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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Delmar Delaware Divorces Delmar Maryland

The Greatest Show On Earth came to Delmar last night in an incredible Town Council Meeting between two Towns and two States.

The main topic last night, Salisbury News.

Police Chief Saylor showed up for the first time in a decade wearing a suit and tie, expecting the Press to be there. The greatest show, we don't have a crime or drug problem in Delmar. Clearly the show was planned in advance and several people were not happy with what was being said. Why, because it's just not true.

"The leaks stop now", Mayor Houlihan stated. One person was reported as saying, no free press. Imagine that, telling the TRUTH. 

Our article last week stirred the pot like there's no tomorrow and the Delaware Mayor was not happy at all. He claimed his business was attacked on the Blog.  I guess being called a slumlord is considered an attack and public figures are to be held to a different standard.

Mayor Houlihan threw a fit last night saying that someone from the Maryland side leaked information to Salisbury News, implying it was Commissioners. It always amazes me how public figures become psychics and can identify who said what to whom. A little side note to the Mayor, you have many more enemies who disagree with you than you realize. 

Here's the kicker. Mayor Houlihan and the Delmar Delaware Council have chosen to divorce themselves from the Maryland Council and Mayor. They will now hold private Town Hall Meetings, rather than the standard scheduled joint Council Meetings. So much for the TRUTH and TRANSPARENCY. Last night the lies to the public implying there's no crime problem or heroin problem in Delmar is just a joke.

I'll personally attend the next Council Meeting to discuss the multiple problems with STUDENTS attending High School with drug issues on the Eastern Shore. We'll discuss the burglary statistics and other crime spreading from other outlying areas into Delmar. 

No Mayor HoulihanI'll not allow you to publicly attack Salisbury News and imply we're not telling the TRUTH. You can dress the Chief of Police up in a suit and tie and point fingers elsewhere but Salisbury News is a much more powerful source than you ever dreamed of . We call this kind of Show putting lipstick on a pig, pardon the pun. 

Taxpayers have every right to know the TRUTH. Instead, (as shown last night) you can dress everyone else up and stage a Show for the rest of the Media who will simply publish what you SAY. We, however, deliver the facts and statistics. Delmar has a major growing problem. The Maryland side seems to recognize this problem and from what I can see wants to be PROACTIVE about hitting it head on. 

Houlihan is ticked off because we exposed his lies about shutting down the Safe Streets Program. He's upset because we called him out and he NEVER thought tens of thousands of people that follow Salisbury News each day would respond like they did in our previous article HERE. He's ticked off because he was exposed for walking out of a meeting because a Maryland Council Member called him out for taking away over $30,000.00 promised to the Police Department. 

You can divorce and divide both Council's but when the next meeting comes around I will expose the statistics, just as we did years ago in Salisbury when that Mayor and Chief of Police went into denial until we provided PROOF. I'll help all of you to remember. Salisbury is the 4th most dangerous city, (per capita) in America. REMEMBER that Folks?  Don't let Delmar fall into the same gutter.


  1. Thanks for posting this.

  2. Joe....keep their feet to fire!! As the lady famously said to the Congressman, they "have forgotten their place." Their job is NOT to maximize revenues by "saturating" a highway in order to look for those very dangerous individuals not wearing their seat belt, or doing 65. Their JOB is to protect us. SATURATE high crime areas. Of course, understand that there is no money in busting vandals and burglars. So, quit counting on those who brag about "protecting and serving" us while using binoculars to check our seat belt "compliance". You are on your own. Get a dog. He doesn't have to bite anyone. Just warn you to grab your .357...

  3. Tens of thousands of people follow Salisbury News each day? Please, tell the truth, Lyin' Joe.

    1. Obama Crooked MotorsJune 18, 2013 at 3:31 PM

      Plus one Dumb@@s you. It shouldn't matter if it is Tens of thousands or less, what matters is THE TRUTH HAS BEEN EXPOSED and someone, including 11:16 is not happy about it. Reality check? The Mayor has a job to do and address these issues, like it or not, it comes with the job. And if he keeps walking out of these meetings, oh well, maybe he should just resign.

