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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Who Is The Highest Paid Public Employee In Your State?

Think the best paid public servant in your state is some tax-collecting bureaucrat with a commission-based comp structure, or some administrative apparatchik? Think again. As the following infographic from Deadspin shows, in 41 US states, the highest-paid public employee is either the football, basketball or hockey coach at the local state school. Whick takes cares of the "Circuses" part. For now, at least, public sector bakers did not make the list...


  1. Coach K. Coach Sabin. Coach Donavan are obvious in N.C. Ala and Fla.

  2. Duke is a private school.

  3. If you want to look at the salaries of top paid employees at PRMC, go to the website HSCRC. Unbelievable!!!


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