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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pitt Bull Loose in Delmar: UPDATE

Mr. Albero: My neighbor who took care of the white pitt last evening is contact with the Owner of the dog. Thanks for posting.
Mr. Albero: Could you please post that there is a white pit bull with a black color running loose on Colonial Mill Drive in Delmar, MD; near Stage Road. He looks like a nice dog, but we all have small dogs in this neighborhood and need to have his caught and taken home. THANK YOU SO MUCH.


  1. Her name is Hillary, and she can be hiding under a rock because she had the flue and can't remember.

  2. had it been another type of dog you would not have said a thing

    dont judge a dog by its breed

  3. shoot it! or you can wait until your child is in it's mouth! and then shoot it!

  4. I didn't judge the dog by its breed....Any big dog is a threat in my neighborhood, because as you know little dogs think they are king, and they protect their area. A fight would ensue and who do you think would win???..the "BIG" dog whether Pitt or Lab.

  5. Shoot it! Someone should shoot you. Obviously you have not read the facts. Its all about how you raise a dog. No matter what type of breed it is, if you teach a dog to be mean it will be. If you teach a dog to fight it will fight. Pit bulls are loving dogs and love their family. If it was any dog running loose I am sure she would have posted as well that the owner needs to be

  6. 8:24-Shoot our beloved Hillary?

  7. Did anyone think to call the park owner & let them know of the situation?

  8. It has all been taken care of and the dog will be reunited with his owner this evening. No need for negative comments...I was trying to help find the dog's owner...I don't know who Hillary is, but this particular dog was MALE....clearly! I do not understand people who have such negative comments. It's a lost dog just like any other dog. No one had any intentions of shooting this dog....I could clearly see he had an owner...lighten up people.

  9. Thank you and sbynews for helping to reunite the dog with their owner. The world could use a few more caring people like you!


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