  4. I do not know about the Delmar issues..but does seem local governments ( Wicomico County, City of Salisbury, States Attorney) all seem to have issue with Salisbury News exposing the issues. KEEP it up!!

  5. anonymous 11:16, YOU may find that hard to believe because YOU don't get anywhere near that kind of traffic but as I have always stated, call me. I'll invite you to my Office and I will allow you to see it with your own eyes.

    We don't play the Twitter game and Facebook game attempting to bring in people from outside our area.

    My numbers are real and I do NOT lie.

    So come on big man, call me, 410-430-5349 and I will be happy to personally show you the numbers. Yes, even if this is you Jonathan Taylor.

    Ask WBOC, WMDT or the Daily Times. I have purposely shown many of their people my numbers to bring back to the Office. I have nothing to hide.

    What will you say then, I wonder.

  6. And now for something completely different,what about the Ampitheater? How is all of this going to affect that? I hear Doug Marshall is contemplating a run for mayor of Delmar,Md the next time around.

  7. 11:16 That was pretty spineless!

  8. We live here in Delmar. We know we have to lock our doors and windows or someone mite come in an rob us now but we never did before. Guess I will have to come to council meetings now. But when will they meet now? How will we know? Hasn't the chief of police been there for a long time? Maybe he should quit and do something else. My friend had his house robbed and one of the cops solved it. It's the cops that do the work not the chief. If it was up to the chief my friend still would be worried that the thief would come back and rob him again.

  9. Doug Marshall lives outside town. He cant be a mare.

  10. anonymous 12:15, Get a grip. Doug doesn't even live in Delmar.

    1. Houlihan has never faced opposition for Mayor. Joe I hope you encourage others to run. Then at least Mike will be able to run on his record for good or not.

  11. Joe, Salisbury's high crime rate placement is based on a anomaly year, not a ten-year statistical average. Also, it has since fallen significantly. I'm not saying that crime isn't a problem in Salisbury, but it is a blown out of proportion.

    Second, good for you! Putting public pressure on government is the only way they will be held to a high standard.

    1. I had 5 staples put in my head after I was a victim of a home invasion....it never made the news. I belive the numbers.

  12. You will never read anything today as the stores in south Wicomico county has not been delivered yet at 13:30pm.

  13. The Maryland side doesn't need a new mayor, but our side does....just saying

  14. anonymous 12:40, crime WAS that bad years ago in Salisbury. You had a Police Chief that stated he didn't se a thing when Casey Tilghman was physically assaulting a Council Member. Yet after personally listening to testimony from several witnesses I learned the Chief of Police "yanked" Casey Tilghman off Rachel Polk.

    You had a Mayor and Chief, (back then) saying there were NO GANGS in Salisbury.

    All I'm trying to impress upon Delmar residents is, IF you happened to be at last nights meeting there were a LOT of lies going around implying there is no drug or crime issue in Delmar.

    The Delaware Mayor refused to raise taxes necessary to hire more Police Officers. Fruitland is no different from Delmar. Both are outside Salisbury where most of the crime generates. They have hired a ton of new Officers. Delmar needs to do the same.

    1. There's drug sales and usage everywhere. No towns are being left out. With the increase and influx of heroin on the eastern shore, coupled with diminished low paying jobs, increases the down and out or depressed cheap heroin user. Even everyday Joe and Mary might try it for recreational use, not understanding how quickly heroin will come to own them. That means they will need the items that you presently own, in order to hock/buy their next fix. Desperation will be the word of the day.

  15. Our side of Delmar wants a safe place to live. We also want a council that can tell the truth. Good for our side bad for theirs. Maybe we should split and let them pay for themselves for a change.

  16. Town Charter states that Maryland and Delaware councils are not required to meet jointly; only to come together for budget, police dept, etc.

