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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Disability Benefits Program For Federal Workers Reported Rife With Waste

The government's program for disability benefits for federal workers is rife with waste and abuse, according to a three part series in the Washington Examiner.

The series documents many cases of apparently healthy young federal workers feasting at the disability trough. One ran marathons while collecting disability. Another hauled in $142,000 in disability payments for a neck injury – all while buying a boat called "Free Ride," travelling the world, doing trapeze flips on a Club Med vacation and enjoying snow skiing and scuba diving.

"For some workers, they can actually make more take-home pay by going on disability than they could if they stayed on the job, " says Mark Flatten, an investigative reporter for the Examiner.



  1. More fraud and abuse by government workers. Business as usual.

  2. But people with a REAL disability claim take years to get through the system & the BS before they finally get something from a system that they've paid into for years.


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