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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Unusually High Traffic Post

The Crystal Godwin Arrested And Charged With Embezzlement Post has produced 119 comments and an unbelievable amount of traffic for some odd reason. 

Not only that, it has also been the #1 visited article over the past 4 days.


UPDATE FROM WCSO:Incident: Indictment 

Date of Incident: 11 June 2013

Location: 200 block of Craft Street, Salisbury, MD

Suspect: Crystal Godwin, 44, Salisbury, MD

Narrative: On 11 June 2013 at 12:00 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office arrested
Crystal Godwin of Salisbury on a recently issued Circuit Court Indictment that charged her with theft and embezzlement. 

The deputy transported Godwin to the Central Booking Unit where she was processed and detained in the
Detention Center without bond pending an initial appearance in front of a Ciruict Court Judge. 

Charges: Theft Scheme $1,000.00 to $10,000.00


  1. I was curious about this too...who exactly is this woman and why is her arrest such big news?

  2. I hear people saying,Oh poor crystal, She should have thought about her family first if she cared for them that much,BUT Obviously herself and her family comes LAST, So She gets what she Deserves.

  3. She is popular Gal, what else can you say...

  4. It shows how much small-minded people love Dishing some Dirt. I looked over the comments, it was like sitting in the Beauty Parlor with a dozen old biddies dishing the gossip while their perms set.

  5. She is finally being charged after all these yrs of stealing...

  6. 90% of the comments were from people who don't even know her.A few do know her,but most don't.Humans are animals,and just like any other aggressive species they exhibit pack mentality tendancies.The post could have been about anyone who was charged with embezzling & the same thing would have occurred.Once the negativity had begun everyone jumped on board.

  7. Didn't she used to work in a hardware store?
    Yeah, snobby to some, "intimately" friendly to others...

  8. "Anonymous said...
    It shows how much small-minded people love Dishing some Dirt. I looked over the comments, it was like sitting in the Beauty Parlor with a dozen old biddies dishing the gossip while their perms set.

    June 17, 2013 at 10:57 AM"

    Get over it! When you choose to commit a crime that becomes public information and along with that comes the good the bad and the ugly. The only small minded person is the one who chooses to commit a crime, obviously only thinking of themselves and not what the crime does to it's victims as well as their own family especially any children.
    So get off your high horse and place the blame where it belongs. None of this would be occurring if not for the actions of the person being chastised. She alone grew it now she can chew it and maybe just maybe this bit of public humiliation and scrutiny will make someone else think twice before being so darn dumb!

  9. She is good looking, case closed. If she were a fat slob no body would care what she stole. It's as simple as that. Am I wrong?

    1. More like a washed out 60-70 year old. Have you seen the flippers on this heffer 1:28pm? I don't want to kick er when she's down 1:28, butt they look like puffy loaves of mouldy bread. NOT tasty!

    2. 60-70? She's 44, and many believe she's younger. Good try bud. And it seems like everyone likes to kick people when they're down but when they're on top of the world they wanna be her bestfriend. Shut your mouth.

    3. Younger???? Not hardly, even when she wears clothes half her size she doesn't look younger

    4. You seem mad. Is that's te because you can't wear clothes that are ight fitting?

  10. Her mug shot wasn't so good looking!lol

  11. never heard of the girl. but it sounds like she either made alot of guys mad, and alot of others happy.
    from the posts on here, and some people i talked to who did know her.
    nough said without getting into things people say, not allowed to be posted.
    certainly she was no angel.

  12. All these theft schemes that seem to go on and on for years quite a bit of the time end up being committed by women. Same with the Accomack arsons. Goes to show that women are smarter than men-LOL! BTW-I believe prelim today for arsonists. Not that it's any big deal since it's a given the case will be bumped up to circuit court where jury trial is possible.

  13. See what drugs do to ya.

    1. Drugs?! She has never been on drugs a day in her life. You're a dumb a!!!!


  14. uniforms unlimited?

  15. Wow. She did not age well at all.


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