruitland, MD.  Also, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics revised the Labor Force data downward for Wicomico County.  Previously, the April 13th workforce number was reported to be 51,799 and they revised it downward by 86 jobs to 51,713.  Also, unemployment spiked up in Wicomico County from 8.1% to 8.4%.
Labor Force Data By County, Not Seasonally Adjusted 
02-2011 through 05-2013
Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics
Unemploy. Change over prior 
County Period Labor Force Employed Unemployed Rate % year 2011 
Wicomico 11-Feb 52506 47333 5173 9.9
Wicomico 11-Mar 53116 48391 4725 8.9
Wicomico 11-Apr 52961 48485 4476 8.5
Wicomico 11-May 53444 48877 4567 8.5
Wicomico 11-Jun 53825 48951 4874 9.1
Wicomico 11-Jul 54139 49273 4866 9
Wicomico 11-Aug 53423 48706 4717 8.8
Wicomico 11-Sep 53821 49172 4649 8.6
Wicomico 11-Oct 53384 48809 4575 8.6
Wicomico 11-Nov 53153 48516 4637 8.7
Wicomico 11-Dec 53213 48619 4594 8.6
Wicomico 12-Jan 51246 46321 4925 9.6
Wicomico 12-Feb 52605 47554 5051 9.6 99
Wicomico 12-Mar 53073 48351 4722 8.9 -43
Wicomico 12-Apr 52786 48389 4397 8.3 -175
Wicomico 12-May 53608 49253 4355 8.1 164
Wicomico 12-Jun 54256 49598 4658 8.6 431
Wicomico 12-Jul 54877 50349 4528 8.3 738
Wicomico 12-Aug 53372 49007 4365 8.2 -51
Wicomico 12-Sep 52893 48773 4120 7.8 -928
Wicomico 12-Oct 52487 48385 4102 7.8 -897
Wicomico 12-Nov 52603 48276 4327 8.2 -550
Wicomico 12-Dec 52709 48085 4624 8.8 -504
Wicomico 13-Jan 51189 46296 4893 9.6 -57
Wicomico 13-Feb 51438 46764 4674 9.1 -1167
Wicomico 13-Mar 52101 47607 4494 8.7 -972
Wicomico 13-Apr 51713 47508 4205 8.1 -1073 r
Wicomico 13-May 52682 48270 4412 8.4 -926 p
-5911 less 
p = preliminary. SOURCE:  BLS, LAUS workforce
r = revised 2-Jul-13
Article by Beezer, SBYnews Contributor 


  1. For the life of me, I cannot understand how O'Malley can claim job gains in light of the statistics. How can people literally vanish and then the Governor claims we have job growth. There is no job growth and thus no recovery.

  2. This kind of reminds me of the old silver mining towns in the west. Once the silver was gone, the towns just filled up with tumble weed and the people vanished. The numbers look pathedic when comparing month over month year to year.

  3. Joe, I noticed there are hordes and hordes of abandoned homes all along Old Ocean City Road, MT Hermon Road, Walston Switch Road, heck, they are everywhere. A picture is worth a thousand words and it would be nice to show all of the readers some of these pics. Just an idea to help show the enormity of this depression.

  4. There is not very much that can be done as our legislature has all but sealed the lid on the coffin. With all of the new regs enacted it is almost impossible to grow an economy.

  5. I am astonished as to how an administration can claim that we are having a jobless recovery. Isn't part of the definition of an economic recovery also mean to generate jobs? Maybe I am just not getting it.

  6. Part of the reason for all of the recent shootings is that there are no jobs. People will stoop to just about anything to makes ends meet.

    Where did the term 'making ends meet' come from?

    It came from an impoverished sausage maker who, do to the high cost of meat, had to start using vegetable proteins in half his product because he was having a difficult time making both ends meat.

  7. Obama care has kicked in. You are now witnessing this first hand. Full timers are now part timers.

  8. Thank God we have leaders like Rick Pollitt, Joe Holloway, Bob Culver and the others in office to help lead the county through this. Can you imagine if some of the others who think they are leaders were in charge of the county right now. Where would we be. Thanks to all who are in leadership rolls now. I know it is hard.

  9. These numbers show a total economic disaster. How can anyone lay claim to a recovery given the stats. Where is The Daily Times. Where is the Baltimore Sun. Where is 60 minutes. And where in the >>ll is Bill O'Reilly? This needs to go national.

  10. Joe - Doesn't anyone realize that Wicomico is worse off today than when the recession started! Please look at the numbers. Unemployment is worse today that it was a year ago. And it is within 1/10 of a percent as to what it was two years ago. But look at the overall workforce numbers. The economy shows to be far worse today than it was two years ago.

  11. Thank you to all the liberal democrats and for those of you who keep voting for this type of administration. You are all guilty for this.

  12. Keep in mind Folks that many businesses like Home Depot, Lowes, Hobby Lobby and so forth are only hiring people part time, 30 hours or less. Obama and liberal leaders forced this so they could make it look like unemployment wasn't as bad as it actually is. People are still losing their homes like there's no tomorrow. You cannot make it on minimal pay and part time work. However, you can win with numbers on unemployment like Obama and O'Malley have proven.

    Then you have law enforcement trying to claim crime is DOWN, talk about a load of crap. This is just the beginning.

  13. And lets not forget about the educational establishment of trying to cover-up this mess. They are sending out glossy brochures trying to entice our youth into enrolling and borrowing money that can never be paid back. Talk about mind conditioning, it is happening at virtually every educational institution.

  14. You are all wrong... Wake up! OweMalley said we are doing great and we must just "believe" in him... he knows what is best for us. I can't wait until he is President!

  15. A lot of the dislocation of american workers is being caused by the lack of an immigration policy. Just wait till the new class of immigration visa is implemented - and you will see an even greater retraction of the american workforce.

  16. 7:51 i am tired of hearing about lack of immigration policy, we have an immigration policy we are just not enforcing it along with a lot of other laws. this destruction of our economy is the result of years of stupidity and dumbing down of the population. it is called the progressives. stop listening to the mainstream media and wake up

  17. you all act like the lower shore is this economic hub! it's a fast food stop on the way to OC...always has been. working at places like home depot and lowes wouldn't buy a shed across the bridge! it's called reality...it's not an Obama or Republican issue...I laugh when people suggest Harris teeter or whole foods should come to salisbury...you all would flip out if you saw what their prices are like compared to walmart. beside the local economics will never support those stores. want a good job and good pay? get a decent post-grad education and move across the bay! but you won't so stay and keep complaining like you have for decades.

  18. 8:12, George Orwell called it "Doublespeak", as I recall. I think that was 1984. A "Jobless Recovery" sounds positive, but it's just "Unemployed poverty" with a new shiny name.

  19. To 8:12 - I absolutely agree with you. Wicomico county is so poverty stricken that the only way I can feed the cats is for the dogs to vommit. This place is an absolute economic disaster. High taxes and nothing to show for it.

  20. Responding to 6:07 We have something to show for it. We have firefighters sporting ambulances, fire trucks, and using the taxpayers gasoline to sport around town. We have educators that demand the public subsidize them no matter how bad the economy is. We have the highest - I said THE HIGHEST - Local Income Tax Rate in the entire state. Our dump sticker increases yearly, our flush tax doubles, and now our gasoline prices are going through the roof. The bridge tolls increase, yet the County and State government doesn't cut back - but expands.

    What we have is a demented society!


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