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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Uncle Arranging Boston Bomb Suspect's Burial Rites

WORCESTER, Mass. (AP) -- The uncle of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev arrived in Massachusetts on Sunday to arrange for his burial, saying he understands that "no one wants to associate their names with such evil events."

Ruslan Tsarni, of Montgomery Village, Md., and three of his friends met with the Worcester funeral home director and prepared to wash and shroud Tsarnaev's body according to Muslim tradition. The 26-year-old died after a gun battle with police on April 19.

Funeral director Peter Stefan said he hasn't been able to find a cemetery in Massachusetts willing to take the body. He said he plans to ask the city of Cambridge, where Tsarnaev lived, to provide a burial plot, and if Cambridge turns him down, he will seek help from state officials.



  1. If this country so despised the terrorist why don't they get his carcass on a plane outta here! No I get it, they want to be further leeches on our society by making us do something with their waste.B.S.!

  2. If this country so despised the terrorist why don't they get his carcass on a plane outta here! No I get it, they want to be further leeches on our society by making us do something with their waste.B.S.!

  3. Throw him in a field and let the buzzards pick him dry

  4. Him, as well as all other Terrorist, should have Pig guts dumped on their graves so “Allah” won’t accept them into Heaven and give them 77 Virgins!

    1. I was wondering if there are any Muslim footballs players and if so why are they allowed to touch a foot ball or do they play with one not made of pigskin?

  5. I say cremate him and ship him to his mother

  6. Plant a "book bag" under his body and hit the button. That is how the innocent people died. Why should we pay for earth to put him in...send him back where he came from (if you can find enough pieces).
    WE the people do NOT owe him or his family anything.

  7. I want to know who's going to foot the the bill for the round the clock security the grave site will eventually need.

  8. I think the NFL may have changed the composition of the football not for kindness to animals but for the Muslim players.

  9. 9:39 Am AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't of said it better myself!!! And I agree with you!!!

  10. He hated America so why should he be buried here? Also aren't they suppose to be buried with in a day according to their faith? He has already cost us enough money. Deliver him to the mosque that he attended and let them deal with him.

  11. I just read where the 22 year old Brown University student Sunil Tripathi was found dead.He was the original suspect in the Boston bombing.

    1. Saves tax dollars 11:36. Just hope they don't spend a fortune investigating it.

  12. I don't agree that any taxpayer should have to pay to bury this terriorist. They don't deserve nor should they expect the state to offer help to them for anything.
    Give his worthless body to science the earth is too good for him.

    1. 11:48 you're correct if a veteran of ours commits a serious crime I don't think the government will bury them in a Veteran cemetery so why should we pay to bury a terrorist?

  13. Cremate him and send his Ass back to the rock where he came from>

  14. put him in the nearest hot incinerator, close the door, turn up the gas & let 'er rip. not 2 b confused with rest in peace. Then, fuggetaboudditt.


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