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Sunday, June 23, 2013


Immigration protesters marched on the home of Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach on Saturday, leaving behind a pile of shoes “of the fathers he’s deported.”

Kansas nonprofit Sunflower Community Actionsaid it had 300 activists in front of Kobach’s home, whom they branded the “King of Hate” on Twitter. Kobach was an architect of Arizona’s tough immigration law.



  1. I'm all for streamlining and getting rid of the bureaucracy at INS but the bottom line is these "fathers" went against the rules and broke laws-period. That in itself doesn't make for a good "father."

  2. To 9:05, they broke laws by coming to this country to work and support their families. Any law that prevents people from working and taking care of their kids is a law that deserves to be disregarded.

    I'm amazed at how some people get so reverential for the wisdom of our legislators when it comes to immigration. There are plenty of bad laws, and simply saying someone "broke the law" so that makes him a bad father is absurd.

    Any laws that interfere with our natural right to work, own property, and travel freely should not be obeyed. Any conservative who supports these laws is not a true conservative. They are, instead, nothing more than a supporter of Big Government and an enemy of individual liberty.

    1. Tell you what 9:57am. Instead of your bleeding heart fantasy, go to Walmart or any of the grocery stores and watch those female rats use their freedom cards to pay for groceries that YOU will be unwilling to spend YOUR money on, then think for once. Who's money is paying for that large grocery bill? It's your money that they are spending. It's your money that is paying for their housing. It's your tax money that that has gone crazy over the last 30 years improving schools for illegal immigrants and you will continue to have it escalate until your death because they are breeding like flies. Know where the money goes that the men are making, many times under the table? Or even if taxed, their dependants guarantee NO taxation. You don't have to take my word, go to the post office friday afternoon and watch them send thousands of dollars back home to the country that they should be living in and know.....That the money orders in those envelopes are the taxes that belong the America for supporting your friends. All of them drive brand new cars, do you? Go to the chicken plants, new cars that you can ill afford. They're self serving rats suckling at the trough of FREE, nothing more. If they were rug heads, you'd want them gone and so would I. Pay attention to your surroundings and watch those you've championed in your post, you'll change your tune in short order. Alot of them have already hit the Pecos Trail and abandoned their rentals in my town, because they and their money's sitting back home in Mexico and their sitting fat, all on Amwerica's dime. They love stupid Americans and laugh at us.

  3. 9:57 so now if you don't like a law you just don't obey it. sounds like obama. we are a nation of laws which as long as they are laws must be obeyed

  4. 9:57 Common sense dictates that you do not make a family until you are able to support it. That's what responsible people do. Anyone who makes a baby they can't afford has no business becoming a parent because those that make good parents are responsible.
    A good parent whether it being a mother or a father does not ever do anything that would jeopardize a child having a stable life.
    Please if you haven't already do not have children! You are the classic example of a bad parent-making excuses and being an apologist.

  5. These fathers who want to support their families should get a job in their own country.

  6. To 10:40, you sound like a good subject, not a good citizen. There are many unjust laws that deserve to be disobeyed. But, go ahead, blindly obey whatever legislation our politicians pass for us. Turn in your guns, give up any personal information they want, line up at the police station to get a cheek swab so they can collect your DNA.

    You know, I'm sure glad the Founding Fathers didn't think like you. "Well, King George III and Parliament passed a law, and so long as its a law it must be obeyed."

  7. What's amazing is this group who protested complete ignorance on immigration. A state's Secretary of State hasn't a thing to do with deportation. That's lies on the shoulders of the federal government. While this occurred in Kansas AZ was mentioned and AZ's immigration policy doesn't even mention deportation. They only broadened who they refer to ICE officials, the department of the fed agency responsible for deportation. Which begs the question, feds are always asking for tips for everyting else like income tax evaders so why would they be upset being referred a possible illegal and AZ law?

  8. Deport them all, let them work and travel freely in their OWN country.

  9. 1:39
    I have seen almost the same things you have seen in the grocery store. It makes me sick. I had to wait behind one just last week. It took me 20 minutes to get through the check out and she was the ONLY one in front of me. Between using WIC for some and then food stamps......the last order ($65 dollars) had movies and other things she paid cash for.
    I however did not know they used the post office to send money home. I have always noticed the line at the western union on Fridays.

  10. Obama is trying to give all these law breakers a free ride to stay in America knowing they will become worthless liberal democrats who bleed the system like they do now. America cant not afford to keep them here. How many Americans do you see trying to sneak in other countries. These illegals understand what land of the free means. The senate and Harry Reid are worthless mabey we can send them across the border to!

  11. It's mentioned here some of the costs of illegal immigration. There are many more hidden costs. Such as Medicaid. When an illegal goes into the ER the hospital is reimbursed by Medicaid up to the point that the patient is considered stabilized. Now they don't go home after that but sometimes require long hospital stays and even treatment in a rehab facility which Medicaid does not pay if you are illegal.
    The facilities don't eat these costs. They request higher reimbursements from private insurers and of course this is passed on to the companies and individuals who subscribe to these insurers in not only higher premiums but limits in treatment covered by the insurers.


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