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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Anti-Americanism Soars in Egypt, Both Sides Blame Obama

Both pro-Morsi and anti-Morsi factions in Egypt are blaming President Obama for fomenting the violence that is rending the nation apart, prompting his “lead from behind” style of politicking to come back and bite him in the behind.

Each side of the takeover accuses Obama of supporting the other. As a result, much of the venom is directed at the U.S. president rather than the opposing faction’s leadership, ramping up anti-American sentiments like never before, according to the Los Angeles Times.

The pro-Morsi crowd calls Obama a hypocrite for claiming he supports democracy when he doesn’t support Morsi, Egypt’s first democratically elected leader.



  1. Obama stands for nothing. He is a disgrace to the United States of America. We are weak and the laughing stock of the world.

  2. The Egyptians have every right to be angry at the United States. Obama, Hillary Clinton and now that idiot John Kerry created the problem that is now Egypt by supporting the Muslim Brotherhood candidate. The United States current foreign policy is in shambles with these idealistic Democrats in charge. But thank God for Obama because the fools that voted him President can now get a free cell phone.

  3. Good to see the world agreeing with a good portion (the intelligent, informed and not-on-the-dole) of the American citizenry!

  4. One easy sign of strength would be to cut off the funding.No boots on the ground or drone strikes of any kind.Just stop giving them money.

  5. You guys have a mighty warped sense of reality.

    640: Obama created this problem?? You mean, it wasn't the fact that people rose up against a dictator that ruled for 3 decades?

    1123: I'm also unsure of how this situation makes us "weak". Is it that we were supposed to put 100k US troops on the ground and threaten nuclear war? Or should Obama have waved his magic wand and transitioned Egypt into a stunning example of Jeffersonian democracy over night?

    I'm amazed at how so many seem to be surprised that a country that underwent revolution just 2 years ago is supposed to have it's act totally together by now. The US invested how many 100's of billions into Iraq and Afghan., plus 100+k troops, AND 10 years, yet the job isn't done. But somehow Obama was supposed to magically transition Egypt at the drop of a hat. Too funny.

  6. Obama's foreign policy is working, people have forgotten about the Syrian genocide, Libya, Benghazi, the IRS, I'm sure they have a red laser pointed at Edward Snowden from unmanned drones. We are only a few months into Obama's second term, have faith, things can still get much worse!

  7. 7:53-YOU ARE WRONG! It was the Islamist extremists that rose up against Mubarak because he didn't allow extremism and those suspected of terrorism were executed.
    Obama created the problem by helping the extremists those who use terrorism to propagate their agenda. The "elections" were a farce. Very few showed up to vote out of fear of the extremists.
    You are a brainwashed person fed by Obama admin propaganda. Your president is weak. He has done nothing positive and everything he touches turns into a big mess. He hides from all problems even those in his own country like IRS and others. If you dont' think he is weak then YOU have very very low standards. Obamacare's another example. He's nothing more than the poster child for American's failed affirmative action policies. That's it that's all and if YOU weren't so smitten with the fool you would be hanging YOUR head in shame over the mess he's made of a former stable country!

  8. 7:53 In answer to your question yes Obama created the problem. To deny is either not knowing the whole story or choosing to ignore it like the MSM did.
    Egypt under the "dictator's" rule was a secular, stable, very cosmopolitan country. You were more likely to see the ladies wearing American designer clothing than the traditional Muslim garb. The same with the men.
    As a matter of fact it wasn't wise for a woman to wear a headcovering or for a man to have a beard because they were looked at hard as extremists.
    The minority which was more vocal were the ones that rose up. Those who want a "more Islamic government" which anyone who knows anything about the culture is very restrictive esp on females and does want not only an Islamic world but will go to extremes to see that occur.
    Knowing the military was on the side of those in Egypt (protection) who want secularism and not fearing the Islamists who are brutal they then rose up with numbers far greater than those who wanted "the dictator" ousted.

  9. Obama is a poster child for failed affirmative action policies. He's typical total ghetto, playing on other's people's money comes first with him and working comes in a far far second.
    Anyone who does support him does have the lowest of the low for standards.

  10. But we are still going to send them millions in aid as we do every other country that hates us. When we will government every learn. Lets stop policing the world and use that money here in the USA, for bridges, roads, education and creating jobs and get the ungrateful off welfare.

  11. Theocracies are always a disaster, should be a lesson for the Christian extremists out there.

  12. "Anonymous said...
    You guys have a mighty warped sense of reality"

    What orifice did you pull that statement out of 7:53? You could not be more wrong if you tried. Read several comments after yours for a synopsis of the reality.
    It would also serve you immensely to stop watching the MSM and do your own research to save yourself from looking foolish if you say what you said to informed persons in a face to face situation.

  13. 853 and 909, I love a good version of revisionist history. I guarantee you are apart of the crowd screaming that Obama has stepped on the constitution and so many of our rights. Yet you paste over Mubarak's absolute destruction of many of these same freedoms in Egypt. His human rights abuses are quite well documented. Even Bush disagreed with Mubarak's record. The Egyptian protests encompassed a plurality of activists and involved millions of people from all walks of the socio-economic ladder. The MB took control simply because they had the most organized political group and they put their political machine to work effectively.

    To say that somehow words from a US president were supposed to stem the tide of revolution in a foreign country is quite foolish. Thats like saying the Berlin wall fell because of a Reagan speech.

    Add to that you guys seem to think revolution is an end game, not a process. You say "Obama failed on Egypt" when you don't have a clue how Egypt is going to turn out.

  14. 10:35-You need to go away. You are blinded by propaganda and your love of Obama and not by facts.
    One thing you can be certain of-I've forgotten more about Egypt, the Middle East and Muslim culture than you could ever hope to know.
    Those who wanted Mubarak out of power were most certainly not from all walks. You are grossly un and mis informed, a victim yourself of someone brainwashed by propaganda.
    It was out of fear that the MB was able to gain control-FEAR and the support of the US.
    Any human rights abuses were against those engaging in terrorism. That is a fact and not the propaganda you hear. Mubarak was well aware what happened to the Shah and how allowing the extremists a foothold broke Iran.
    It's happening in Libya now also. The whole area has become a hotbed of extremism and terrorism.

  15. 10:35 Don't you know everything is Obama's fault? When they start with that premise there is no point listening to them. Just miserable people.

  16. 2:13, atleast 1:05 tried to produce some info. to back up his/her claim. You sir are just intellectually lazy.

    BTW 2:13, a quick google search brings up several pieces and peer-reviewed articles that dispute the crud your spouting. So while I know "Obama kool aid" is a convenient refrain for you guys, sorry, there is plenty of hard evidence backing what I have said.


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