  17. Delaware can't pay their own bills they never have that's why they have to borrow money from Maryland every year.

  18. Make a note of it, the Town too Big for One State was split in two by the Delaware Council and a conniving POlice Chief who wants everyone to believe there is no crime. Why? Because they don't want to spend any money to help eliminate it. Good move Delaware! Maryland contunies to look better and better!

  19. New Royal Farms coming to Delmar!!! Some decent fried ckicken for a change!!!

  20. The delaware maryland novelty has problems that cant never be fixed. Split and get it over with already. Let each side live with what it can afford.

  21. He's not conniving. He's just cheap and he lives in the past. He thinks he's doing good for the people who live here but his old ways are hurting us. We think he did a good job in the past but he has to move on and enjoy retirement. Don't they have a good pension?

  22. OK 2:17. That means Delaware gets zip, zero, zilch.

  23. Why does delaware get zero?

  24. Delaware pays 40% of the bills in this town and ends up with less than 5,000 leftover a year? There will be no money to get anything done with!! If there is even one little thing that has to be done Delaware will be in the hole!

  25. Then what will they do 3:34? Heck, this mayor had to step up because no one else wanted the job.

  26. anonymous 3:43, Delmar's problem is quite unique. Your right, no one wants to run for Mayor. One of the key reasons, no one wants to take the job and then raise taxes. Perhaps the timing is right at this point. Once the citizens learn of the drug problems and crime issues they'll be open to a slight tax increase to afford new Officers.

    Remember, your current Mayor REFUSED to provide an Officer at the High School. Even Superintendent Dr. David Ring knows there's a major problem.

    Delmar is no longer in the 1950's. New blood needs to be in place to make positive changes. With all due respect, Houlihan needs to step down and someone respected from the community needs to replace him.

    LEARN from Salisbury's mistakes. A fixed election where everyone has finally given up because they no longer have faith. Why run for Office there any more. You will watch Terry Cohen and Tim Spies walk away and there's no one left to keep the City in check, besides Salisbury News, of course.

    Will Delmar be next????? Will Delmar start whoring out any piece of property they own to their "John's" or shall I say developer friends. Before political figures figure out just how Salisbury did it, be sure to make the proper changes before its too late.

    Delmar could be a LOT like Berlin. Instead, it will end up more like Salisbury instead. There's no crime or drugs in Delmar, right Mayor, right Chief?????

  27. Gee, I wonder why no one wanted the job as mayor of Delmar DE????

    Could it be that the mayor gets paid next to nothing for a thankless job?

  28. I should add, Delmar Delaware taxes are dirt cheap compared to the Maryland side and ALL of you should recognize that FACT. Raise the taxes and hire a new Officer.

  29. anonymous 3:43, I don't know Mayor but feel free to tell us more.

  30. I didn't leave the comment but here's more....

    He has served the town for seventeen years for basically nothing.

    He provides additional services such as cutting the grass for a local church free of charge.

    He is a kind,decent and honest man who does not deserve this kind of treatment.

    I have had the pleasure of knowing him personally for 40 years, so you could say I am an informed source.

    1. Annd nothing was done for 17 years until recently.

  31. anonymous 4:10, has he rung the bell in freezing temperatures for 12 hours at a time, weeks on end for the good of others? Has he shoveled driveways in the snow for people he's never met before and in another Town he doesn't even live in?

    I'm NOT suggesting he's not a good man but please, give it a rest.

    He IS the Mayor of Delmar and IS to be held to a higher standard. LYING to the public about drugs and crime is completely out of line and total BS.

    He's a tight wad who is so afraid of his final legacy of having to raise taxes for the good and safety of those living in his Town. A Good Man will admit he was wrong. A Good Man will be Proactive for the safety of the people he serves.

    It's NOT about money. It's about GIVING BACK to the community you love or care so much about.

    Therefore I'm calling BS on your comment.

  32. keep it up joe keep them on their toes

  33. No one says Mayor Houlihan isn't a good person, but what Delmar needs is a good leader. Someone who recognizes that in order for that side of town to thrive...even survive, taxes must go up or other income must be found from somewhere. There is no reason to act childish and pull dumb stunts like this when your back is against the wall. There is no way that anyone can tell me crime has not risen. That is simply ridiculous. I see it. You don't think Chief knows it? Sure he knows it. I am not sure what Chief is getting out of it by lying to the council and the public, but it must be something! I know what! Since Delaware doesn't have crime, let the police stay in Maryland! I don't mind pushing the bad guys across the street! At least now the public knows that the Chief and the Delaware Council don't care about you or your kids!

  34. You are right. It is about giving back to the community.

    So you are saying he hasn't?

    I respectfully disagree...

  35. I wasn't aware that the Delaware Council made that much less than the Maryland Council, so the money really shouldn't enter into this.

    1. The DE Council actually makes more I think

  36. Joe you should run for Mayor of Delmar. The police need you.

  37. The Mayors and Councils make the same. Mayors get a little less than $200 a month and Councils a little more than $100. I was surprised that the Delaware council passed an ordinance at the same meeting asking for a pay raise for themselves. This year they denied raises to every town employee. Typical.

  38. Is it true that the Delaware part of Delmar only pays 40 percent of the towns bills?

    1. Truth. Half the say, 40% of the obligation.

    2. Yes it is true

  39. Obama Crooked MotorsJune 18, 2013 at 5:44 PM

    The pay has nothing to do with this. Person who accepts the job knows its pay before signing. Its not like few montsh later you say "Oh, if I was getting paid more I woiuld be doing better job". It doesn't work that way. Mr.. Houlihan might be a good respectful man, but being the Mayor.and walking out of the meeting, doesn't seem to be on par with the job requirements. Throwing a hissy fit doesnt get anything done.

  40. Joe you need to look into the children that were hit by the high school. Dr Ring and the police have given several solutions to the Delaware side council but they refuse to do anything! This has been going on for several years. Parents of one little boy that got hit showed up crying and they still did nothing.

  41. Joe I hope you start going to the Delmar delaware meetings.

  42. With Houlihan and other clowns like Thompson and Littleton, no wonder it is the Greatest Show on Earth!

  43. Delmar has become a joke to other towns. The police department use to have the best now all they have is broken stuff that don't work. The Chief of police wont fix anything trying to save a penny. He's just like Houlihan. Save a penny and it takes ten dollars to fix the problem later. They should both retire. I was talking to one of the cops 2 days ago and he said he is looking for a job somewhere else because he's been there for 7 years and still doesn't make as much as a first year Deputy. He also told me that 3 other cops are looking for other jobs because the management dont do anything but make everything bad.

  44. Joe look up how much Delmar delaware has borrowed under Houlihan. They keep borrowing money instead of raising taxes. I'm almost never for raising taxes but if you have to borrow money every year then you're probably running at a loss. The real lovers are the tax payers who are going to see their money going to loan interest instead of potholes, police, etc...

    But don't take my word for it. I beg you to research it because it is crazy how much in debt they are especially compared to the Maryland side (who they owe $300,000 to).

  45. You could win any election in that town you want Joe.

  46. Joe live in a rental in Delmar then run for Mayor. At night you could walk the streets as a vigilante fighting crime like Charles Bronson.

  47. Tried of all the delmar bashing. There are people looking to live in delmar de that cannot find anything because no one is moving. Delmar is a great place to live, let me repeat, delmar is a great place to live!!!!!! Do we have problems, yes! But let's not compare delmar to Salisbury or fruitland, they are not even close. Holohan is an idiot, everyone knows it, he is mayor because no one else ran. He should not separate the towns meetings, this can lead to very bad ripple effects that no one wants. Joe please try to use your bog to help,the situation and not just stir the pot. Please do not just have fun and cause trouble in our town, it is to valuable to us all. We just need better people in office. Come on joe, please help.

  48. What might Salisbury be like today if Alan Webster had used his energy to fight the gangs in Salisbury rather than deny their existence back in the day? What a shame that Delmar is sweeping a problem under thr rug instead of using the public exposure to rally citizens and drive crime from their town.


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